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17052688 No.17052688 [Reply] [Original]

>Have access to our institutions journal subscriptions
>Will answer anything you want to the best of my ability
>Won't answer anything about myself

You biztards are the only honest friends I have
Fire away

>> No.17052729

explain vaccines
cures for cancer

>> No.17052741

I have been a PA-C since 2012. Post the last 5 of your DEA # so I know that you're not a LARP, faggot OP.

>> No.17052749

Alternatively, post something from UpToDate which was recently corrected. I assume that you're not autistic enough to waste $ on a subscription for a shitpost. For funsies, I will do the same.

>> No.17052751

Actual MD here. Ask me questions this LARP won’t answer.

>> No.17052753

What are your thoughts on the coronavirus? Also should I be worried about the boils on my penis?

>> No.17052766

Do you have any clue how fasting reverses insulin resistance quickly, proving type 2 diabetes is neither chronic, nor progressive?

>> No.17052770

Hello Mr. Dr. man. I have a few health issues that have been concerning me for a while.

> constipation
I have a very clean diet. Plenty of high quality chicken and beef, lots of steamed and raw veggies, rice and potatoes. The occasional couple beers, bag of chips, etc. Exercise 5-6 times a week. Get decent sleep. But I rarely have bowel movements. Sometimes as infrequent as once per week. Oddly, when ever I visit my parents at home, I suddenly have to go within the hour. Could this be stress related to living on my own?

> late night erections
I've been on no fap for a few weeks. I keep awaking in the middle of the night with a painful erection. This is disastrous for my sleep quality as you can probably imagine.

>> No.17052775

Vaccines are simple: representative antigens that activate your body's own immune system to not get profoundly infected when you meet the real disease
FWIW I vaccinate all of my kids

Cures for cancer are incredibly hard- infectious disease etc is relatively easy as you have the ability to target things that aren't part of human cells eg cell wall synthesis, folate synthesis etc. Cancer is your own cells losing their cell cycle regulation. From a metabolomics perspective or from an external agent they look exactly like you which makes creating a therapeutic index (drug/treatment kills lots of bad cells and few normal cells) really hard.

Fortunately there are a lot of smart people working really really hard on this one. To be blunt I mean really hard. 140+ IQs working over 80 hours a week for their entire adult life. It's shocking how many lights are on at 10pm on a friday night

>> No.17052777

More chingchongs will get infected, more people will die but ultimately it will not be the happening which makes BTC moon or the bearfags in /smg/ happy.

>t. cosigned by anonymous pa-c
>t. cosign my anonymous md facs pending

>> No.17052786


You're going to have to be a little bit more specific there buddy, first things first what kind of journal is it? Second, is it illegal to share this info? If so get out.

>> No.17052799


>> No.17052806

A lot of people post and say to take Vitamin C supplement so you wouldn’t get the virus. Is Vitamin C a meme or legit?

>> No.17052818

OP is either:
1) a LARP
2) 2nd year MS
3) Lowly PCP

>> No.17052823
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4th year MD student here. Applied derm. Am fairly sure I can get into my home program but on the off chance I managed to fuck it up, what do I do if I don't match? Any sleeper picks for cush specialties that youve heard of? Any advice in general for a fellow medfag?

>> No.17052832

Nah m8 the 140+ IQs working on cancer research put in a comfy 9-5 (more when grant deadlines come up) and are the brains of the operation, but the bulk of the work is actually done by grad students/lab workers. PIs are usually last to arrive and first to leave.

>> No.17052835

Why are dentists much better looking than doctors?

>> No.17052845
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I read on twitter that there are 4 sections of wuhan coronavirus's rna that are very similar/identical to HIV rna, and haven't been found in any other coronavirus before. Does this lend any support to the bioweapon conspiracy theory? Or is it something totally halal that's overblown by retards without any epistemological knowledge (like me)?

>> No.17052847


>> No.17052849

You realize that my DEA# would directly identify me, right?

