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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17089738 No.17089738 [Reply] [Original]

Feels good I'll finally make it.

>> No.17089752
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>“12,000 accounts on Robinhood were opened to trade TSLA yesterday. What the machines like to do is interact with heavy retail flow, which is a kind way of saying they like to take their money.”

Are you one of these retards?

>> No.17089757

good job fren

>> No.17089758
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Based and Muskpilled

>> No.17089776

They doing everything they can to stop it
It's the pump of the century I see it leveling off in a few years at 25k

>> No.17089781

t. bought btc at 19k

>> No.17089914

Tesla sure is on a course of massive distruption in tech, cant wait till everything unfolds, i also have my fingers crossed on Tachyon, aiming to have a decentralized internet protocol, its a good buy to me.

>> No.17090305

Fuck, I wish I had more money to invest.

>> No.17090323

buy high sell low

>> No.17090332

It will be interesting to see what happens when they hit the S&P 500

>> No.17090628

>Tesla sure is on a course of massive distruption in tech

no its on course to go straight into the fucking ground. nobody cares about overpriced battery powered cars which do literally nothing by the way, just use battery cells to store energy.. thats it. at least hybrid was innovation in trying to design a new engin tesla cars uses technology that has been around since the 1800s "oh lets see if we can power a car with a fucking battery" holy shit what a freaking genius elon muskt be to figure this out he can build as many batteries and power stations as he likes but it matters for nothing if people still get their energy to charge their cars from fucking coal or ironically from oil plants which have nothing to do with tesla.Its nothing but new paradigm hype and doomed to fail fucking screencap this idc this company will fall harder than theranos. it offers NOTHING

>t seething bear (obviously)

>> No.17090643

Tesla logo kinda looks like the vaginal canal and the ovaries to the top left and right.
Or is it a goat's head?
Looks bearish

>> No.17090658

>lost $775 million in 2019
>$13 billion in long term debt still
>bigger market cap than mcdonalds now
>loved by redditors and california vegan faggots

short this shit
all fomo buyers will be the new bagholders in a few weeks

>> No.17090666

Why are you idiots going into a stock at ath

>> No.17090676
File: 255 KB, 1085x837, chrome_E7Snl9Agl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market cap is out of date here, this article was from a week ago

market cap now 160B

>> No.17090680

Sold all my Tesla shares this morning, thank you for buying them!

>> No.17090683

>buying top

Oh no no no nono

>> No.17090688

>buying the literal top of a retarded bubble

never change /biz/

>> No.17090689

Sure you did Op. bank transfers take 1-3 days. How did you manage to sell your crypto and then send that $ to
Your broker? You fucking liar. TSLA will wish it’s BSV soon. Get fucked kikes. Kikes are heavily invested into TSLA. They are all going to be justed. Then it’s God’s turn.

>> No.17090701

It’s a perversion of Nikola Tesla’s name. FUCK ELON HE WORKS FOR (((THEM))).

>> No.17090884

Sometimes the world makes no sense. It enrages the better of us and yet we can do nothing.

>> No.17090889
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>> No.17090897

I was, and I made 7100 and cashed out, bought a call at the dip for 6.5 already at 12+. I'm so damn retarded.

>> No.17090899

Gratz. You made a mad profit!

>> No.17090918

No he doesnt

>> No.17090951
File: 256 KB, 1125x1032, 4D426421-7DE4-4B9A-8920-35758C505EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least shitcoins don’t lose money this quickly.

>> No.17090969

GL, you’ll need it.
And? Like mcd is some kind of a metric. >>17090884

>> No.17090974

>tesla will soon be worth more than all german car manufactorers
>sells like 10 cars