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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17087160 No.17087160 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.17087164

You have ADD

>> No.17087173

Uhh..wait. Just wait.

This is a long hold through 2021

>> No.17087177

You believed all the "HERPDERPISOLDMYLINKFORTHRASH" posts? What is wrong with you..

>> No.17087187


>> No.17087193

i dropped a hard eth on the sales contract from a metamask wallet and didn't get anything in return. this is 100% a scam

>> No.17087207

You’re 100% a fucking moron

>> No.17087210

this shitcoin didnt even have enough volume to handle 20k link lmao

>> No.17087214

Imagine not realizing when we are being raided by literal scammers

>> No.17087227

I bought this from sale 0.000043 ETH price. And i am up like 40%. Next summer i think i am up something 500%.

>> No.17087236

PNK will moon, just have to wait. you will regret selling

>> No.17087237

If a bunch of randoms came up to you in RL trying to sell you the same shit you'd think something was up pretty quick so why people don't have the same feeling online is interesting. I think it is due to the brain not using the same "survival" mechanisms when dealing with computers etc instead of humans. There's some study talking about that shit in relation to TV.

>> No.17087241

Enjoy the eth ranjeet. hope your kleros scam falls apart

>> No.17087267

Use uniswap you fool.

>> No.17087275
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>> No.17087283

Enjoy your digital chapati

>> No.17087532

One day you will learn not to fall for discord pnd. When depends on how brainlet you are. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.17087794

Pink ID's speaking truth.

>> No.17087798


>> No.17088063

Once again the nopinkies are exposing their low IQs
People sold a lot LINK for PNK. Verify it for yourself on etherscan. Seriously, go check, the transactions are right there for everyone to see.
Why even bother if you can't make up something believable?
Why share your opinion when you are ignorant of the topic under discussion? Did you know there was a token sale? $1m in buy volume can definitely handle 20k LINK. I bet you just looked at volume on cmc and didn't put any more thought into it.
This. All the tards saying "it's still at the sale price" haven't realized there were multiple tiers and the early ones can sell at a profit already... but they are still holding.
Imagine being so scared of scammers you miss out on the next 100x. Maybe you guys are new and need a tip. Everything gets shilled here. You need to DYOR and look beyond the shills if you are going to make it. If your investment thesis is "I won't buy anything that gets shilled" you would have ignored ETH and LINK. Not a great thesis is it?

>> No.17088074

Not been a comfier hold for a while. Zero valid fud has been offered.

>> No.17088102

what price will this reach you think?

>> No.17088106

It was a scam from the start. Deluded Pinkies. You guys who fell for it deserve it.

>> No.17088110

Holding around 500k tokens I can't dump

>> No.17088113

It´s been A WEEK and youre already crying? You need to take your ADHD pills faggot. Sell and dont come back please, I need cheap PNK.

>> No.17088117
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>> No.17088129

all these no pinkies and their weak fud. Sorry you missed the token sale fags now go buy on exchange and stfu

>> No.17088134

Just wait 1 year faggot

>> No.17088136
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Linklords win again.

>> No.17088152
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Enjoy your dead on arrival literally who shitcoin, you gullible dumbass.

>> No.17088178

1 year??? are you fucking retarded???
we miss lots of 10(0)x meanwhile....pnk is a stable coin, i sold before and i fell for it again....not at all comfy hold imo

>> No.17088204

You just win

>> No.17088218

You don't need to miss out on other moon missions. Just grab a stack and wait it out.

>> No.17088231

Wow the retards are busy today.
I'm thinking about $1, $1.20. The market cap is currently just under $5m. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a $500m mc for this network once it is in use, large amounts of PNK are staked, rewards are flowing, etc.
Right anon. It was the best scam in crypto - even Vitalik fell for it.
Bullshit. Even if you bought at the last minute of the sale (i.e. highest price) you could dump 500k now and only lose a couple of percent max. Or you could place your sell order at the price you got in at and wait an hour, it will hit and you won't lose a thing. Why don't you do it then post screens? Other anons will welcome the opportunity to take your bag off of your hands.
This. The token sale was your shot to get a huge bag without slippage. Sorry to see some of you guys missed it.
Although Kleros is a "literally who" for you, there are some of us that pay attention to the space.
Have you ever wondered why so many OG linkies are also pinkies? Think about it anon, see if you can figure it out.
You're right, LINK did a 10x immediately after ICO, so this should too... oh wait... these things take time. Go sit in the back of the class and take your adhd meds.

