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File: 35 KB, 640x640, ftm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17063649 No.17063649 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom is Better than Ethereum
Prove me wrong

Protip: You can't

>> No.17063654

What’s built on ethereum? Everything.
What’s built on ftm?

>> No.17063693
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantom’s DAG-based design with smart contract functionality can reach a throughput of 40k+ transactions per second and transaction finality in under 0.7 seconds
Too bad your butchered Ethereum Virtual Machine fork and scammer andy's Fantom achieves asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance and tech trainwreck only gives 18 tps and lower than one tps with more nodes. According to your own data. You are scammers and just take numbers right out off your asses and present them as facts.

How do you explain that your whole chink team exit scammed? How you explain your fake partnerships? What happened to your fake smart-city deal with Dubai? Why do you call donations to universities for "partnerships"? Why will NO first world bank or business work with you, only the most corrupt nations and entities in the world, like Afghanistan, and then even making weird blurry comments about cooperation, either that or some friends of scammer andy in the South African bank he worked before. And why the ponzi scheme ROI on staking? And why the shell game with legal entities to avoid American authorities?

Fantom is a scam. Less professional than Bitconnect.

>Fantom is Better than Ethereum
>Prove me wrong
>Protip: You can't
Just insane. Compare your fake and third world corrupt deals in Afghanistan with this:

>> No.17063707

When did ETH come out? 5 years ago
When did FTM come out? 1 month ago

Have patience.
I love how people are completely incapable of looking into the future in 6-12 month time frames x1 x2 x3


People screamed scam about bitcoin and ethereum in the beginning too, you dunning-kruger fucking pleb.

Try reading some research papers before you talk.

Think for yourself, retard

>> No.17063749

No I get that ftm is way newer.
But as it stands right now, it is NOT better.
Does it have the potential to be in the next few years? Sure.
But, so does any other network that constantly evolves and progresses technologically.

I own 100k ftm as a suicide stack. But I also own other shit coins that may do better. May flop. Who knows?

As of right now though. You’re wrong. It’s not better yet.

>> No.17063753
File: 222 KB, 1440x2058, Fake Fantom - Oracle Partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did FTM come out? 1 month ago
You promised 300 000 tps dag with smart contracts. You delivered a butchered fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with 1 tps. No one in the business takes you seriously. All you have is a pump and dump scam. It was obvious for everyone when your whole chink team exit scammed and your CEO and founder is in hiding behind a Korean legal entity, exiting from Fantom Foundation.

Pic is your falsely claimed "Oracle partnership" between Fantom blockchain technology and Oracle, - a sales rep deal. It can't get any more scammy than this. To avoid American SEC coming after Fantom scammers, all their lies about partnerships etc are made by their Korean legal entity, not Fantom Foundation directly. Typical legal shell game scam.

>> No.17063755

And man. You sound ANGRY. I asked a question, and you went on the attack.

Sorry you’re in a place where a simple question angers you. I genuinely hope you feel better eventually.
Hope you make it

>> No.17063756

>What’s built on ftm?
a big scam is built on that

>> No.17063760

OP is the 1 million dollar bag holder. On top of this being a scam no one is ever going to profit with OP dumping his bags for all eternity waiting for his ROI that will never come

>> No.17063766

Take the L faggot. No one is going to buy your bags of this scam.

>> No.17063783

The high ROI staking return is only there to lock up FTM long enough for the team to dump it to oblivion. Just as their 300K tps dag with smart contracts were lies, this new Fantom in the future is a lie. All they have is proven sh!t and garbage. Nothing more. To claim that they will one time in the future challenge the largest and best crypto dev community in the world with a few Russian temp devs after the original chink team exit scammed, is ludicrous. More retarded than Bitconnect's trading robots.

>> No.17063795

nice organic fud there constellation holders

>> No.17063828

That’s probably true.
I only threw pocket change at it so if it completely crashes to 0, so be it.
They’re called shitcoins for a reason.

>> No.17063829

>what is first-mover advantage

>> No.17064152

Fantom is a scam. Can any of you Fantom nuts document your insane claims regarding tps and working with central banks? Why did whole chink team exit scam?

>> No.17064960

Ugly Scam.

>> No.17064968

Sir this is a MkDonall drivetroo we dont take farntom hea

>> No.17066032

is that they’ve built a module which can be plugged into all kinds of middleware or can be combined with other popular modules from other chains like the Ethereum Virtual Machine, Cosmos SDK, or whatsoever. And well, that’s kind of cool, because it means that existing applications don’t need to work on compatibility to make the switch to a faster network based on Fantom consensus, because the other layers are the same as their existing chains they’re built on top of , customized governance models due to this modularity and cross network trust that scales exponentially with value of FTM being staked and utilized.

PD:while defecating they can read, even if they don't wash their hands,

>> No.17066143

Fantom bois are spamming the same garbage all over biz, and always run away when asked to document their garbage.

>> No.17066232

Generally in the business world, that doesn't mean jack shit. I was reading a book by Adam Grant that looked into this, and a lot of first mover products end up failing or being surpassed because someone comes along and does it better learning from their failures.

Crypto is a weird section where that hasn't been the case yet, but eth is far from perfect in itself.

>> No.17066248

Nobody uses or knows what FTM is but we do. It's the #6153 generic eth killer shitcoin with no future.

>> No.17066984

All this fud means to buy now. Clearly people have no idea what tech is in this. aBFT isn't a scam it's security.