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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17054788 No.17054788 [Reply] [Original]

27, never borrowed a dime

>worked my way through college, now making 70k and have 140k saved

>> No.17054834

The names Reginald maplethorp.
62 years young.
I own every 102 Olive garden, 89 Chili's, 14 Applebee's and an adult toy shop.

>> No.17054854
File: 2.76 MB, 1600x1080, hair hyojung190616 오마이걸 효정 (HyoJung) - 다이어트 중이라 배가 많이 고픈 효토끼 - 부산 팬사인회 [직캠 _ FANCAM] [4K]-kJArhi8JViY-[01.36.029-01.41.535].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7k in student loan debt. i couldn't finish school
now i am a neet loser

>> No.17054863


>> No.17054866

Make 55k a year
Have only 4k saved because I just bought my dream car in cash.

>> No.17054868

4500 student loans
22,000 makerdao debt

>> No.17054882 [DELETED] 
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What a disgusting face. You really prefer that face than OP's? Not talking about behavior or personality, just face. Be honest.

>> No.17054919

No debt, never had any, certainly not planning on having any

>> No.17054921

Around $150 on my credit card balances

>> No.17054941

0 debt

>> No.17054952

29 no debt, but small savings. Actually started to save money this year.

>> No.17054956

I'm making almost half a million a year on youtube

>> No.17054991

what content u makin

>> No.17054998

Never been in debt over 200$
Yuropoor tho

>> No.17055009
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no debt
spent money on retaaaarded shit that could have gone into btc. Now only have .4btc (all my net worth now). Lost .4 trading. Shit wages with a 2 yr degree and 3/4ths a bachelors (sunk cost of about 8k). Spent (highballing) 3k on retard crap.

Things are looking bad. Real bad. Suicide prob if I dont manage to find a way to retire in 2020 (eoy).

>> No.17055019

wasting money on a car, why

>> No.17055088

Because I can drive it for the rest of my life, maybe a few grand in repairs every 10 or so years but its my forever vehicle.

>> No.17055168

Same, but I'm considering to borrow some funds to invest more into the Two Prime's CTO.
I believe that the project has some great potential and is going to become like IEO back in 2019 and ICO back in the 2017

>> No.17055404


>> No.17055411

>$20K in debt (mortgage) getting paid off next month!

>> No.17055419

how is your ex wife doing?
help me get in google faggot

>> No.17055456

Is the ex wife and kid thing even real?

>> No.17055476

why not? he invented it to make money?
or he's a virgin? what are you trying to say?

>> No.17055488

There's an official police report filed for DV by the wife

>> No.17055497

btw, how does his ex wife looks like? I've googled it with no success. is it an ugly chink? a white blonde goldigger stacy? what is it?

>> No.17055508
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Never borrowed anything because I live in a non-shithole country with free education

>> No.17055524

She's Japanese, he met her while in japan. I saw her Facebook page, she's pretty cute IIRC.

>> No.17055547

Was more thinking the money angle (create drama, more views etc), but apparently it is legit

>> No.17056153

I owe 80k on my house. Could pay it off now but fuck it the interest is low as shit.

>> No.17056190

>27, never borrowed a dime
lol stop leeching off our taxes

>worked my way through college,
no you didn't because you're a filthy immigrant

>now making 70k and have 140k saved
yeah stolen from our taxes

>> No.17056215

Roughly same position. 140k in link or semi liquid. "Lenders" won't let me buy a 50k work vehicle (truck driver).

But jews will let me mortgage a 2.8mm usd house no problems, and provide an underage trafficked slave as is custom in all deals done in the motherland (Israel).

So tiresome.

>> No.17056240
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>> No.17056246

15k debt
live in country with free education

>> No.17056274

>Sold my soul to become a glownigger
Material wealth is great though I'll worry about that later

>> No.17056698

32 Tax debt 1,300,000 roughly

>> No.17056715


>live in a country where they are going to be taxing me extra until my deathbed so that other people can get African History degrees

>> No.17056735
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1.4M eur on alimony and fines, had two kids with random thots and dumped them, owe them 3 and 4 years pay, and the gubmint adds interest to it and fines me for even more, can't wait to go to jail for a while, paid vacation on a min security facility

>> No.17056968
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>p-please make me feel good by telling me that you have debt while I currently do not

>> No.17056977

...huh? There are 0 hints he's in immigrant or that most of that money even comes from taxes (immensely unrealistic as shit).

Are you a republican? You guys post the stupidest most uneducated shit.

>> No.17057060

You can't work your way through college if you don't have money to get into college. He's a larper. "Hey, you have no money, no problem, you can enroll here for free, just pay us when you can." Yeah, no. He's either a dreamer beaner or his parents pay his way.

>> No.17057098

>You can't work your way through college if you don't have money to get into college.
Huh? Read your sentence again. Ever hear of part time work? Ya op is probably larping or at least a bit, but nearly no one gets an excessive amount in grants where they can graduate with no debt. Immigrant or no immigrant. Its not realistic.