>> No.17088241

I have 1600 pinks
How long until they're worth 1 eth?

>> No.17088244

Garbage scam. I made 7 eth dumping this after the token sale. so glad I dumped.

>> No.17088276

Nice try fud shill, i'm buying more now

>> No.17088295

Post screencaps of your buys

>> No.17088335

you did this to yourself, retard.

>> No.17088557

First reasonable comment.

>> No.17088653
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>> No.17088748

Bank all turks pls. Can't handle these $500 cap investors.

>> No.17088803

Calling Kleros a scam is the most transparent bait ever

>> No.17088819

Lmao this

>> No.17089063

All the smart anons got in during the sale or just after. There was at least some decent fud or intelligent challenging questions then. Now all that's left is "its a scam" and debating with stupid people is no fun.

>> No.17089442

dude, this is a $5m shitcoin, and that's generous. you are seriously retarded if you expect this to hit 500M. absolutely fucking delusional. look around you.....this market doesn't give a fuck about your scam eth project in a sea of shitcoins.

>> No.17089544

>dude, this is a $5m shitcoin, and that's generous. you are seriously retarded if you expect this to hit 500M.
What would you say would be a fair value for a decentralized adjudication network? The market currently values a decentralized algorithmic oracle project at just under a billion dollars. Why is 500m for the human-powered equivalent so difficult for you to grasp?
>scam eth project
Oh I see, you are exactly the kind of person I was just talking about. If you think this is a scam you are straight up retarded and/or don't know what the word means. You could argue that it won't get adoption, or that there is some flaw in their game theoretic approach... but those would require understanding the project and having the intelligence to form a coherent argument, which is why you didn't do either of those things and just called it a scam.

>> No.17089628

it won't gain adoption. the scam part is when a team raises millions of dollars selling their token for a project that isn't worth anything. how many times do you retards have to learn this lesson? it's garbage. this is not the kind of shit anyone is ever going to use. why would they? the only people who even need this kind of thing is someone contracting work from overseas....but in that case, the platforms they are using already have dispute options. why trust a decentralized version (that you have to pay for) over existing centralized ones? seriously why? I would be more worried that everyone would just side with the seller, no matter who is actually at fault...cause they're a bunch of fucking neets. has anyone ever used this platform before? how many cases are pending / resolved? answer me that...

>> No.17089679

how many projects have we actually seen gain significant adoption? Maker is the only one that comes to my mind desu. everything else in this space is a complete meme. you can't shill a shitcoin and honestly hope for adoption.

>> No.17089739

It's not hard to find people who want to make money with little effort. that's the hook the team is selling to you. problem is, there isn't anyone who is going to pay for this.
retards buying this today are the same type who were all-in on their vechain thundernodes 2018. the kind of anon who is still holding REQ since ICO....just waiting for adoption.

>> No.17090026

>4 posts by this ID

top kek

>> No.17090039

That's more interesting than "it scam".
>the scam part is when a team raises millions of dollars selling their token for a project that isn't worth anything.
99.9% of ICO tokens are start off totally worthless and remain that way, that is true. But not all of them... do I need to mention the most obvious example, which raised like 30m and was called a worthless scam at the time?
>why would they? the only people who even need this kind of thing is someone contracting work from overseas
This is incorrect. One of the first use cases was a token-curated registry which ethfinex used to decide which tokens to list. There are plenty of use cases outside of hiring contractors, although I'm sure that will be a popular use case.
>why trust a decentralized version (that you have to pay for) over existing centralized ones?
You also have to pay for adjudication on centralized services. It is hidden from the user and not broken down as a line item in your invoice, but the cost is there all the same. These companies employ people to manage the adjudication process. They need to be paid somehow.
>seriously why?
Decentralized platforms require decentralized solutions. You can't have a decentralized service which relies on a critical centralized service.
>I would be more worried that everyone would just side with the seller, no matter who is actually at fault...
Useless conjecture, and ignores game theory. If everyone sides with the seller unfairly the buyer can simply appeal the case to a larger group. Ultimately giving the wrong answer will cost you money unless you can control 51% of the entire juror pool. Not going to happen.
>has anyone ever used this platform before? how many cases are pending / resolved? answer me that...
Not a huge amount. Look yourself. kleroscan.com

>> No.17090053

He seems pretty invested in fudding PNK.
Fudding here wont fill your buy order at 4900 fren, had to buy during the sale

>> No.17090055
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There literally has never been a more obvious scam shilled in the history of this board.
I kept fucking telling you, and you never listened.
I hope you burn in hell.

