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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 343 KB, 2000x1440, ftm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17062544 No.17062544 [Reply] [Original]

With Lachesis and TxFlow, Fantom achieves asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance, or aBFT in short, for high throughput and fast verification. aBFT can even achieve consensus when some messages are delayed or do not make it to the intended recipients. Even better: Fantom’s consensus is permissionless and leaderless. Nodes can join and leave the network freely without breaking consensus and have equal say. No participant plays a special role.
How does this translate into numbers? Fantom’s DAG-based design with smart contract functionality can reach a throughput of 40k+ transactions per second and transaction finality in under 0.7 seconds

>> No.17062695

Dont believe the FUD. Melting faces. He bought the top. He sold the bottom. imagine not going all in. Hes just jealous of our gains. Generational wealth. 50000X incoming in next 14 days. Smart money knows about the moon mission. Best team in crypto. This is a scam just buy DAG, FRM, or OCEAN. This guy doesnt know we have a true gem here, the best project I have seen in the last 20 years. Im staking nodes for the network security protocol blockchain parabolic gains decentralized infrastructural TPS reports how many shitcoin to make it? Just sold my parents spaceshuttle im all in. Never selling till $9032 and even then im not selling. They will bury me with this coin because im all in sold my radio station and now im poor but i feel comfy because helicopter is made of fanties

>> No.17062705

Staking will be future retirement. Just wait when we hit 75% locked during a bull run.

>> No.17062713

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.17062811

IF we get another altcoin bull run FTM would be one of the best performers. But we're not going to get one. There are just way too many alts and people have learned from 2018/19 that only BTC matters.
Bitcoin dominance will go to >90% this year. Its the only thing that matters. Even the concept of smart contracts is just another solution looking for a problem to solve.

>> No.17062880

During the next golden bull run we are all going to make it. Im going to make it with your mom. Your going to make it with your mom. The whole football team is going to be pile driving your moms asshole until all the curry dumplings fall out. This is going to be epic bro. I feel like Ive known you for years. Did you go to Streetshitter Elementary anon?

>> No.17063404
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantom’s DAG-based design with smart contract functionality can reach a throughput of 40k+ transactions per second and transaction finality in under 0.7 seconds
Too bad your butchered Ethereum Virtual Machine fork and scammer andy's Fantom achieves asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance and tech trainwreck only gives 18 tps and lower than one tps with more nodes. According to your own data. You are scammers and just take numbers right out off your asses and present them as facts.

How do you explain that your whole chink team exit scammed? How you explain your fake partnerships? What happened to your fake smart-city deal with Dubai? Why do you call donations to universities for "partnerships"? Why will NO first world bank or business work with you, only the most corrupt nations and entities in the world, like Afghanistan, and then even making weird blurry comments about cooperation, either that or some friends of scammer andy in the South African bank he worked before. And why the ponzi scheme ROI on staking? And why the shell game with legal entities to avoid American authorities?

Fantom is a scam. Less professional than Bitconnect.

>> No.17063711

>Staking will be future retirement. Just wait when we hit 75% locked during a bull run.
Sure. I am staking Bitconnect, BCC, staking return is even better than Fantom, 200%. Both Fantom and Bitconnect stakers will be super-duper rich!! Continue to spam!!!

>> No.17063720

You're a sad human being, how much are they paying you, 0.05 eth per day or something?


>> No.17063793

As always the fantom bois run away like rats when asked to provide documentation for their lies and scam. Ad hominem, lies and abuse is all I ever get from you sad and pathetic scammers.

>> No.17063801


>> No.17063823

I am from Northern Europe. You?

>> No.17064147

Fantom is a scam. Can any of you Fantom nuts document your insane claims regarding tps and working with central banks?

>> No.17064951


>> No.17065018

Have sex

>> No.17065035

absolutely delusional

>> No.17065047

>Have sex
Psychological projection. Typical scammer delusion. Obsessed with gay sex and money.

>> No.17065396

Should i buy iota or this? Have 10k and cant decide. Iota is ok but cant see some crazy gains but its low risk. Ftm can do x100 or zero right?

>> No.17065454

MTV is far better
A whale in financial distress is dumping 100MM MTV right now and suppressing the price.

>> No.17065645

You call fantom a scam and then bring up this failed project. fuck off

>> No.17065693
File: 277 KB, 1024x2048, MTV Testnet 3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it failed, pajeet? They just released their final testnet before mainnet with the world's only and first functional sharding. As they are not scammers, they have zero hype and zero spamming. Tech will win over your scammy spamming and insane lies. Sorry.

>> No.17066567

I asked iota vs ftm. How come in every ftm thread shitcoiners appears? Look idiots ftm is hardly low cap coin. Its mid cap for some time with decent volume over long time. They did good things with binance in summer etc yet you compare it to micro cap shitcoins which are really cash grabs scams and will never even hit decent exchanges so fucking why do you take some random shitcoins into ftm thread all the time?

>> No.17066581

This guy desperately fuds fantom non-stop, while also trying to shill a project called MTV. It's beyond pathetic how much time he spends fudding fantom, and even sadder that he tries to shill such a shit project.

>> No.17066604

Your comment is void of facts and logic.

>> No.17067044

If we hit bull run Fantom will be one of the few coins with volume that you can get in and out of. Good luck exiting low volume crap without collapsing the price.

>> No.17067152

>and zero spamming
You've been spamming about them for months you absolute fucking faggot

>> No.17067921

It's actually not. I hope you get the bullet your deserve, pathetic fucking shitskin MTV shill

>> No.17068791

Fantom schizofudder holds ICX, I'm relatively confident.

Feel the heat, RPF

>> No.17068836

>zero spamming
Get bent Arvind

>> No.17069101

imagine being this psychotic, you are spending 12hours per day in ylilauta link threads blaming every fudder to be RPF hahahahah

tell me whos the schizo here?

>> No.17069171

Fantom works securely with its aBFT and that's a great start. Tps is not that low, use ftm yourself and see it settles instantly.

>> No.17070244


>> No.17070461
File: 128 KB, 828x869, 2FD342A7-37D2-4F82-9B50-E51E83CA3BAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17070504
File: 29 KB, 400x400, E4120DA6-A4F5-4D25-BBD1-2DF74BD5F723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe schizospammers fud is a cry for help. He lost his life savings in multivacuums

>> No.17070663

Exactly. He's so fucking desperate to sell his MTV bags because he lost everything in that shitcoin.