>> No.17057193

24, no debt

>> No.17057392

No debt
>Dropped out of college. Work as a contract software dev for automation. $40k a year. $225K saved.

>> No.17057400

Not that guy but part time jobs do not pay anywhere near the amount needed for a semester of college in three months time while incurring no debt. If you add living expenses into the equation you can see how false this poster's statement actually is. The only way to work your way through a 4 year degree would be to have a full time well paying job that you could work and go to school simultaneously (if you had a job like this you wouldn't need to or want to go to college). The other is to have a part time job and 2-3 years of tuition saved up and go to school while working. Or mommy and daddy / the government gibs machine pays for your way because you are either a rich kid or a minority. All this is based on if you live in the U.S.

>> No.17057404

>23k debt
>probably wont start earning real impactful money til im 35 - 40, if ever

>> No.17057467


And you claim Republicans are stupid...

>> No.17057506

Debt free house
70k in cash
50k mostly in privacy coins because i am married.

>> No.17057541

>what are merit scholarships
Oh wait, let me guess, the other guy is going to claim that 100% of scholarships go to minorities because that fits his worldview of being an oppressed white person

>> No.17057562
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>doesn't know "stupidest" is a word

>> No.17057583

Debt-free since 2018

>> No.17057683

I get my cs degree and I move out :^). I'm an immigrant in Europe.

>> No.17057715

oh forgot to say
zero debt
200k in investments (43k of that in retirement acct), 20k in bank
Worked for shit pay through my 20s so I got off to a slow start, but I barely spend money so I've always been saving (outside of throwing money away in college)

>> No.17057722

Hey baby how you doin ;)

>> No.17057750

What car?

>> No.17058223

20K at 4% making minimum payments

>> No.17058307

Knew a girl who has a similar face. Same kinda hair, shorter, chubby looking (most fat was in her arms and butt), smaller boobs (sadly), big nice butt, nice legs. Never wore makeup either. I may have subtlety shown interest once but she avoided me for a while after that. Reeeeeeeeeeeee she was cute and seemed like a homebody. One of the few quality and eligible girls in my age bracket. Funnily enough I stopped talking to her and a few others at work eventually towards most of them (there were two faced busybodies amongst the employees who'd I draw the attention of and get blamed from for stuff). She'd attempt talking a few times but not much. Reeeeeeeee it's been 6 months since I saw her (i quit working there) but I still think about ger every now and then.

>> No.17058902

No debt.

Some debt would be good though since debt == leverage in some cases

>> No.17058925
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I hate that dumb whore so much. She started off being an innocent amateur camgirl and ended up doing blacked and gangbangers. She ruined herself. I regret ever losing any sperm to this low life whore.

>> No.17058970
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>own a duplex
>own a car
>10k in the bank

I will never be in debt

>> No.17058978

Lmao look at how pathetic this beta incel cuck is. She's just a whore you dumb bitch, not your special whore. JFC. KYS

>> No.17059009

>$10 debt

>> No.17059046

Back in school for a career change. I will leave with about $60K in debt when I am done, but it will all be paid for by the federal government (HRSA) and/or my employer once I am done.

>> No.17059056

why would you type all of this out

>> No.17059058

Dave Ramsey here. No debt, pay for everything in cash frens

>> No.17059082

The absolute witch put a spell on him

>> No.17059086

This a great policy unless someone is going to pay back your loans. The healthcare professions have a lot of loan repayment programs (both government and employer sponsored). Pay your way through school and you get nothing. Borrow and someone will it back, including interest, while paying you the same wage as the cuck who paid his own way. It is a retarded system, but not taking advantage doesn't change it.

>> No.17059090

$4K in consumer debt

>> No.17059093

What the fuck

>> No.17059123
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You're headed down an awful road amigo. You didn't finance a battle station and video gear to become a YouTuber, right? I've met plemnty of zoomers who have done this.

>> No.17059134

moron. If you arnt an idiot credit is always better than cash.

>> No.17059136


mortgage + car debt = ~$110k

80-90k / yr income


>> No.17059153
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$7k credit card debt to fund a business
>(((student loan debt)))
Kek. Dropped out of college and made it unscathed.

>> No.17059156

If you aren't an idiot using a credit card like cash is ideal. The unfortunate reality is that a big chunk of the population has extremely high time preference and charges more than they can afford. For them, rules like that help keep their nigger-tier impulse control in check.