>> No.17090111


Why are you lying, Anon?

>> No.17090132

This shitcoin will NEVER pump

>> No.17090139

You were the main person shilling it you made constant threads you stupid piece of shit and now you keep Bragg about “7 eth” you poor faggot

>> No.17090173

Being on the sidelines watching PNK is almost comfier than my own folio knowing how many here bought PNK

>> No.17090179

I have plenty of ETH. I'm just glad I didn't lose it in this scam. I had the wherewithal to sell before it was too late.

>> No.17090190

They literally called their ticker PNK, as in Pink Wojack, to hint and laugh at you for buying such a stupid scam, and you really bought it?

>> No.17090191

>once it is in use,
which is too long and most anons have kys by then

>> No.17090203

>make 20 threads a hour shilling
>I had the hurrr durr to sell immediately

Satsgang faggot confirmed

>> No.17090213

You dumbass.
You were supposed to go in on the tezos link scam.

How fucking obvious did i have to make it.

All oyher are MONKEY.

>> No.17090217

>4 posts by this ID
I have never seen a cope this obvious

>> No.17090249

I don't care if they are too short-sighted to make it. If they die holding even better, it will reduce the circulating supply by $100.
Why do you believe that a) he invested b) he sold when he says c) he was the one posting the shill threads?

>> No.17090250

Ok Mr. fGTY

>> No.17090302

this is what cope looks like. 4 posts by a fudder, oh no. must be bullish for pnk.
you fucking retards don't even have the liquidity to dump your shitcoin so you have to try and convince everyone else this is the next eth.
nobody....absolutely nobody uses niche crypto platforms for anything. this is so fucking stupid.

>> No.17090303


>> No.17090321

>..absolutely nobody uses niche crypto platforms for anything. this is so fucking stupid.
This. Same thing as VIDT . I learned the hard way. At least I sold this shit before any losses.

>> No.17090322

VIDT was worse. Most likely same discord though. How people keep falling for these I will never understand.. They probably deserve it, but the scammers don't deserve their money.

>> No.17090371

>has anyone ever used this platform before? how many cases are pending / resolved? answer me that...
>Not a huge amount. Look yourself. kleroscan.com
holy shit, I'm glad you posted that. not a huge amount? you mean none. have you even explored the case history? 157 "cases". you don't find it strange that almost every single one was created by the same 3 addresses? never seen a more obvious scam.

>> No.17090427

this address alone created 50 of the 157 total.
this one created 20.
there are so few creator addresses that make up all the 157 cases. it's fake as fuck you dipshit.

>> No.17090428

Found the pajeet scamming everyone. Fuck off jungle gook

>> No.17090449

have a look at the kleros explorer and tell me again who is scamming everyone. you cunts are fucking shameless.

>> No.17090503

So scam you earn ethereum and pnk solving the cases. Who cares.

>> No.17090570

what cases? all cases thus far were created by the same few people and they are all happen to be the jurors on each others cases as well. it's fake. the whole thing. nobody is going to pay you for doing nothing with this shitcoin. you just gave your money away to another ico scam team.

>> No.17090606

I just bought 100k more pinkies :)

>> No.17090687
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>> No.17090727
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>> No.17090766

Nice work fren

>> No.17090833

Anything that says its better than LINK is a scam, actual projects just do their own thing. You should have known.