I don't use uptodate
I publish the stuff that the community docs that write for uptodate cite


Coronavirus will probably end up similar to SARS, H1N1 and any other "perturbation-of-what-were-used-to in normal viral flow"
There is a small chance that this is incorrect, but looking at the current spread and mortality rates I am not worried

DMII is the simplest disease in medicine. It is obesity. Barbaric surgery cures DMII. Logical extrapolation of this gives the whole game away

This hits very close to home...

For regularity start taking fiber and drinking a large glass of water before bed
The no-wiper is a solid life upgrade

For erections realize that you have those when you're healthy. Sounds cringey but learn to fuck hard and regularly. Half the time you fuck do nothing but focus on you. You'll sleep like a baby and you've never seen a woman so submissive

>> No.17052851

Vitamin C is not a total meme though likely useless for most situations.

It's been studied in ICU setting and there's some indications that certain very sick patients can benefit from it:
Search Vitamin C sepsis ICU on google

>> No.17052856

Inb4 this faggot replies to this thread in order to shill his fake fearmonger agenda
>t. Space shuttle dentist

>> No.17052861

Quit reading zerohedge

>> No.17052864

Vitamin C won't absolutely prevent you from getting anything except scurvy. Medical literature suggests that while it doesn't prevent colds (usually caused by viruses) it does usually reduce symptom severity and duration. So it's a good idea to take it, especially if you're already sick, but it's not that amazing.

>> No.17052869

Not the last 5 digits of it, fag. No letters, missing 1 actual #. Larp.

>> No.17052871

You better be either non white or super competitive to get into dem. What was your step 1 score?

>> No.17052873

Current dermie. Best of luck; shit's tough.

>> No.17052878

You don’t even speak English. Go to UTD and copy paste the most recent update. Not the free version.

>> No.17052881

Found you. Ill test your cell tomorrow.

>> No.17052892
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PGY-3 here, I went to the bathroom just to take this pic and crop it. AMA.

>> No.17052902

For 3 weeks now I have been suffering a headache in my temporal bones area. Is it a sinus infection or am im going to die?

>> No.17052913
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Is there any terrible side effects to masturbating 2-3 times a day? I want to know if there was any extensive study done on this matter.

>>failed no-fap numerous times.

>> No.17052916


>> No.17052922

Not a doctor but try going gluten-free. You might have sensitivity to gluten. Beer has a lot of gluten. Going gluten-free solved my constipation.

>> No.17052924

What's the chatter with Unification / UND? Am I going to make it?

>> No.17052925

Derm's a joke. Getting into derm is hard as fuck. Prove me wrong homie.

>> No.17052929

I'd agree with your medical sentiment but extrapolating to market action is foolish

You're not getting it
Full medical papers either require purchase or institutional subscription
I'm willing to use my institution's sub to get you any study level information you want on whatever you have
The shit I normally exchange for equity in startups etc

Also I'm white

Entirely debunked at this point
This is one of the biggest scams in consumer level marketing: if you're eating a western diet you're getting everything you need vitamin/nutrient wise. If you understand how the GI tract works the vast majority of what you eat is broken down to base molecules for luminal transport

Effectively everything you think you're eating that is therapeutic is a fraud

You named everything I'm not
Fun fact I'm also probably the richest poster on the board tonight

If you're doing derm you've made the decision to sell out. Other fields like that are optho, ER, physical medicine etc.

Decide what your actual values are. If you actually just want money it's far far easier to make a million plus a year in the private sector than trying to compete as a mohs fag in a saturated market

You could not be more wrong
One of the way I screen partners in multi institutional projects is exactly the antithesis of what you said

They're shorter dumber weaker and kill themselves more often
OMFS is a very weird field as a result

HIV is a retrovirus, corona is vanilla as shit. Even if there was cross selection of genes it would not affect the important part which is do we have a virus with a novel virulence path or mutational ratio that is actually a threat

I would be willing to lay fairly solid odds in the negative

>> No.17052936

255+ here. Am a white guy . I was thinking psych or IM as a backup if I have to SOAP into something . Hopefully it doesn't come to that. My family is on me to make $, so I probably wouldn't reapply. Whats your specialty?

