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File: 16 KB, 370x242, shoplifting-shutterstock-370x242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1705196 No.1705196 [Reply] [Original]

How viable is shoplifting for acquiring emergency income?

>> No.1705200
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Poor liquidity

Unless you have your own cornershop to sell the useless shit you just stole

>> No.1705202


in any country where income is an emergency, it is not viable.

>> No.1705203

ebay my nyugga

>> No.1705212

kind of fucking retarded

why dont you just get a job faggot

>> No.1705217
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>being a wagecuck when you can steal thousands of dollars of electronics within minutes
Workie workie

>> No.1705227

and then get fucked in the ass in prison

>> No.1705269

I'm sure you're much smarter than all the other criminals.

>> No.1705280

>thinking most criminals get caught
reverse survivor ship bias

>> No.1705283

True, but lifelong criminals can and often do.

You going to be stealing TVs into your 60's grandpa?

Enjoy polishing Tyrone's dick.

>> No.1705286
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yeeeea It just so happens these "electronics" are all in cases under lock and key, spider wrapped to all hell or hidden anti-theft devices in the box. good luck "taking candy from a baby" mr. bad-ass. oh and the cameras too lol

>> No.1705289

The risk isn't worth it though.

Even if 9/10 times you'll get away with it. And indeed it's temporary, sure you can get away with crime for a while, but eventually you'll need to make money legit. And if you're going to do that then it pretty much defeats the purpose anyway.

And besides, shoplifting is like the lowest nigger-tier of crime. At least do something that requires some intelligence or creativity.

>> No.1705299

Depends on were you steal from. Most big box stores have heavy surveillance and LP agents. If they catch you then it's a charge and probably jail time and also a nasty blotch on your record that will never go away.

If it's some small shop somewhere that doesn't have any of that then you might can get away with it unless the store owner blows you away with a 12 gauge.

>> No.1705335

>i've never left my house:the post
Walmart has piles of tvs sitting out in the open.

>> No.1705340

>i'm le thief master race
>but i need to ask a Chinese bitcoin scamming forum if it's worthwhile


>> No.1705358

I knew a big guy who did a lot of that before the hyper surveillance state. You are on camera too much now, when they got you on film, they got you. then you have a criminal record and are on the nignog plantation for life where your only choices are professional criminal for life or min wage jobs. So plausible but subjective.

>> No.1705429
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>haha yea dude just walk outta the place

>> No.1705443

Crime honestly isn't worth it. I've met dozens of people who tried crime. They pretty much end up getting real jobs anyways. Only one I know who didn't is now begging for change and had to sell his car.

>> No.1705449


>> No.1705502

I'll take mostly hair creames, Polaroid cameras, deodorant, bottles of wine, clothes, cheap watches, stuff like that.

Do not recommend but I've been doing it for years and never been caught

Not a lucrative option

>> No.1705710

I grew up in a family of liars, cheats, thieves, and thugs.
Not all of them have been caught, and some of them still made a living like this before I cut all contact with that trash.
I was the only one that didn't get sucked into that lifestyle. Not because I couldn't pull it off or because I was afraid.
It was because having watched them all of my life I learned early on that criminals tend to do MORE work just to earn the same small payoff that a legit 9-5 would have gotten them.

Sure you could steal a few car radios but now you need the know how to take them apart to remove all of the serial numbers.
Then you need to find a fence or a pawn shop that wont rat you out for selling something with no serial #.
There's also the preemptive planning that goes into committing each crime in order to ensure you don't get caught.

At the end of the day all you do is continue to devalue your labor to the point where it honestly isn't worth your time.
Or you end up cutting corners to increase your per hour earnings and ultimately get caught because you got greedy.

>> No.1705719

Being a criminal can be a very good way of making money but it requires intelligence and a lot of hardwork and thinking. To the point that it becomes like a legitimate job.

At which point it's probably not even worth it.

>> No.1705728

You're better off not stealing because you'll ruin your chances of having a high paying job.

>> No.1705734

That was the exact point I was trying to get across.
It's a complete waste of time.

