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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17077030 No.17077030 [Reply] [Original]

My heart goes out to all of those who haven't bought their stinky pinkies yet.

>> No.17077043

stop appropriating memes you have no right to, Pranav.

>> No.17077046

I got me a 100k suicide stack during the sale.
$1 EOY

>> No.17077058
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x2853, 1579965233429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never trust the french

>> No.17077081

I keep laughing at the desperate FUD to try and keep this low. You will not win. $100K volume day soon.

>> No.17077089

>during the sale
It wasnt a sale. It was the devs printing another 1/3 of the supply and selling it at market price 18 months after the token was created.

>> No.17077098

is this real??

>> No.17077112

Unfortunately, yes. Search for it on the telegram. It's true.

>> No.17077190

>I keep laughing at the desperate FUD to try and keep this low

they are hired indians sir they are hired to fud and to suppressing de token price sir ! IF ANYONE CALLS THIS SCAM SIR DO NOT BELIEVING THEM THEY ARE HIRED INDIAN !!

>> No.17077214

How long until my 1600 pinks are worth 1 ethereum?

>> No.17077309
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>> No.17077328
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>ChainLink does not have a product
>just a medianizer

as opposed to Kleros' extremely complex product that consists of asking a bunch of people what the answer is and then taking the majority response?
this guys a clown, neither product is technically impressive. the impressive part, and especially the value in each product, is due to network effect. which Kleros has none in regards to their oracle solution.

>> No.17077344

frogs are the worst. i'm selling all my PNK

>> No.17077345

To be fair, at the time, chainlink wasn't on mainnet. He still came out as a massive faggot though.

>> No.17078056

Accurate. Funniest thing is how weak it all is. Haven't heard a single valid complaint against it yet.
From the beginning they have said there will be three sales. The recent one was the second.
Stop lying. Or if you are going to lie, use your brain and be creative. Why don't you try associating the founders with trannies or something, that seemed to work well for RLC fudders

>> No.17078085

Can't believe people have forgot about this. Kleros was laughed and fudded when they wrote this.

>> No.17078091

No fucking way is this real... can someone confirm, please? I will be selling my whole PNK stack immediately if this is real.

>> No.17078247

Weakest FUD attempt. Sell your $500 worth to a whale. I'm sure he will appreciate when PNK is $1.

>> No.17078274


>> No.17078294

Eternally BTFO

>> No.17078300

It’s real. I remember the screenshot was circulating a while ago. Never. Trust. A. Baguette.

>> No.17078314

It was true at the time though as far as anybody besides the CL team knew.

>> No.17078369

> Hired Indians
Literally the closest thing I've ever seen on biz to early LINK shilling

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17078382

Why? Seriously, explain why seeing an old screenshot of the founder of a company assessing the technology status of a competitor would encourage you to sell.
What he said was entirely accurate at the time... and kinda still is. You know the price aggregator is literally a medianizer right? Once LINK launches staking, punishment for outlier values, SGX/TEE, etc. on mainnet he'll be wrong, but until then... you can't argue with him technically.
Kind of arrogant way to say it, but he is french so...

>> No.17078410
File: 536 KB, 1080x1507, 20200203_111631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did say it but it appears to have been well before chainlink launched anything on mainnet. See pic related for a more recent take from the same guy.

>> No.17078840

sir you are hired indian sir ,

>> No.17079001

Hello, were you the one saying this would never get volume before they raised a literal million dollars in two weeks?

How do you feel now? Shameful? Good.

>> No.17079005

LOL. touche.

>> No.17079010

If you don’t have a small stack of pnk then you don’t deserve to make it.

>> No.17079877

destroyed, can't believe there are anons on biz who still haven't taken the PNK pill.

>> No.17079892

Schiller's advertised this as ICO listing. It isnt. They said this coin was useful. It isnt. A capitalist voting center where whoever holds the most PNK gets the most say in deciding an argument, it's a pointless token for a stupid system of Judge Judy.

>> No.17079954

$19k volume, wow fucking amazing

>> No.17079979

Ok, based. Going to buy pnk. Fuck the link scam

>> No.17079988

won't* make it

>> No.17079996

a. million. dollars. in. two. weeks.

you. had. one. full. year.