>> No.17052962

255 is solid. You should be good at your home program if you have any research and don't look/sound like an absolute idiot.

>> No.17052976

255 is probably fine as long as you have some publications. EM

>> No.17052981

lol you are talking about exchanging scientific papers for equity in startups...

Same startups that hire student interns and have access to full subscriptions of all journals available.

"richest person on board tonight"

Top kek

>> No.17052996

If dentists are dumber then how much there is little to no black dentists, one of the lowest IQ races? While they are many blacks in medicine and medical schools.

>> No.17053002


Thoughts on the possibility that the MMR vaccine may cause brain damage, or autism, in some cases?

>> No.17053006

My doctor occasionally asks me if I want to be screened for cancer when I bring up concerns but shouldn't that be his call? Curious why he words things like that.

>> No.17053034

whats in your portfolio?

>> No.17053040

Ophthalmology PGY1 here.

>> No.17053044

Doesn't cause autism, very very rare chance of temporary brain inflammation

>> No.17053055

Hi doc, I have been having trouble completely emptying my bladder after I drink something- I take a piss, feel like I'm done, then 15m I have to piss again? Could this be prostate cancer? I get regular checkups and my PSA levels have always been normal. Normal prostatitis? I drive a lot for work so am sitting and often times sit in front of my PC at home so could that have an effect? I'm 28 so never had a finger up my ass.

>> No.17053066

Again, that's relatively easy to derive my real DEA from, you of course understand that the leading letters don't provide any level of anonymity/randomization

If you read my posts I speak English pretty well. What you're asking for has my institution's name right on it

Call me now, I'll even hang up on my current call for it

You're not operative if you're wearing scrub bottoms and a tshirt
Non operative doctors wearing scrubs is the ultimate cope

Sounds like a tension headache. If you're having fevers or normal NSAIDs don't cut the pain get checked

Honestly no, as long as you aren't physically damaging your dick you're probably OK
May hurt your ability to have normal sex until you take a break though

Think he means the competition
Lots of doctors more interested in money than actually helping people

You're an adult now. the difference between 300k and 600k isn't as big as the difference between believing in what you do and not

Did you read what i said?
I am given equity for being able to give the landscape for where the bleeding edge is with respect to my field.
That comes from knowing all of the most recent research in your field
Any idiot can disseminate a PDF

>> No.17053068

Far less of a chance than if you contract measles. The myth about autism has been debunked multiple times.

>> No.17053070

Unless you have a family history of early onset prostate cancer that's extremely unlikely

>> No.17053073

What percentage of your fellow doctors do you think are in it for the money? What percentage of your fellow doctors admit that? What percentage of your fellow doctors claim to be in it to help people?

>> No.17053079

Very few most of the people in my class are leftists unironically trying to make the world better

>> No.17053086

Kek if I wanted to make money I would have never gone into medicine. Had much better opportunities elsewhere where money is concerned. And I’m going into a high-paying field.

>> No.17053087

testing can be expensive and doctors can't just order expensive tests and procedures on a whim, because insurance companies will deny payment if they can't prove it was medically necessary. and depending on type of testing and severity there's often a process for receiving prior authorization from the insurer for the expensive stuff

>> No.17053088

Why is this here btw? This has nothing to do with business or finance unless we are discussing how to manage a medical clinic. But, we are far from that.

>> No.17053091


>> No.17053101

There are also very few black crab fishermen or methamphetamine addicts
You understand how that is possible, right?

