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File: 275 KB, 1280x1920, 154_WMNHGhjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17059527 No.17059527 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to get into game development industry?

>> No.17059540

Not if you're a tranny or black

>> No.17059546

You're about 20 years late.

>> No.17059569

Those are the kinds of people they want. Sorry cis boys

>> No.17059574


>> No.17059674
File: 134 KB, 900x1200, 1573390009155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17059681

If you're a passionate about games you should do it. It's not financially rewarding unless you get really lucky and those words come from other sucessfull game makers like Notch.

>> No.17060038

Loser mentality

>> No.17060179

I already do gamedev as a hobby and plan to keep it that way, the AAA industry is about as wagie as it gets with all the horror stories of crunch and mistreatment of devs due to high replace-ability. As a hobby dev there's a lot of benefits to it.
>No boss
>Work on game or don't depending on feel and mood
>If the game doesn't do well, I don't lose anything
>If the game does well I make some extra money
>Learned new skills in music production, 3D modelling, Programming, and video editing
>Can work on whatever I want, not what my boss wants me to make because the investors told him this or that would sell the most DLC
>If I truly need help with a project I can always recruit a freelancer/contractor, but it's unnecessary most of the time, as there are no deadlines

Kind of an old clip of my main project.

>> No.17060208

why does it look like c9_sneaky?

>> No.17060212


>> No.17060242

I agree with you. I would not touch the "industry" with a 20-ft pole, but I have always known since I was a kid that I wanted to make games. Hope you don't mind me saying nut your clip reminds me a bit of old school Silent Hill games. Very spooky

>> No.17060336
File: 11 KB, 220x164, daffy_love_eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is she?

>> No.17060392


>> No.17060419

Yeah. The last game ever made was 'Hong Kong 97'. It won the 1998 oscars.

>> No.17060457

Please reconsider an option that won't leave you broke with nothing to show for it

>> No.17060462

Thats a pretty accurate number. Joe schmo could make a game with the quake 2 engine back then and had a chance. Now I don’t really see how you can compete unless you want to make yet another survival horror game.

>> No.17060515

I appreciate it man, not supposed to be scary, but just an action game with an unsettling atmosphere. A silent hill comparison is always a compliment.
Yeah this is why you don't just go unemployed and indie dev, that's retarded. Be practical and have a real job or some sources of income while game deving part time.

>> No.17060551

yes much too late. the consoles are corporate wall street bullshit marketing departments. go work for them if you want to make games. people dont buy games at volume outside of consoles mobile and pc users want for free. there is 0 as in zero money in gaming outside of the faked numbers from the public traded cos who cook their books and live off share sales. dont do it anon

>> No.17060558

Because it is

>> No.17060576

Kiernan Shipka

>> No.17060661
File: 53 KB, 600x600, stroller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easier than ever to make a game but don't expect to make ANY money. make the game you're passionate about and if you earn anything above 1 cent be thankful over the luck granted to you.

>> No.17060683

wait since when does sneaky have boobs

>> No.17060700

it's part of the bikini top, the fake skin matches his actual skin tone very well

>> No.17060713

reminds me of manhunt

>> No.17060752
File: 358 KB, 722x752, Screenshot_20200201-171832(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding

>> No.17060779

A friend of mine is a full-time game dev for 5 years now. He works about 80 or more hours a week, sitting in front of his PC. He says he loves it and could not do something else. Pay is unsteady and averaged out maybe more than minimum wage but not more than an entry level after college job.

>> No.17060783

nice screenshot, luckily it's fake

>> No.17060878

Literally right here lol

>> No.17060889

its a queer in girls clothes you faggot