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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17081963 No.17081963 [Reply] [Original]

People on /biz/ will sometimes rant about how college is a waste of time and money, and it won't increase your employability. Is this actually true?

>> No.17082018

I’m a 30 something oldfag.

Each faculty at a university will teach you a different way of thinking and approaching problems.

The skills you receive from university are also not only academic, but improve your people skills through group work and also socialising around the university.

You will look back at those years and wish you could be back there, minimal responsibility besides getting that assessment done and working to pay rent for food beer and pot.

It will increase your employability, check out some labor economic theory to see why.

>> No.17082027

Why you want to drop out?

Don’t be a fucking lazy bum, go to lectures, go to tutorials, do your readings.

>> No.17082174

First of all: what are you studying?

>> No.17082235

I'm studying radio/film/television basically a communications degree. Has pretty decent prospects I heard

>> No.17082280

Apply for paid internships in any marketing department. Here I’ll give you a letter of recommendation:

To whom it may concern,
Anon is a driven individual. He takes direction well, and can buy high and sell low. You will come to see him as a sort of depreciating asset.

>> No.17082310

Depends on your major, but usually university is not worth it. If you are seeking trade skills, drop out. If you are going for engineering, or computer science, finish. If you are going for medical drop out (the most soulless industry).

Good luck OP

>> No.17082324

Basically the degree is just a prerequisite to get an internship that is a prerequisite to get a job. Alternatively nepotism (connections) can allow you to skip the process, but if you fail to capitalize along the way it can set you back in your career etc. basically Nothing is easy it’s no longer the year of the boomer. Trust the process ,work hard, profit, good luck anon.

>> No.17082704

>Has pretty decent prospects I heard
My ID changed. I'm the anon who asked.
I can tell you one thing. It may sound like a meme. But for fucks sake, take it serious:
But those two go mostly hand in hand anyway.
I didn't believe in that shit neither.
But trust me: you do not want to end up as an average retard, no matter where you are and on top of that without drive to improve. And you don't want to study something because you heared that it has good prospects or that the pay is good, if you don't enjoy it. No matter what that is.
And also: you don't want to study some retarded bullshit which won't get you a job (gender studies or other bullshit)
This is the best advice I can give you and the best advice you will receive.
See if the risk reward ratio is right for you.
I made the mistake to stick to Computer Science too long. Sadly I am at a point where it's not worth it to drop out anymore. But I got in because of the money, and because I was somewhat intersted in it.
Now I am just an average fag who is competing against a bunch of autists who breath that shit and live it.
I am not that kind if guy. And desu I don't really love it neither, to the degree that I am willing to invest more time into it than I have to.

remember my words and don't end up like me in three years giving the same advice to another anon

>> No.17082771

It doesn't I've been a neet a year. With a year internship. You need a good portfolio more than anything.

>> No.17082804


>> No.17082808

it soounds like a meme but college is what you make of it
put in the effort and you can reap the rewards
smoke weed all day and skip classes
well you will end up at walmart right where you beloong

>> No.17082828

No, it's not worth it.

>> No.17082868
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It really depends on how well you do in there and what you study. I'd say for the vast majority of students though, they shouldn't be there. The price of it is skyrocketing and the returns from it are diminishing. At some point it becomes not worth it. If you get student loans you're never going to get out of debt slavery if you fuck up.

You don't necessarily need college to get a good job, it can help but I've found that just networking with the right people has been way more helpful.

>> No.17082885

Depends on the college you are attending, what you majored in, and your willingness to achieve your degree with at least above barely passing. College degrees aren't a guarantee you'll get a job after, you also have to be willing to move and know how to write a resume or application. Take a class for that at community, they're usually free if you're an applicant taking another class. I see a lot of people who cant find work after college are applying to something that's above their experience level. You don't know everything because you have a degree. It's okay to do the job that's a "step down" as long as it isn't forever and you start moving up in no more than 3 months.

>> No.17082906


>> No.17082926


> minimal responsibility

Had to balance work, college, "Social life", long drive for any family event,

not as easy as adulthood, post 25 so women get wet 4 u on auto silverback status

Adulthood sucks but it has nothing to do with college prove me wrong

>> No.17083011
File: 38 KB, 358x358, Two-Prime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are always opportunities check out Two Prime's new CTO, This might be a game changer desu

>> No.17083026

Yeah ur afucking retsrd.go stem or live with debt your entire life

>> No.17083060

STEM won´t get you a job anymore just like that
Especially not, if you are average
That´s the same waste of time and money

>> No.17083157

unironically find what ypuxre interested in and MAKE CONNECTIONS
STEM is a fucking meme, only the best of the best autists do well in it, if you're an average midwit autist with shit tier social skills, you may as well just drop out

>> No.17083212

this guy fucks
Not everybody is born to be successful
If you´re gay, or transgender or a fucking femanon or just some retarded sandnigger, then you can go into STEM as well, even though you are an absolute brainlet.
Fucking HR will hire you, knowing that you can´t bring anything to the table and actually deserve the rope in a normal world

>> No.17083372
File: 11 KB, 219x230, Business_Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped out in my sophomore year of my bachelors programme so I could work fulltime. After 2 months of passive job hunting I get to work a cs-job, which in the vacancy stated it was a bachelor-level job ssupposedly