Effectively disproven
This is one of the greatest cognitive dissonances in our era. Autism directly tracks with maternal age
But nobody can say that
So we have to look for a scapegoat
MMR, thiomersol, fevers, gluten etc etc etc

Depends on what cancer
Each cancer has a distinctly different screening algorithm

80% boomer index funds
15% crypto
5% physical PMs

Probably fair

Voiding symptoms and prostate cancer are generally unassociated, it's a common misconception.
At 28 I would guess that you have some element of dysfunctional elimination as you're way too young for BPH
Try taking miralax (totally benign OTC drug) for a month and see if that fixes things

>> No.17053103

We're discussing salaries and whatnot. So somewhat relevant.

>> No.17053127

This breaks my heart honestly
When they start residency maybe 10%
When they get out maybe 30%
When they're 50 maybe 70%
The field needs a makeover
Fortunately there is a motivated group working on that right now

Just made my point for me

Read what I wrote above

Fair, mods kill it if you don't see value

>> No.17053129


>> No.17053147

Not going to report you, just saying it’s weird place to put this type of thread.

>> No.17053165

do you have any pinkies sir?

>> No.17053168
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thanks for taking some time to answer questions MDfag

>> No.17053177

Also to be honest biz has provided me with a hell of a lot of value

Would anyone here honestly have found chainlink etc in 2017 if it weren't for biz?


>> No.17053188


No, looked into it and didn't like the value proposition

No problem glad to be here

>> No.17053194

Damn I read into this and on a related note hypoglycemia can also cause increased urination? My doctor getsnoissed st me because my blood sugar is often very low because I skip lunch a lot because i am working.

More recently i had an episode where I was smoking some weed and drinking with a friend at my place after I came home and I hadn't eaten yet and I blacked out, smashed my head onto the ground and started seizing. He and I both thought it was going to die.

Hopefully I can make it before I pass.

>> No.17053202

become a navy or an army doctor. army usually gets their residency picks and navy will put u on a sub or a carrier to be a flight surgeon or sub doc. 2 years then apply for your residency, if u dont get it then u can try again in 2 years and stay as a flight sergeon. it depends how bad u want derm

>> No.17053209

Gets annoyed*

>> No.17053212

How do you deal with talkative patients? I almost failed a practical exam because the patient wouldn't shut up and answer my questions.

>> No.17053215

>miralax for voiding symptoms
Bad idea. First steps are behavioral modifications (cutting caffeine, alcohol) then antimuscarinics

>> No.17053224

makes sense, appreciate the context. how should a patient be judging that call responsibly without medical trainig? I've looked into what I'd be tested for but reading about it is only so helpful when you're trying not to make an expensive decision out of fear

>> No.17053231

It's ok to interrupt and redirect the conversation or ask more yes/no questions

>> No.17053235

I'm autistic and can't get a decent job but I'm verbal so that means no one takes me seriously about my autism. Can I still leverage this into getting disability?

>> No.17053239

Do certain additives in vaccines cause problems? If herd immunity exists, why do we insist on vaccinating everyone instead of a majority of the population? Should vaccine makers be immune from criminal prosecution?

>> No.17053258

Yeah, but how do I interrupt without looking like a jerk.

>> No.17053259

thoughts on SSRIs?

>> No.17053347

Patients understand, I just say something like
>I'm sorry our time is limited and I need to make sure we can cover ___ fully today
Then ask a question

>> No.17053358

I am tired all the time. Yes, I am depressed but it’s more than that. I have extreme sleepiness. Exercise and coffee both help a little bit but I’m still half asleep 90% of each day. Thoughts on what might cause this?

>> No.17053385

Probably not
Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life
I'd be willing to bet it will get better when you start spending more time sober and healthy

If you're talking about step 2 cs kinds of stuff direct compassionate communication

Sounds like a great plan for a 65yo index patient
Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about for a 28yo


Or you could work to overcome your life challenges
Like all of your ancestors did before you

Would you sign up to be the 70% that needs a medical procedure rather than the 30% that doesnt?

>> No.17053386

My ancestors weren't autistic.

>> No.17053404

Valuable in two circumstances:
- true depression
- premature ejaculation (in lower doses)

Ruling out everything obvious (do you drink yourself to sleep every night?)

