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File: 20 KB, 400x400, lTL15BSf_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17067643 No.17067643 [Reply] [Original]

why didn't you idiots think that this coin was going to work? fuck biz

>> No.17068334

because fudders on this board are dumb

just like chx, it will pump hard

>> No.17068347

Because one good look at how it works and you would realize it makes no fucking sense at all. You've been tricked by a guy who uses lukewarm IQ level words and phrases to make it seem just plausible enough to be real. But it isn't, it's a fucking scamcoin

>> No.17068390

how does it make no sense? people are given incentive to stake through bonuses, and receive penalties when they pull their stakes out earlier, similar to a CD with a bank. that decreases supply available on the market and pushes the price higher. it's a simple concept if you're not a mong

>> No.17068432

500$ volume lol

>> No.17068439

Richard here. I wanted to give you a little more background on the project. This project was started to solve a personal problem, that is why it's more legit than any other project in crypto right now. As many of you know, I was barely getting by doing hourly magician gigs, you know, sleight of hand card tricks, long ass handkerchiefs, shit like that. I was sinking fast and had been going to my magician gigs hungover. Most of the time I would have to take a flask of bourbon along just to make it thru the gig. One Monday I started, well... continued, a gnarly bender after doing tricks for some rich banker's kid's bar mitzvah. I was so depressed hearing them talk about their parents money I just kept smashing whisky shots and doing insane amounts of blow I got off this gayboi designer I met at some club. We fucking went apeshit man.. when I woke up the next friday afternoon I saw all the ideas we came up with in our coked out frenzy to start an Ethereum token ponzi scheme. I used to be a BTC maximalist before I got into magic so I kinda know the crypto scene. The logo was so good and apparently I promised this gayboi that he would make millions off this logo so he would keep fronting me blow... I don't want to fuck that up cuz he's super hot and I don't get that type of boi pussy as much these days. Anyhow I have to do this thing now so check out Hex and if you are early enough you might make a few bucks, but probably not.

>> No.17068492

>only using coinmarketcap
it has $400,000 worth of volume. it's people like you that are going to make me rich

>> No.17068515


>> No.17068698


$2m market cap to be exact. Imagine the gains Hex will make the coming months. A 100x would put it at $200m and it's easy as fuck to get there, there's lots of useless shitcoins up there so why can't a honest project be there as well for once? Utility value is a myth that has been busted

>> No.17068772

i just made an ETH in 6 hrs with barely anything put in. yeah..im coping

>> No.17068814
File: 177 KB, 857x459, rh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's not

if you're giving your ETH to this fucking faggot failed pickup artist you are a sub 100 jungle monkey pajeet


that's richard exchanging more of his hex for your ETH lmfao he's conning you again

really you dumb faggots can't even follow his ETH transactions on etherscan it's pathetic. hopefully he goes to jail but even that dumbass trevon isn't in jail yet

>> No.17068840

80% of the supply is locked and the coin is not even proof of stake
you are yelling scam but there is no scam
sure you can do a bad trade like that retard who bought hex for almost 4000 wei on day 1, but that's just 1 dude being retarded

>> No.17068870

are you 200% retarded
even if he was wash trading in uniswap, anyone can access it's liquidity, nobody controls uniswap you fucking baboon

>> No.17068883

I made 10 BTC by not buying it and holding something else.

>> No.17068897

please post any proof of this. Uniswap was developed years ago and funded by the Eth Foundation and Coinbase.

>> No.17068912

which asset desu

>> No.17069164
File: 57 KB, 960x540, Trevon and craig grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime you buy into this bullshit you're giving these two niggers money. stupid fucking biz faggots.

>> No.17069179


>> No.17069237

What coin are you even talking about?
Shill me said coin

>> No.17069339

you're the faggot who has tried to shill Hex for a solid month with no success

just because uniswap is ok doesn't stop it from being used by money laundering faggots and scammers

just because it's decentralized and well funded doesn't mean it isn't used for nefarious activities

do you even know how easy it is to add a token contract to uniswap? and that anyone can add any fucking token?

of course you don't because you're a dumb dunning kruger faggot who can't even look at a etherscan tx

the tx's were posted for weeks after this shit launched in articles all over the internet

can't believe people are still giving this fat bitch money crypto is truly a zero sum game and i've come to the realization you all deserve your bag going to zero

the idea is so fucking stupid too. enjoy your ever-inflating pajeet coin

>> No.17070147

lmao guys Richard is triggered because of the posts here..
>muh 10000%
yea every shitcoin with low volume can do that you fat big titted faggot

>> No.17070322

im making so much gains from this shitcoin im getting tired