>> No.17090847
File: 58 KB, 720x945, 3BF1D5BF-A294-4F8B-B2C1-5C0EDC9D037D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solves an entirely different problem than link
>”better than link”

>> No.17090848

Because he’s been bragging about his “7eth” in every thread since the massive shilling stopped and he admitted he was the one spamming it all over the board. He was so excited for making 7eth

>> No.17090859

I'm nervous, may I fell for a scam again? I'm holding this bag til zero

>> No.17090872

This is not scam. DYOR. And chill. btw, next month: https://ethcc.io/

>> No.17090909
File: 47 KB, 874x248, Screenshot 2020-02-04 at 18.19.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you even explored the case history?
Obviously, I research things before I buy them. You don't?
The main usage at the moment is from TCR and what looks like an attempt to have humans classify tweets.
I know it barely has an activity - that's the idea behind buying things early based on the idea and potential.
If you don't have the foresight and imagination to see what these things could become, and the balls to follow through on your convictions, you'll just be another idiot buying tops of things that have already pumped, complaining how unfair it was that anons somehow got in earlier than you.
pic related?
>he admitted he was the one spamming it all over the board
One anon claimed he was another anon... how do you know it is the same anon? Him saying it doesn't make it true.

>> No.17090955

hodl check

>> No.17090973

we’re going to the moon

>> No.17090983

check them pinklets! this pink dont stink

>> No.17090991

>Him saying it doesn't make it true.
He was right though. It was me. There are like 12 of us who post here lol. I shilled the fuck out of PNK after buying the token sale (1M pnk, mostly at .000051). I sold it all for 7 eth profit . I was making tons of threads. I made up Vitalik's Vision for example. The original threads were an obvious organized group though, and I think they are still posting sporadically but much less often I wanted to believe, but it got more and more obvious and cringey . It was keeping me up at night to baghold while seeing other coins make gains. I'd say sell and move on. Take a hit. I got burned bad on VIDT, so don't be jelly of those 7 eth I made off pnk. Just go all in link and eth as a stater pack portfolio.

>> No.17091012

wow absolutely based

>> No.17091069

I used uniswap

>> No.17091145

>I sold it all for 7 eth profi
So around 0.000058? Not a bad flip. Seems strange to sell lower than the sale price when people were overpaying on exchanges but congrats, nice little profit.
>I made up Vitalik's Vision for example.
>it got more and more obvious and cringey
You were the one making it cringey. Well VV was actually a little funny, but definitely too obvious.
>It was keeping me up at night to baghold while seeing other coins make gains.
Have separate stacks for holding and trading, then you get to enjoy the pumps but also the big gains that can only be achieved over time. And don't invest too many in any one token, otherwise you feel trapped.
>I'd say sell and move on. Take a hit. I got burned bad on VIDT, so don't be jelly of those 7 eth I made off pnk
Not looking for advice but thanks. Not jelly either... I got in right at the beginning of the sale. I could take a 7 eth profit now but I'm not here for the small gains.
>Just go all in link and eth as a stater pack portfolio.
ETH/LINK is already the majority of my long term portfolio.

>> No.17091170

anon, it's kind of sad to see that you actually believe in this token desu. how many times does biz need to teach you this lesson? stop marrying shitcoins.

>> No.17091259

the rule of thumb is always to look out for fundamentals in projects! look at the team behind each project. concept and whitepaper matters a lot, a good example of similar project i have being studying is tachyon!

>> No.17091294

Because this is a small board and when you’re poor and stupid you’re easy to recognize, he’s both of those things

>> No.17091363

Fortunately I don't give a fuck what you think. I heard literally the same thing about other tokens that are now worth significantly more than I paid for them.
If you want to see retards married to shitcoins read the bsv and nano posts.
If you want to see someone confident in their investment thesis and ability to pick winners, hang around here and admire my ETH/LINK/PNK bags.
Fair enough. Looking for poor and stupid people in this place nowadays is like looking for a dark-haired guy in China.

>> No.17091380

This guy is the literal definition of cope

>> No.17091382

This is so tiresome. Literally nobody is this retarded and tried to “”sell”” it immediately. Everyone who can send ETH knew there is no liquidity in this, and they’d be holding for a long time.
All replies here are morons “ironically” responding to morons who are trolling “ironically”. This is not even fun anymore
Just so tiring

>> No.17091498

My pinkies are making me stinky

>> No.17091522

Damn This Coin Is Dead On Arrival Lmao

>> No.17091601

Token is almost 2 years old pushing ATH currently
>Dead On Arrival Lmao
Fucking brain dead people get off this board already