It's lack of risk in your life
If you actually do something you fear and that makes you grow as a person during the day you'll never have this complaint

>> No.17053422

you can always receive a quote before any of the expensive stuff. we're talking outpatient so none the cost shouldn't really come as a surprise. this is more about insurance red tape than your doctor, he'd probably happily screen you or send you to a specialist. but he also wants to get paid and not bankrupt his patients with non-covered services

>> No.17053423

But they were weak
or short
or hair lippped
or dumb
or had misshapen features

Human beings are very young from an evolutionary perspective; variance and potential growth are still very very large in the human gene set
Literally surviving and making the next generation is a victory
Especially when everyone who has failed is sitting on the sidelines trying desperately to convince you otherwise

>> No.17053433

That guy could do better than her. Looks like a blond toby mcguire or whatever the first spiderman movie guys name is.

>> No.17053435

Bus driver anon here. Lately at work everythings been hurting- bad... my fucking arms hurt from holding the wheel, my legs throb from sitting... i had a sharp shooting pain from ny lower back and now i get intermittent backpains up my spine and what not, i know what ita caused from/by/ and how to help alleviate it

So my question is this, how do i ask my doctor for FMLA to take time off on fays when its TOO bad to work- and how do i go about at hitting my company for repetive motion injuey

Because no shit, like im in ALOT of pain.. im not even 30... i dont wana stop working, but its been nonstop for months now... im not one to pull this shit but its clearly effecting my health

Thanks doc

>> No.17053440

Maybe so but I don't see how my autism is anything but a liability in a world where social skills > all and being just a little bit off-kilter can ruin you. And don't tell me that all I have to do is just get good at social skills, learning enough social skills to get by is not a cure for autism nor does it even cure social awkwardness. I am the most social autist I ever met and I still regularly fail to impress.

>> No.17053469

65 yo you would consider alpha blockers. Antimuscarinics are used in younger patients you dumbfuck

>> No.17053470

No I don’t drink much at all.

I take lots of risks. I have two businesses that I started with nothing. I love my job. It’s very creative and fulfilling. I am learning constantly.

I put $50k into Chainlink. I went on a trip to Europe for 3 months with only $2500 and had a blast.

I eat well. I exercise. I don’t do drugs.

And I am tired ALL THE TIME.

Is there some kind of tired disease I don’t know about? My thyroid is fine. I had Graves but it’s in remission.

Thank you for your time.

>> No.17053471

i jerk off at least a dozen times each day. is this normal, is this bad, and what can i do to stop it (it takes up most if not all of my spare time when i should be doing more productive things)

>> No.17053476

how much coffee do you drink?

>> No.17053510

op thanks for doing this. ive been mulling over how to get away from my thc/weed addiction. any medical advice for me? cold turkey? ween off? i have smoked every day for 6 years to cope with this meme of a life, but lately am very anxious all the time.

in past attempts i lose my appetite fully and experience nausea and insomnia for many days would like to avoid this.

>> No.17053518
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Is 26 old to go back to school and be a medfag? I'd be 30 by the time I'm done my BA, did you have any in their early 30s with you in med school? I feel like an old fart now

>> No.17053521

More /biz/ related, are your fellow doctors arrogant but underperforming investors like all the studies say? Or do they actually stay in their lane when it comes to stock picking?

>> No.17053528

If coronavirus continues to spread which short term call on the best positioned healthcare company looks to be the most promising?

>> No.17053537

Not too late if you have the patience. I had a couple dudes in their late 30s

>> No.17053558

Step 1 tell your pcp
Step 2 get into physical therapy
One of two things happens from here
You do it and things are all better
You do it and now you have the proper documentation for what you're talking about carte blanche going forward

There was a time when all that mattered was physical size and your ancestor wasn't the biggest
Make a decision now, if your ego is more important than your survival make the decision now, pursue a life of pleasure and isolation and leave yourself out of the gene pool

Tell me the role of alpha blockers in females
Tell me the relative risk of retention giving anticholinergics in 65yom with predominately irritative voiding symptoms?

