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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17054963 No.17054963 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's literally impossible to expect a rational discussion about this, but do you realize it's literally just a medianizer? All it does is query 3 different APIs, add the results and divide by 3. And it's currently valued at one billion dollars. Do you realize how insanely over valued it already is?

>> No.17054974

Until the singularity, then it will be querying AI databases to see if person x has died in the last 48 hours, and it will have to use multiple databases, as an expensive Hitman contract would be a target to hack that single database.

Urnlow IQ, don't worry about it link is a scam go on with your life, you honestly couldn't live like this

>> No.17054988

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.17055003

proof of standard deviation

>> No.17055013

>this thing which didn't even exist a year ago which does now exist, will remain static for the remainder of all time
>i only speculate on companies that are already behemoths, that way I know it's safe
choose two (2)

>> No.17055022

it's not that chainlink is useless, it's that it's completely trivial to make your own with more security and just as much decentralization. So no one will actually ever use it. The proof is there, it's been 7 months, not a single user, whereas plenty of dapps use oracles right now, like augur, maker, etc.... none of them use Chainlink, cause it's trivial to make and Chainlink is insecure/overpriced.

Non technical deluded linkers like yourself make 2 critical mistakes, they either think that Chainlink is decentralized (it's not) or they know it's centralized but they think that making centralized oracles like Chainlink is difficult to do and that big companies will use it instead of rolling their own. I can guarantee you as someone who programs for a living, there's never a tech lead who will choose to use Chainlink.

As far as all the "partnerships" Chainlink has. Those are purely for PR/marketing/some employee got bribed. None of these companies use or will ever use Chainlink for any serious production project. That's actually a proven fact, Chainlink has been "partnered" with many companies for years, none of them have used it in production for any project that has users.

>> No.17055029

>the singularity

>> No.17055040

I really hope somebody falls for this.

>> No.17055050

Singularity is code for the great moscow flight of sirgay and the 600 mil token dump

>> No.17055053

Dont waste your time op.
Linkies are lobotomized.
They really think somebody is trying to fud their 1 billion marketcap coin in a mongolian basket weaving board with 20 users.

>> No.17055058

Lert me know when Augur or maker attempts to get off chain data you bumbling retard

>> No.17055062

Someone gotta know something and some other retards should have came to same conclusion to value it at 1000$.
to keep being mad about it for more than 2 years, scam cannot survive that long for the same reason i believe xrp also is not a scam.

>> No.17055070

Yeah that's why 80% of posts on this board the past year have been shills and bots. Unironically very possible that scared shitless billionaires are trying to accumulate as much as they can knowing Chainlink has cornered the entire market, and is just waiting for the spark

>> No.17055442

you iexecucks need to fuck off already
you lost

>> No.17055520

There are two types of house buyers. The first walks into a house with outdated and dirty interiors and dismisses it. The second walks into the same house and has the vision to realise that if they spend 100k on renovating the interior they will add 200k to the value of the house since the first type of buyer will then want to buy it. You come across as the first type of buyer OP.

>> No.17055531

Do you realize it's literally just a book broker? All it does is directly ship a book from the publisher to your house, and it's currently valued at one billion dollars. Do you realize how insanely over valued it already is?

>> No.17055591

>Do you realize it's literally just a book broker?
>what is aws
OP is retarded but so are you.

>> No.17055717

The singularity has already happened lol. It's just not what most people think it is.

>> No.17055730

Imagine some sweaty 22 year old bothering to type this out lmao

>> No.17055815

No one /biz/ can read. That's why no one read the whitepaper.

>> No.17055850


>aws existed back then

Are you just pretending to not get the point

>> No.17056619

will the ai be tamper proof?

>> No.17056641

>Unironically very possible that scared shitless billionaires are trying to accumulate as much as they can knowing Chainlink has cornered the entire market, and is just waiting for the spark
Jesus christ this is peak delusion

>> No.17056746

Well price oracles are one case, but ultimately it will do all IO for all blockchains.

If you have background in programming you realize that all practical programs revolve around IO.

>> No.17056894


>> No.17056926

Of course not. That is exactly why Chainlink will be needed. AI tech firm's all at once are going to be competing to have more accurate and more distinct data sets in public and commercial databases, but if a billion dollar contract were to pay out if a single query to one of those databases were to return a 0 instead of the intended 1, it would be a target of hacking. This, Chainlink is the decentralized solution that takes into account all of them, and provides contract with guaranteed data (backed by oracle operators colatteral).

>> No.17056994

>valued at one billion dollars
“Im new to crypto and have no idea how market cap works”: the post.

>> No.17057273

You are absolutely right on all marks about it being a median provider with incentivized good behavior from all nodes.

What you’re wrong about though is conflating it’s simplicity with its necessity and genius in the 4iR