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17059676 No.17059676 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you guys hold your crypto so as to earn interest and why? I was reading about blockfi which offers ~6% APY but it isn’t insured against losses so I’m unsure about it

>> No.17059698

Bumping for interest

>> No.17059712

Oh no my ID gave away my shameless plug. Guess I’ll bump again

>> No.17059743

>insured against losses

>> No.17059764

It operates like a bank in all other forms and insured against losses for non interest gaining accounts

>> No.17059779

I’m mostly just wary some asshole is gonna fuck up somehow and people holding there will lose out but idk how likely that is

>> No.17059835

Also I don’t mean losses in terms of the value of crypto crashing. Obviously no one is insuring that. I mean a security compromise or something

>> No.17059901

I’ll only earn interest in defi, which is maybe more risky than a centralized service but I’m morally opposed to giving my money to kikes

>> No.17059949


>> No.17059957
File: 43 KB, 365x557, 1579651541016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so hot bros

>> No.17060002

Not her, this has been debunked so many times

>> No.17060010

>see hottie you can never have
>post picture of her from ten years ago during the awkward phase everyone has
This is such a sad cope

>> No.17060028

I’ve never heard of defi. Pros? Cons?

>> No.17060040
File: 32 KB, 640x480, face5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show us how it has been debunked, don't just tell us that "it has been debunked"

i've seen a thousand posts that say it has been debunked but not once have anyone actually debunked it

>> No.17060056

It doesn’t matter to me enough though. Right now she’s extremely hot

>> No.17060058


>ten years ago
>still have the braces

Cope harder, cuck

>> No.17060071

Nexo is the only thats insured

>> No.17060092

Ouch you got me so good

Anyways if blockfi holds in cold storage security breaches aren’t an issue. The question is whether or not internal fuckups can occur that fuck over everyone

>> No.17060093
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it's her. it actually has never been debunked, people have just kept saying it has been debunked and a lie repeated 1000 times have become the truth in your mind without you ever seeing anything proving that it isn't her.

>> No.17060102

Bitrockxa lending fund.

Got 8% dividens on my bitcoins last year. I think i will put some more btc in the btc fund.

>> No.17060104

Anyone wanna talk about earning interest on crypto

>> No.17060112

I’ll check these out, thanks bros

>> No.17060114

i use aave
why do you think defi is risky? it's just smart contracts

>> No.17060128
File: 149 KB, 612x612, glad guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto interest isn't a thing unless it's something leading to an exit scam, stay away from it

>> No.17060132

shut the fuck up

>> No.17060171

You shouldn't have posted that caked up thot then idiot.

>> No.17060178

Interesting. What makes you think this?

>> No.17060182

You trade counterparty risk for the risk of the code having serious bugs in it. That's a bigger risk IMO than banks.

>> No.17060183

Defi is risky because most dapps have admin privledges that put all user funds at risk. Plus oracle risk for any price feeds, plus smart contract risk that there is a bug in the code. And the more money going into them, the more of a honey pot they become.

>> No.17060196

I didn’t realize you guys would seethe so hard over it

>> No.17060216
File: 60 KB, 600x578, grind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anybody that offer you interest on your crypto not just steal everything as soon as they can? it's not like there's a market for crypto lending.

>> No.17060230

They’re subject to US banking laws and want to continue doing business

>> No.17060234


I'm just holding my LINK so I've lent it out to Crypto.com. You can get up to 8% interest if you stake 500 MCO but I'm a cheapass so I signed on for the 6% yield.

So far so good, every week they credit the additional LINK to your account. You can also stake other crypto too, I know they have a rate on BTC, ETH, and MCO

They'll give us both $50 if you copy paste my referral and stake 50 MCO. You can't do it retroactively so if you don't use the link neither of us gets the credit.


>> No.17060240

I’m not saying you don’t have a point, but when you ask me why they wouldn’t do that that’s my immediate thought

>> No.17060258

the code gets audited though i guess the auditors could miss something
>oracle risk for any price feeds
>admin privileges
maybe in a dodgy app, i don't think this is standard practice

>> No.17060270
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the hard part about the scam is to make you think they are doing everything legit but one day, when they have control over enough crypto to make it worth while, they will just disappear. maybe they will leave behind some poor scapegoat but the crypto will not return even if he takes the fall.

>> No.17060272

Lmao just buy Ferrum and stake it anon

>> No.17060293

Smart contracts?

>> No.17060350
File: 52 KB, 640x480, anime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does the interest come from?

if it's from the people that joins after you, then it's a different type of scam.

if it's from some company then why would they pay you interest if they don't have access to your crypto for lending/investing?

>> No.17060352

The biggest apps you probably use have admin keys and you just don’t know it. Compound and Synthetix definitely do. MakerDAO is technically a DAO but the core team has all the voting power. The only truly decentralized app I can think of is uniswap.

I’m not saying this is reason to not use defi, because I think developers are getting better at patching up these security holes but it’s definitely still in the experimental phase

>> No.17060363

>crypto interest isn't a thing
borrowers pay the interest if the app is legitimate. i wouldn't trust a centralized app that guarantees a certain percentage regardless of the amount of borrowing
>it's not like there's a market for crypto lending.
loans are for gaining low leverage without using an exchange, or you need some money but don't want to sell yet

>> No.17060383

I put 10btc in blockfi to take advantage of their 6.2%
within 1 month they lowered my returns to 5 btc 6.2% the remaining 5 something else
I asked for a withdraw and they didn't respond to me for 7 days
I had to provide additional KYC/AML to get my own money back
finally after that I got my money only after escalating it with it
then at new year they sent me an email about my information not being accurate and something about taxes and the IRS and suspending my account
I didn't respond to them
my information was accurate and I am going to report the small gains I made, but the whole experience was sketchy

>> No.17060393

Been using CDC as well. The interest is pretty good with it and I’m hopefully getting my ruby debit card soon.