This is all not true
Presuming it was, you're in the best situation possible
Sleep more
Not normal, cut back a bit and you'll be fine
Or let time erode your libido as it should

Used to be all day
Now one cup when i get to hosp and one after lunch

>> No.17053591

Take it seriously and act like an adult
Tell your employer you need a few months to deal with a personal health issue and they'll know exactly what you're talking about. Tell your spouse/family. Then go get sober in a place where they've seen it all before.

Ironically you'll enjoy life more after. True dawn to dusk stoners turn into equally annoying life enjoyers once they check back into reality

It's fine
Oldest person in my class was 41
You'll be a token for sure but a helluva lot more based and resilient than the 23yo that's never had an A-

95% of us are
To be fair
The good MD investors are better than anything on wall st

Basic biotech stuff because if your scenario does play out it'll be an immediate acquisition after a govt back channel ensures it's green

>> No.17053603

Patient is a young male, hence why anticholinergics are not contraindicated and why alpha blockers would be considered if he were older. You know you were wrong about Miralax so stop trying to shift goalposts or whatever and admit it.

>> No.17053622

Again, you are wrong on literally all fronts
Young male very unlikely to have true OAB, hence your plan has no value
Young male much more likely to have dysfunctional voiding/elimination as closer to pediatric age
Alpha blockers are as irrelevant to the question as ACs

Goalposts are in the same place they always are: end patient value
Try to keep up

>> No.17053636

What are your thoughts on adderal and the long term effects it presents?

>> No.17053654

True they are less likely to have an underlying pathophysiologic cause which is why my first recommendation was behavioral therapy. It's still not unheard of and is the next step if behavioral doesn't help. You still haven't admitted you are completely wrong about miralax so stop being a pretentious cunt.

>> No.17053658

Yep, that's exactly what i was thinking as well. Thanks anon

>> No.17053674

where are the flu vaccines manufactured? i cant find that info anywhere. only who distributes and where the distributors are located. i want to know if flu vaccines are made by chinks in chinkland. why is that information so hard to verify

also how old are you and how long have you been practicing? i dont consider a 29 year old MD fresh out of residency a "doctor"

>> No.17053683

also dont lie, when you get hot women patients you palpate more than you have to during exams hehehe

>> No.17053689

OP has already shown himself to be pretty incompetent by equating diabetes with obesity and prescribing miralax for urinary frequency lol, I wouldn't believe anything he says

>> No.17053692

Its exactly what is billed
A moderate intensity stimulant that is useful to normalize adhd symptoms
Long term same problems

Again, try to keep up
In kids the most common cause of what he described is dysfunctional elimination eg constipation which causes painful BMs that kids misinterpret ass pain with any elimination
Hence the miralax
Which is the core of gi/gu combined clinics in every peds hospital/clinic

Everything else you've said is basic APP "read a guideline and be proud you understood"
The reason doctors exist is to tailor treatments to patients
Exactly like i did
And you didnt

No problem, good luck

>> No.17053703

Stop using pub med as a ultra secret place, you fag

>> No.17053706

which crypto are you the most bullish on right now?

>> No.17053717

I'd guess sanofi would be a good place to start
Looks like Framingham for some stuff and some in India
Again, you understand that finding where something is made is meaningless if you dont understand the key points in the process

No I have my female nurses who are younger and more attractive come to chaperone

Have you read the NEJM article on DM and bariatrics?
Read above, if you don't understand why that is the correct answer please let the adults talk

>> No.17053723

28 isn't a kid and he had no pain. His issue is either with retention or detrusor hyperactivity. Again, you're changing the subject to fit your incorrect recommendations.

>> No.17053733

You're not a very good doctor if you don't understand how autism works.

>> No.17053736

Weight is the most significant risk factor but not the only risk factor. I have had dozens of patients with type 2 diabetes with normal weights. Your ignorance is showing again.

