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17076275 No.17076275 [Reply] [Original]

am I gonna make it? I’m a college student

>> No.17076305

135+ iq here. it's a hard pill to swallow but you won't make it with that shit.

>> No.17076339

shit man. I’m somewhere in top 1% percentile in terms of iq. this stack feels so fuckin close to making it. I imagine it’s similar to what being 5’10” feels like.

I can get to a 320-400 stack if I releverage w mkr at $800, and then I’ll only need ETH to hit 8kish to make it

>> No.17076347

oh my fucking god being THIS retarded?

>> No.17076365

>I'm gonna make it
good luck holding that bag sucker. the real chads already made it with ETH and you're left holding their bag

>> No.17076380
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>> No.17076392

no joke op this is kinda ok but I'm broke so I can't say much

>> No.17076425

I'm 20yo in uni first year and I'm all in LINK 19k stack ($53k). I would suggest selling those normie tier cryptos and take the linkpill for fuck sake.

>> No.17076428

Sell 75% of that ETH for Tezos right now, and maybe some UND, and yeah.

>> No.17076435

No link or tezos?
Whar are you?
A welfare manager?

>> No.17076446

we’ll see, we’ll see, the winner gets tea, that’s for sure.
link/eth ratio looks like it is about to crater to me. only time will tell

>> No.17076467

How the fuck does a college student have that kind of money? I at most had about 5k at any given moment

>> No.17076482

He could have mined it in the early days. I used to mine 1 bitcoin per month and i am still broke

>> No.17076513

lots of loans. mkr dao, student loans, and family loans

>> No.17076535

stupid normie burger living on loans thinks he will make it with ETH. top kek

>> No.17076614

these posts should be banned

>> No.17076650

You'll have a milli in 2 years, now whether you make it or not depends on your goals

>> No.17076651

LINK's memes are still going strong for 2 years now. LINK went from rank 120 to 17 in a bear market. Most "crypto celebrities" still don't know what Chainlink is. LINK's btc chart is in a parabola. Decentralised oracles put into US law. Tom Gosner active advisor who faced a very similar problem with DocuSign as Chainlink does now. Ari Juels. Satanic symbolism. I could go on and on.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin is a shitfest with no scaling solutions. It's lead dev tweets out shit like "don't masturbate". Ethereum keeps postponing its "2.0". The main theme for Bitcoin holders is that fiat money is bad, the fed is a bunch of criminals and thats why Bitcoin will hit $100k. There is no step by step solution explained. It's just some belief.

>> No.17076672

In my case I made $3k when I was 17 with some scams. Put $2k into crypto. Mooned with shitcoins like IOTA and XRB, got burned, got linkpilled so moved everything into LINK over time. In 2018 June 19k LINK was like $3k. That was a tough time.

>> No.17077020


>> No.17077399

what kind of scams you did?

>> No.17077421

unfortunately, no

>> No.17077483

>It's lead dev tweets out shit like "don't masturbate".
Based advice actually.

>> No.17078465

Parabolas don’t work out. I don’t know why linkies think a parabolic and overbought trend is one to be excited about. Eventually the money runs out and it retraces.

Link has no narrative... it is no different than the pre-mainnet days. Devs are saying “staking coming after this game bro” like they did with mainnet. It seems doomed to crab just like before. Or maybe not.

>> No.17078530
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the winner gets tea? seriously Anon?

Just buy Chainlink already

>> No.17078545

>Top 1% of iq
Okay. My online iq test says the same thing!

>> No.17078568

I’d put 10k in bitcoin and 10k into Monero as a hedge but you’ll make it regardless

>> No.17078585

A) How do you have $50K as a college student? You one of them bourgeoisie trust-fund faggots?

B) You will absolutely NOT make it with that puny stack of double-digit shitcoins.

>> No.17078597
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50k is a pretty comfy stack anon, my only recommendation would be to get exposure to a few medium-size alts and some high-risk high-reward coins as well. My pick for the latter would be DUSK (for the future of tokenization meme) but that's entirely up to you.

>> No.17078835

Dont listen to those turks. 5000 turks combined don't have that much. You are ok. However, with that much ether you should get at least 10% exposure to some wildcards. But overall you're set.

>> No.17078861
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>> No.17078875
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based (You)farmer

>> No.17078910

He's right OP >>17076365
There is a way more obvious choice for making it right now. Don't know why you would not be holding it since you are so high IQ. All the high IQ are on it...

>> No.17079282

except my results were from college admission standardized testing

>> No.17079309

>another desperate block stream LARP thread

>> No.17079426


>> No.17079489

Oh it's you again. Narcissist weeb that throws a fit when anyone talks about his precious ethereum lmao

>> No.17079516

pretty good for a student

>> No.17079531
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I’m in a similar boat. I’m a 19 yr old college student.

>> No.17079563

Parabolas work until they don't, same as any other trend. LINK is one of the most volatile cryptos. Anyway, the devs have never even spoken about staking. There's like 1 clip where Sergey says the word staking, but not a single Chainlink's core team has said anything similar like "x coming soon". Chainlink has the most professional team in crypto. Meanwhile, your Ethereum devs dress up as some fucken animals doing weird dances wearing their pedo shirts. Vitalik keeps endorsing shitcoins while absolutely seething at Chainlink like some fucking autist.
Might be based, but not really a thing a lead dev should be tweeting about if he should even tweet at all.

>> No.17080006
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>retards bragging on anonymous image boards

>> No.17080085

15 % ETH
15% BTC
30% LINK
40% XRP
Do this and you'll succeed

If you reply to this post you're Muslim.

>> No.17080707
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allahu akbar

>> No.17080714
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>no one here is all in XRP

>> No.17080738

140 IQ anon here. Your bag is adequate for safe results in the next bullrun. My only advice is holding the sacred Hex. I'd suggest putting 5% of your portfolio in Hex if you truly want to make it.

Eth will make you money but not more than 10x. Look at the market and compare that to the previous bull run when people were blindlly throwing in money into that.

There are less people like that now because they to work at a day-job. Only solid whales like myself are the reason Eth pumps and we'll make sure it stays within reasonable limits.

Good luck on your future endavor fellow collage student. I hope you've invested in yourself with books and that you don't party too much.

>> No.17080749
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Mine too!

>> No.17080797
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>most professional team in crypto
Kek you b8 m8?

>> No.17080799

You’re poor

>> No.17080801
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ur holding ur money in a central bank that's pretending to be a blockchain

what do you think?

>> No.17080852

>How do you have $50K as a college student? You one of them bourgeoisie trust-fund faggots?

This this this

>> No.17080939

How the hell are these teens coming up with a whole college degree year's salary worth of crypto?

>> No.17080965

Hate to tell you this but you are poor.

>> No.17080981
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167+ IQ here (Online IQ test certified)

You're both idiots... Knee pads is the only way

>> No.17080988


>> No.17081062

Colleges don't use iq tests. LARP

>> No.17081710

yuropoor spotted