>> No.17060394
File: 157 KB, 640x400, musician2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's legit until they exit.
>oops we were hacked, oh no guys
or they just disappear.

>> No.17060395

it's on a blockchain that's centrally controlled and full of bugs (ethereum)

>> No.17060407

Are you being serious right now? Read a fucking book dude.

>> No.17060437

this is why i would never use a centralized app

>> No.17060654

how are defi interests so high? looks scammy imo

>> No.17060687

you'll find a list of some uch dapps here

>> No.17060744

I think you will get your BTC back since they are legit company but that also means they have bunch of regulatory red tapes and will report all your income to the IRS. Don't put your coins in there unless you plan on reporting them on your taxes.

>> No.17060780

XSN you faggot. 10 masternodes and increasing.

>> No.17060833

It’s quite simple, keep them on voyager and also get commission free trading, it’s a no brainer.
Here’s their list of interest rates for February:

Voyager Interest Rates for February
~ No Lock-Ups + No Limits

USDC: 6%
Bitcoin: 5%
Tether: 4%
True USD: 4%
Voyager Token: 3%
Ethereum: 2%
Bitcoin Cash: 2%
Litecoin: 2%

Buy, Trade or HODL & passively grow your #crypto on Voyager. Paid monthly - rates are per annum.

>> No.17060845
File: 31 KB, 376x459, rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post bro

>> No.17060853

I've used celcius network since February 2019. I've had no problems or complaints.

>> No.17060895

He’s right though

>> No.17060935

I got it back after ~10 days I just didn't like the sketchiness with the withdraw
some intern or new employee was beating around the bush until I got help from someone above him
the weird threatening message was at new year I withdrew back in October or something

>> No.17060951

Don't let a third party hold your crypto long term unless you're prepared to lose it.

>> No.17060974

They have partnered with Voyager so that voyager can offer interest.
If you’re in the US I don’t know why you wouldn’t use Voyager to trade and keep you coins there for interest??

>> No.17060988

Would still bone relentlesly

>> No.17061015

Celcius network

>> No.17061016

wtf i'm trying to withdraw some collateral from aave right now and it won't let me
does anyone else use aave?

>> No.17061022

is celsius non-custodial?

>> No.17061025


>> No.17061026

I don't trade.

>> No.17061034

I'm sure you can answer your own question. Google it.

>> No.17061099

Nanogames an investment option. It doesn't promise any specific interest rate but in 7 months i made about 50% on my doge. The interest pay come from gambling losses want to 'invest' more but I'm not sure if I trust them.

>> No.17061137

Fuck off retard, you shat up the front page with yet another scantily clad thot and you expect not to have a thread filled with lizard-brain coomers?

>> No.17061184

This. You wanted attention so enjoy your thirsty pajeets.

>> No.17061522

why is she so beautiful? i wanna pay her for merely existing

>> No.17061553

>ctrl-f "tezos"
god this board has a hard on for hating non-meme coins

>> No.17061598

Exactly. The fact that so many people don’t understand this is proof that the crypto business is full of abject retards.

>> No.17061656

I lend to margin traders on Bitfinex with a bot, I get about 1% APY so far this year and most of the past year
I guess it's better than just holding it on a cold wallet or destroying all of it with bad trades, but it definitively isn't riskless, even if you ignore market conditions, since Finex is pretty shady
Bitfinex is still around despite doing the hacked thing years ago
I'm not sure if Poloniex did the hacked thing too

>> No.17061695

>Earning interest on crypto

So by definition a ponzi?

>> No.17061778


Check out the orion protocol for a good example of what is possible

>> No.17061787


Assuming 20% interest, there must now be 120% of 100% of all currency in circulation. How does that work? Someone is going to get shafted.

>> No.17061936

Getting 8% on crypto.com

>> No.17062376

That's not how it works. Prove that it's her. Prove where the picture came from. It doesn't even look like her, so burden of proof is on you.

>> No.17062502

I honk something non custodial. Maybe check defipulse for rates. Bumping for interest, wish u people would focus on not being wage ducks.

>> No.17062620

how is proof of stake a ponzi?

>> No.17062621

Not her. Different ears.

>> No.17062952

>6% interest
>drops 25% in value
I'm up -19%!
kek @ boomer index funds!

>> No.17063009

someone takes a loan and pays interest to the lender. It's no rocket science.

>Someone is going to get shafted
the borrower unless he turns the loan into profit.

>> No.17063034

beat me to the referral link, but yeah I use crypto.com.

>> No.17063396

Didn't read the thread cause you're all autists but Nexo pays 8% on stablecoins. The money I would normally keep in an online "high yield" savings account I switched other to Nexo with Dai and haven't looked back since

>> No.17063600


>> No.17064223
File: 482 KB, 750x743, 1577635055498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stakecube offers roughly 11.5% on BTC, LTC, and DOGE.

>> No.17064338
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