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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17075884 No.17075884 [Reply] [Original]

Ok I'm just starting to understand the repo market, due to US repo market AIDS. What does this mean?

>t. not complete brainlet but mostly retard

>> No.17075899

It means the chinks are fucked and that they will suck the west into the abyss with them.

>> No.17075936

Woah, thats nearly a trillon dollars all in one short timespan.

>> No.17075955

Everything is fine, the market just needs a little help. they only pumped in half a trillion in the first 16 days of this year. They don't want anyone to lose out. the only problem is what will be done with the future generations that have to pay this debt with their little remaining liberty. But don't worry, its been like for a couple hundred years now (at least). It will all work out, all every generation has to do is kick the can down the road till the next generation takes over.

Nothing positive will be done anon, you can either not care or make some money off it.

>> No.17075963

Look closer at the image I posted, I'm not sure we're on the same page

>> No.17075975

How exactly are they fucked?
I am a brainlet, so please someone correct me if I am wrong.

The Chinese Central bank is lending a shitload of money to the banks in the country, for exchange of securities from the banks.
So the banks have liquity. And a few days later they are foced to buy it back again.
So what?
This happens all the time.
Why exactly are they fucked now.
Again, I am a brainlet, so please help me out

>> No.17075984

From my understanding is when they dump this much money in their currency inflates to the point that buying back all of the debt they just pumped in is entirely impossible? Idk I’m a brainlet

>> No.17076004

Pretty sure we are, nearly 1 trillion in Jan alone.

>> No.17076062

>This happens all the time.
Not at this volume. Not while you have the country half stopped, millions on quarantine, and most companies have had their logistics heavily fuck up. Note CCP banning what everybody would like to do today in the stock exchange does not happens all the time.

>Why exactly are they fucked now.
Look what foreign reserves China have. At some point printing grillons of yuan won't be enough - so they will dump usd.
Look at west companies, most of them are losing and almost none of them have been yet hit by the supply crisis.
The whole financial system is at worse shape than 2007 with several trillons zombie shit companies and countries.

>> No.17076095
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>Note CCP banning what everybody would like to do today in the stock exchange does not happens all the time
Yeah true. But it´s not the first time neither. (Not trying to say it´s not concerning though)

>The whole financial system is at worse shape than 2007 with several trillons zombie shit companies and countries.
Does that mean we now finally get the worldwide crisis I was waiting for all the time?
Fucking would love to see shit going down again

>> No.17076106
File: 49 KB, 570x314, C158CE54-D0F3-40F3-B0F4-F87ACB973CF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only problem is what will be done with the future generations that have to pay this debt
this is just non sense
monetary system is based on debt and debt can only grow
inflation is your friend, if you try to reduce debt, you reduce credit, and kill economy and people in the process
the other option is to change monetary system
Don’t fall for it or you will wagecuck for your entire lifetime

>> No.17076109

Out side of Chinkland

The EU is in absolutely dismal shape (With France burning and Germany starving).
The UK is looking worse for wear (Some commented that it is far worse than the 80s).
Japan is looking far, far weaker than before (Take a look at Nissan, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Sony etc. tethering on the edge of total collapse).
Korea is in chaos, though some of the healthier Chaebols would most likely survive but the SMEs are beyond fucked.
India has gone to shit without developing into a mature industrial economy in-time.
Vietnam will be severely impacted especially from the collapse in global demand.
The rest of Southeast Asia would be fucked without Amerilard/Chink/Jap/Gook investment.

Japan, Germany and Korea are over-exposed and overstretched across the globe.
The US does not have the economic strength that it had in 2008 and would continue rotting away till only the skeleton remains

>> No.17076118

Its CNY, so closer to 130bn USD

>> No.17076155

>Everything is fine
>the market just needs a little help
pick one and only one you fiat ponzi kike

>> No.17076167

I don't think anything can help the market anymore.
The Feds have been pumping trillions directly into banks for the past year and the real economy has not improved by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.17076169
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>The UK is looking worse for wear (Some commented that it is far worse than the 80s).

no it's fucking not

>> No.17076176

Contract Work and Uber drivers are not proper jobs old chap
Tally ho and cease ur wankin' guv

>> No.17076187

I dug a hole in your mum's arse just to fill it back up again. Amidoinitrite?

>> No.17076207

I know!
Its why I said they would pay their little remaining liberty.
The US has been dealing with the debt since at least the civil war. The debt is impossible to pay off. How can you pay a debt with debt? You can't. The moment promissory notes stopped being exchangeable into gold (the '30s) it went to shit.
I just wonder what the creditors will take as surety for the debt now... The creditors already own all the land/property/gold as we can't own anything, they own us. there is literally nothing left to take. Nothing can be done about it as few care about their subjugation. either someone in the future will figure out how to solve the issue or lose more liberty (most likely).

On the positive side, all this infrastructure/roads couldn't have been built under the gold standard as the economy can only rise via the amount of gold extracted from the ground.
I was obviously being sarcastic!

>> No.17076255

So give it to me straight anons
Do we finally see a fucking economy crisis again?
I can´t wait any longer

>> No.17076383

You are in one.

>> No.17076407

I don´t feel it though as of now