>> No.1705741

Shoplifting is but there's plenty of criminal endeavors that earn a lot of money and are pretty safe. But they require a lot of effort.

>> No.1705745

If you get caught you'll ruing your chances of almost any job period. Then you'll have to be a criminal forever because it's a revolving door.

>> No.1705750

If you commit the right kind of crime you won't need a job ever again.

>> No.1705777

>there's plenty of criminal endeavors that earn a lot of money and are pretty safe
This whole thread is talking about petty theft.
Petty theft is almost always a waste of time.

>> No.1705784

Theres no shortcuts in life. Unless you inherit it or win the lotto.

Just about every big con man or thief that ever lived got caught in the end. The mob only got away with it because they were an enterprise that had muscle and money to either pay off cops or intimidate them. You don't have either.

>> No.1705788

>Just about every big con man or thief that ever lived got caught in the end

Or... you just never heard about them?

I'm willing to bet there's a lot of people who committed crime to make a few million then laundered it, cleaned their hands and funneled it all into legal ventures and become successful in those too.

>> No.1705791

i saw this literally yesterday at walmart.

2 juans walked out of the store with a TV on a cart and when the dude asked for the receipt, one mexican whipped out his phone and showed it to him. Fortunately the dude wasnt autistic, so he asked them for the paper receipt.

But then I think they did some magical neuro linguistic reprogramming, and he let the 2 mexicans leave with the TV.

was surprised how easy it is to trick people

>> No.1705792

This isn't tv anon. The odds are against you. Everyone under you will be trying to be you, being criminals, how do you see this going?

>> No.1705797

remember that the criminal is one person. but many people are looking for them, its you vs the system. to those geniuses who could beat the system, I say...its always been about who had the superior mind. if your mind is superior, and you can work the system, its no different than chess where black is vs. white. just dont cause any pain, as that will return to you twofold

>> No.1705798

I didn't say I am or I want to be one.

I'm just saying it's pretty silly to claim it never works out, when it quite clearly does. It's really not that far of a stretch to realize individual people make millions a day from crime.

>> No.1705803

And I'm sure you can't name these individuals of course

They all get caught unless they live in a3rd world

>> No.1705807

I used to work at walmart about 7 years ago. Even back then they had undercover LP and cameras out the wazoo.

Now that the technology has improved i can only imagine what they have now.

>> No.1705809

>And I'm sure you can't name these individuals of course

How the fuck would I be able to name criminals who were never identified and got away with it?

Does that even make sense to you?

>> No.1705820

So keep believing in memes bro

>> No.1705823

As an honest response, no you wouldn't.
So if you have no concrete proof that this happens, why would think it does?

>> No.1705831

>So if you have no concrete proof that this happens, why would think it does?

Because there's a lot of people in this world and a lot of crime goes unpunished. It's really not much of a stretch to think that it does happen.

I'll bring up an example, malware and banking fraud. Security researchers track lots of cybercriminals and there's many operations that fly under the radar but yet steadily make money.

Many examples of malware designed for banking fraud wreaking havoc for many years, with researchers estimating it making the people responsible a handsome profit - and it's just very dedicated and careful malware used specifically for targeting a few specific financial institutions and not bothering anyone else, so to not raise suspicion.

Researchers estimate it's been around for quite some years. People are making money from it + many years. You do the math. It's definitely feasible that people make money quietly and get away with it.

>> No.1705835

Sources please

>> No.1705853




I don't really give a shit but here's one in particular i was reading about / and referencing in my post. Sorry I know it's just one example but I hope you get the idea.

>> No.1705859

Crime ain't really worth it t b h unless you're making a fuck load and have nothing to lose

>> No.1705862

The last link talks about how they got caught.

Try again

>> No.1705863

The score will be too low to risk tarnishing your name. However, if your name is already tarnished go for it.

>> No.1705872
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This is also a good idea. You can embezzle money or goods. The risk is lower because companies don't want to prosecute and make their company and management look bad.

>> No.1705880

just an example, there's many more

>> No.1705900

but really take a read through the three articles it's very interesting, gave me a new perspective at least.

>> No.1705906

I actually will though, i enjoy a good read