>> No.17053747

Try to keep up
Im offering professional interpretation of full articles
Not the abstracts on pubmed

I only know a few cryptos in the depth I'd need to be bullish

a few others

If I had to pick one to 10x in the next year it would be XMR

Stop trying to justify your ignorance
On a population level a 28 year old is orders of magnitude more likely to have BBD and benefit from a bowel regimen than he is to benefit from the AC you'd rx and ironically worsen the situation

Can I talk to your supervising physician?

>> No.17053755

This is avoiding the point I made
I never claimed to understand your situation
I provided perspective on it
That you're choosing to ignore
Because it is inconvenient for your ego

So you're saying that I'm right for the most important question on the issue?

>> No.17053788

Again, it's even more orders of magnitude likely to be behaviorally related. Can I speak to your supervising intern?

You're wrong though, because you explicitly equated the two which is false. If you had specified that it is the most important of many factors you would be correct. What you did is the equivalent of saying you can only get HIV from having sex with an HIV positive man.

>> No.17053815

You're absolutely wrong, especially in this age range. The studies of the behavioral modifications you're now pivoting to in order to try and salvage your failed argument have pp's in their 60's

Your HIV point is the definition of a false equivalency. In the US the overwhelming driver of DMII is obesity full stop
To believe anything else is magical thinking

>> No.17053822
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>> No.17053826

is there a gay gene

also do you agree that all tripfags should be ignored until roped and that Israel is the greatest enemy of all nations of the world?

>> No.17053849

It's literally the first thing you address when treating those symptoms, ask any real doctor (as it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about). And most cases of HIV are spread sexually so it's really not a false equivalence, I picked a stupid example to mirror the stupidity of your original statement

>> No.17053952
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Could be the particular garden of microbes that are growing in your gut

>> No.17054049

KYS Dr. faggot, immediately after erasing your entire bloodline.

>> No.17054110

So is GALT going to moon or is it a meme? Will it get FDA approval and does it solve an actual medical problem. Thoughts on CRISPR or other gene editing biotechs? Where should we be looking/investigating for the next big biotech boom. What medical problems are at the bleeding edge trying to be solved. Thanks for any info you provide.

>> No.17054124
File: 735 KB, 1077x1482, rope_for_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're doing derm you've made the decision to sell out. Other fields like that are optho, ER, physical medicine etc.

What do you mean by that?
>t. considering applying for PMR due to comfy life-work balance and a solid pay, seems like a good enough risk/reward for me, most specialties in medicine are a literal suicide

>> No.17054153

I'm currently an RN, been doing a lot of agency float and per diem ICUs. What should I do while waiting for link to moon? Anesthesia? Psychiatric? Informatics? Turns out I hate patients and taking care of people but love money and having everything over 3 nights count as overtime.

>> No.17054235

I have access to sci hub too fag

>> No.17054348

Fellow MD master race here, enjoying this thread. How many are we on biz?

>> No.17054358
File: 202 KB, 1242x988, 1FDBA754-457F-4996-9C0F-2279A97ED452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have a chat on telegram. It’s not that active but if more people join, the discussion could be livelier. Join the MD master race group. Link in pic related or below.

t.me slash joinchat slash HIH5ihM-me2sq1fOjoY2vw

>> No.17054422

fuck other horny RN nurses, seriously yall nursese are the most easiest horniest sluts.

when a girl walks into my bar and tells me she is a nurse/respiratory therapits/ etc. i already start to get my dick hard.

>> No.17054430

I have IBS-C, starting to have memory problems, and I'm always stressed out and depressed. What do you suggest I'd do?

>> No.17054433

Yeah boi last year resident here, best specialty hands down
>make people see
>surgery is the bomb
>fucking Lasers pew pew

>> No.17054446


It feels a bit too difficult though, surgery and shit, very competitive etc. I like PMR mroe, it's sounds more chill to me.