>> No.17080139

>Schiller's advertised this as ICO listing. It isnt.
I saw lots of people referring to it as a token sale. Stupid irrelevant argument anyway.
>They said this coin was useful. It isnt.
>what is staking for ETH rewards
>A capitalist voting center where whoever holds the most PNK gets the most say in deciding an argument
Do the numbers for yourself and see how much it would cost to sway a vote with deliberately false information. Spoonfeeding time...
Remember you need to own enough PNK to guarantee that you are randomly selected for all of the juror seats for that case. If there is one honest juror then the case will be appealed. So then you'll need to guarantee you are selected all of the seats in the appeal in order to win it, otherwise it will be appealed again.
By the time it has been appealed all the way to the general court (which consists of jurors of all subcourts) you will need to own enough PNK to guarantee that you own the majority of juror seats in the final court, otherwise you will lose the final appeal... plus all of the fees you have paid so far, which by now will be quite high.
Even if you owned 51% of all PNK tokens there is no guarantee you will get enough juror seats at any appeal level due to the random selection process. You also cannot front run the system by finding out in advance if your jurors will be selected for the case.
So run the numbers anon, and let us know how much you think it would cost for a whale to unilaterally decide a case, then we can discuss how likely it is somebody would spend that much money when game theory guarantees they will get btfo by honest jurors who get paid in ETH for being honest.

>> No.17080255

Adding to that, owning 51% of all PNK or making people feel like the system is rigged will make PNK worthless so another expensive cost

>> No.17080264

i have 120k in link, how much do i move to pink?

>> No.17080275





>> No.17080287

no way i'll 100% keep at least a suicide stack of 1k link no matter what

>> No.17080292

>unfortunate for link holders
I agree

>> No.17080312

>raging linker
Seethe more, the fun is just getting started

>> No.17080328
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>Pink ID: One in the Link two in the Pink
>Blue ID: Two in the Link one in the Pink
>Something else: KYS

>> No.17080376

Checked and true.
Another thing I just thought of... an attacking whale would obviously need to stake PNK, but they would also need to actively and honestly participate in other cases while waiting for the "target" case. If they stake but don't participate they will end up losing their PNK, and eventually will fall below the required staking amount and not get selected for the target case.
1:100 LINK:PNK

>> No.17080399

i dont have 120k link, i have $120k worth of link

>> No.17080430
File: 88 KB, 873x772, 1573322567348 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys actually think these threads (and your posts in them) are really convincing people to buy into your scam?

"Wow... Dat guy say he selling all his LINK for shit token... ME BUY SHIT TOKEN NOW!"

>> No.17080690

the fatty onions linky fears the french

>> No.17081045

Anonymous popular vote isn't the law and never should be. The entire premise is retarded.

>> No.17081244

Except this time you could see it on chain, and it was enough to moon the price 100x over

>> No.17081499

88k worth probably buying more

>> No.17081546 [DELETED] 

Voting is clunky, I'd like to see a tipbot in diacord, telegram and slack and be able to vote from there. Also whatsapp. And not having to have metamask to consult de cases.

Too ethereum centered right now.

>> No.17081578

Voting is clunky, I'd like to see a tipbot in discord, telegram and slack and be able to vote from there. Also whatsapp. And not having to have metamask to consult the cases.

Too ethereum centered right now.

>> No.17081914

Never been early before?

It's ETH centered right now solely because every other platform sucks ass plus Vitalik is unironically backing it

>> No.17082284

What’s the suicide stack and what’s the target price.

This will tell me if you’re pajeets or not

>> No.17082299

Suicide stack 200K

>> No.17082306


Now fuck off

>> No.17082869

Suicide stack is long known to be 250k although I heard many anons say they were priced out. 1 USD eoy

>> No.17083059

>priced out at a penny
>1$ eoy

Pajeets confirmed

>> No.17084246


>> No.17084328
File: 66 KB, 616x1002, this is what they call decentralized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it obvious? Chainlink picked out, or just ran some nodes themselves and called it decentralized. Chainlink is centralized by every definition. If you have not been vetted by Chainlink, you can't do anything. This is because their reputation and penalty systems don't fucking exist. They don't even know how to make them, neither does anyone else. Pic related. Imagine falling for something this hard due to being a tech illiterate moron.

>> No.17084363

Whats a legitimate price PNK could reach or sit at long term? Could it break the $1 mark?

>> No.17084388

getting kinda tired of how poor biz is desu. you fucking retards just can't help yourselves. if you buy this dumb shit, I have no sympathy for you. you're gonna miss the real gains this year bagholding garbage.

