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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17075124 No.17075124 [Reply] [Original]

say it with me /biz/: BLOODY MONDAY. and now say it with me: IT'S HAPPENING, APOCALYPSE, "NOTHING EVER HAPPENS" WAS A LIE.

>> No.17075138

Anonymous, do not make spreading of false informations. The Chinese peoples have this small situation beneath controls. China citizen who unrolling myths about lockdowns and situation over there create panics. I hope the smart China official make dealings with peoples speaking of such tales.

Here in The United States we have no reason for concerning so you should erase this submission. Chinese government is wise like 1000 year old fish so they knows what best. Enough problems here in our country for worry about Chinese. I am drinking a Budweiser and relaks. Super Ball was good game. My favorite team win! : D

>> No.17075139

???? What happen?

>> No.17075153

we are at the beginning of a bioweapon spreading like nothing we have ever seen before. airborne infection through eyes, nose, mouth. virus survives 24h+ on surfaces. we know NOTHING about the disease, the true death rate. rumours about airborne HIV. I don't know man. this time it could be it frens

>> No.17075163

Just wash your hands

>> No.17075169

Fucking kek.

>> No.17075171
File: 280 KB, 986x1164, B8ECD071-B4AD-498B-8BAB-5257B47EC808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best fucking part is that there is no other possibility but for this to cascade into a global recession at least, freefall at worst. There's no one currently set up to fill the gap where china was. There's INSANE demand for all this manufacturing, and literally nowhere to shift it too. We are beyond fucked, and no one but a bunch of autistic wizards on an underwater basket weaving forum will know, until it's already too late to react.

>> No.17075174

HIV??? What happened to the Flu? Lmao

SuperAIDS when?

>> No.17075176 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17075217

The killing effect of AIDS, the speed and infectability of the influenza, and the survivability of mold. A true enemy.

>> No.17075226

What the fuck do I invest in to hedge against global collapse?

>> No.17075242
File: 161 KB, 680x350, 25C9127A-F4DF-4FCF-9F3C-877880492BFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puts or shorts

>> No.17075245


Bitcoin obviously

>> No.17075247

This shit isn't even that bad you fucking circlejerking zoomer retards. S&P will close in the green today.

>> No.17075248

food water weapons

>> No.17075262
File: 349 KB, 746x457, 1580525512654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonymous, do not make spreading of false informations. The Chinese peoples have this small situation beneath controls. China citizen who unrolling myths about lockdowns and situation over there create panics. I hope the smart China official make dealings with peoples speaking of such tales.

Here in The United States we have no reason for concerning so you should erase this submission. Chinese government is wise like 1000 year old fish so they knows what best. Enough problems here in our country for worry about Chinese. I am drinking a Budweiser and relaks. Super Ball was good game. My favorite team win! : D

>> No.17075302

Good, now I can buy during the dip and finally get into crypto.