>> No.17059213


>> No.17059248

70k usd in debt
3k usd in assets to my name

>> No.17059316
File: 64 KB, 640x427, olddog2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being the oldest idiot in this asylum. 45, ~$500K in retirement accounts and brokerage, paid off townhome, no debt, ~$20K in crypto and 25 yr old gf

>> No.17059375

>1 year left of doctorate
>no debt #richparents

>> No.17059864

>0 debt
>Parents paid 90% for undergrad (Economics, minor in Mathematics) and I paid the rest through a few scholarship awards
>Family friend helps me to get job at his firm. Work for 4 years as bullshit consultant in DC for $60k/year
>Saved up ~$30k in 4 years in spite of stupidly high DC rent
>Build up impressive sounding resume thanks to all the 3-letter government agencies I got to work for
>Score 760/800 on GMAT. That plus deceptively nice resume and I got a full scholarship at a well-ranked MBA graduate program
>Used up most of savings to pay for living expenses for those 2 years
>Shunned Amazon and other consultant jobs because I’ll be damned if I’m going to work 100 hour weeks. +100% hours for +30% more money is not a good ROI
>Immediately after graduation, I’m making $99k base salary (Negotiated up from $90k base, plus I got a $20k sign on bonus) at an S&P 100 company doing a job that I mostly dislike (but not hate) and want to transfer out of soon.
>Parents gifted me an old Honda Accord with 100,000+ miles on it for free
>Currently have ~$15k in the bank, ~$10k in the stock market, and I’m about to drop $5,500 on an engagement ring for girlfriend, who’s studying to get her MD.

To be fair, I’d probably be in some moderate debt if it wasn’t for my parents paying for undergrad degree, giving me a car, and family connection getting me a good first job out of undergrad.

I’ll have to move to God-knows-where once my future wife starts her residency. I just hope it will be to some city that has a company I can get a good job at.

>> No.17060012

I make 85k a year
I have 18k in student loans
Drive a 2007 Lexus with 78k miles on it
I have 42k in a retirement portfolio I manage
I have 7k in cash
I also have a mortgage so I guess 270k in debt on that but I don’t really see that as debt vs rent (15year fixed)

>> No.17060049

25 years old. I have 1k link stack and owe my parents about $45,000

>> No.17060120

25, mommy and daddy paid about 35k total for my Bachelor's, don't own property, no other debts.
Plan to go into debt next spring to buy a nice 3 yr old Mustang GT 5.0 performance package level 2, but I'm putting a big down payment on it so it's not too bad.
I could buy cash but I need to play (((their))) game and get more credit history if I ever want a mortgage

>> No.17060165

never borrowed a dime

>> No.17060169
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34 yo, male, 0 debt

>> No.17060209

This is one of the few places on the internet where i like talking to people.


>> No.17060265

isn't the age difference a problem? i imagine it would be difficult to have a "real" conversation with her.

>> No.17060324

she probably understands she's not supposed to talk when she is with him

>> No.17060326

How did you two even meet?

>> No.17060358

No debt at the moment
Paid my student bills off two years ago (though they were minimal since im Canadian and a good portion was covered by scholarship)
I use credit cards only to boost my credit score, mostly just getting small things then paying them off right away
Currently saving to make a downpayment on a house though, then rent out part of it to cover the mortgage costs

>> No.17060368

30, no debt

>> No.17060408

>doing into debt for a car
Sometimes I forget how many stupid people exist

>> No.17060413

She's 25, I get that the guys a pedo and it's problematic because there's so many women with mbas looking for their 4th husband, but it's not like 25 year olds are retarded. I talk with plenty at work and it's the usual. Politics, TV shows, dreams and aspirations, recent trips, hobbies, etc..

>> No.17060417

Nah man I'm not into data mining

>> No.17060447

AGE: 23


>> No.17060470

24 $35k Love huge dicks up my ass like 2"+ thicc.


>> No.17060918

its on a reddit thread talking about techlead, i forget the link and im too lazy to find it

>> No.17060934

From what do you live then? Your own money or parents' money or some gov gibs?

>> No.17060983

>$228,000 mortgage on $280,000 house
>Never did pay my $10 share of gas money to the driver on a road trip in college

>> No.17061027


>> No.17061090
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just turned 18 (first year finance student)
25k equities
10k cash
zero debt

Should I expand to real estate (franchising restaurants) or continue with investments?

>> No.17061092

I have several thousand dollars and no debt.

>> No.17061156

>and I’m about to drop $5,500 on an engagement ring
so you do most of the stuff right except for 5k on those rings

>> No.17061203

Actually retarded

>> No.17061209

Sorry to hear about your grandpa

>> No.17061216

Seconded. Being debt free is based. Interest payments are pleb.

>> No.17061267

No debt
$90k/yr income
$15k savings (only worked 4 months in this job)

>> No.17061332
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ITT: wagecuck jewish slaves

>> No.17061359

5.5k debt owe 4k to my dad
$10k in crypto
make 30k per year and still in college

>> No.17061376

No debt
50k saved

>> No.17061397

Staying debt free is what keeps you poor
Use debt to make bank
Net worth and cash flow is what matters

>> No.17061518
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>> No.17061545

20, never been in debt, but I will have to borrow a few thousand once I transfer to a university. My grandma left me with a college fund to pay for about 1.5 years of university and I've been working through community college.

>> No.17061775

24 Yearold
25K Saved
No debt but no other significant assets