>> No.17084410

>not telling us where the real gains are

Is that you Patel?

>> No.17084470

We are at 0.011 USD with a 5 million market cap. At 50 million market cap, price would be 10x or 10 cent per kleros and the coin would be in the top 100 in CMC, at current market conditions.
Same price but when btc reaches 50k per btc would be 50 cents per PNK.

That's pretty reasonable short-mid term if the developers keep doing their job and they use well the French bank prize to enhance real world adoption.

Long term, only the sky is the limit. Depends on their skill to develop solutions the people want and market them as well, however I don't believe at their current state they would jump from 1 cent to one dollar in any case whatsoever.

>> No.17084634

Well btc is going to hit 100k minimum this year and possibly 3-500k so what are your pnk thoughts now smart guy

>> No.17084771 [DELETED] 

I'm all for PNK but Rome wasn't built in a day. BTC will hit 100k but you don't know for sure it'll happen during the next to come bullrun. Maybe it flops at 80k, maybe it doesn't.

In any case if PNK hits 1 dollar I will be a millionare, I want it but I don't delude myself.

>> No.17084785

Btc will hit 100k next bull. Screencap this. What that means for this shitcoin who knows

>> No.17085769

10$ USD.

>> No.17085889

>shitcoin has just been listed on shitcoin exchange. More at 11.

>> No.17085906

bitfinex dex

>> No.17085981

Kleros is not attempting to replace the legal system. Understand something before you dismiss it.
>Voting is clunky, I'd like to see a tipbot in discord, telegram and slack and be able to vote from there.
How is it clunky? Visit the page to review the case/evidence, click the button that represents your choice, sign the tx. Done.
>>priced out at a penny
Try and buy a big bag without significantly bumping the price. You can't.
He doesn't know about bitfinex.

>> No.17086080

kek frogs are niggers

>> No.17086088

High IQ anon. The breadcrumbs are freely available folks.

>> No.17086141

Yikes dude, imagine over simplifiying things this hard and then thinking you’re intelligent, kek.

>> No.17086343

>imagine over simplifiying things this hard
Stating plain facts as they are confuses you?

>> No.17086362
File: 186 KB, 793x2048, EEAmembers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cmon, its time to stop playing with crap

Investing in crypto starts with Ethereum because when business talk about using the blockchain they are talking about Ethereum.

But, yeah, theres not much fun investing in the already #2 crypto via market cap. So you have to look to the next best thing. So the logic is this.

If Ethereum is to be successful Chainlink must be successful. If Chainlink is to be successful then Unibright needs to be successfull. Do you guys see it yet and why?

You missed out on ETH
You were slow to get into LINK
Dont miss out on UBT

All three are the pillars of a task-force whos duty is to onboard industries to the blockchain.


"On the other hand, the recently launched Ethereum Mainnet Integration for Enterprises (EMINENT) is a task force effort focused on bringing Ethereum Mainnet closer to existing enterprise applications and services like CRMs and ERP systems. The group is a joint effort between EEA and the likes of the leading oracle service Chainlink, the low-code integration service platform Unibright, and Anyblock Analytics, which all bring important skillsets and experience to the task force. The topic of exposing the usually closely maintained and private enterprise data services to the public Ethereum mainnet is a very interesting and important one, as it relies on privacy protection and validation services like multi-party computations (MPCs) and zero-knowledge proofs."

>> No.17086432

If he's wrong, explain where he is wrong. Anyone can run a chainlink node, but you will not get any jobs unless you are one of the centrally reviewed nodes. That will change in future (staking, reputation) but today it is a fact.
>You missed out on
This format is so overdone and tiresome. I know it is effective because there are a lot of weak-minded people here, but it would be nice to see some originality.
>If Chainlink is to be successful then Unibright needs to be successfull.
Incorrect. Chainlink will obviously be buoyed by enterprise adoption but it does not NEED unibright to be successful. That is not to say that unibright will not be successful, merely that there are others working on the enterprise adoption problem (e.g. Microsoft + EY + SAP).

>> No.17086520

So like 3 days until these faggots bend the knee with the rest of them?

>> No.17086531

how many altcoins is too many? i have 5

>> No.17086555
File: 85 KB, 700x595, pajeetarmstrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop appropriating memes you have no right to, Pranav.

>> No.17086679
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>> No.17086679,1 [INTERNAL] 

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