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17051053 No.17051053 [Reply] [Original]

Sup fags.

In case you havent heard corona virus is pretty bad. How are we going to get rich off this?

>Short airline stocks
>buy gas mask company stocks

>> No.17051494

short fucking all stocks anon, when china reopens its markets there will be heaps of selling from this shit. and this will impact markets across the world. Also that movie is top notch

>> No.17051531

depends on how far it goes, also link looks shady i googled "Corona virus Global cases John Hopkins", for live feed on reported cases.

If it evolves into a pandemic, people are gonna spend significantly more time indoor - away from other people. Perhaps buy stocks in some mobile app game developers or Brazzers etc.

>> No.17051554

Unironically, water.

Thank me later, i think there was some water etf, some anon could help on that

>> No.17051557

Sell Corona survival kits

>> No.17051573

So are you shorting the s&p?

>> No.17051622

im all in bitcoin, but if you are interested in the stock market. yes short everything friend, just look at it. its all about to collapse because the fed just kept pumping money and it kept getting higher and higher and its running out of steam. this carona virus shit will do more damage than china.

>> No.17051631

But they will pump even more if they keep printing lad.

>> No.17051683
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this is the big one. it won't be fixed next week or next month. good luck anons.

>> No.17051687

You’re a legit brainlet. I did this 2 weeks ago, smart money did this 4 weeks ago. Unironically priced in.

>> No.17051720

they can only devalue it for so long until the purchasing power is outweighed by all the crazy shit thats happening ie china dumping

>> No.17052499
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IF you are betting corona goes parabolic, then long Walmart, other grocery outlets and ammo companies ASAP.

IF you are betting it dies down in 2 weeks, use market's panic dip as swing position.

>> No.17052529

absolutely gambling

shit is already correcting and on its way to recover; i.e. by next week this shit will blow over like it never happened and everyone will forget that trump even had an impeachment trial
IF by next week it gets worse or someone from wuhan leaks some massive shit like a massacre or even potential leak in the quarantine itself to the point where even China can't hold it, then it's a real issue

>> No.17052574

but walmart is all chinese manufactured product. maybe long biotech short walmart. or fuck just go to cash and take risk to 0

>> No.17052596

food anon
walmart has the food people will prioritize
think recession proof

>> No.17052615

If the crisis you think is going to happen does happen, the entire supply chain fails and stocks are meaningless.

>> No.17052635

i thought everyone shopped aldis for the discount and publix / whorefoods whatever for gucci toast. walmart doesnt have the food market at any level in the cities I know

>> No.17052671

IF it does
Do much hype, and it originated in the world's most surveilled and censored country, so no way to be sure

Grocery outlets in general. When shtf, yuppies will stop buying at over priced health food stores and want the pantry full of canned goods

WalMart is just an example, plus its a blue chip too big to fail company

>> No.17052682

short tourism related shit. chinks make up 15% of straya's tourism income. chinks like tours as well. short tour companies, both to and from china. think goods that they basically have a monopoly over, manufactured shit that everyone else gave up making decades ago, shit that no one but the chinks have the equipment to make and short it. Then you got whole commodities: iron, copper, nickel and all the other basics will be in surplus, short them.

>> No.17052737

the chinks are in some epic debt internally, if coronachan lasts quite some time there will be mass defaults, businesses going bankrupt, banks folding. a lot of the west rely on the chinks for bits and pieces for their own products, some for their own complete product. find out which companies will suffer the most in the western world if china completely goes to shit, and short them.

>> No.17052764

YANG, the ETF.

>> No.17052790

Apparently they're saying it was engineered.

Lastly all I want to say if this is true and the virus was engineered by the Chinese and 'got out' the CCP will look weak and the entire international community will put pressure on their regime's transparency. China gets sanctioned. Gives US the opportunity to set better trade deal and trade agreement enforcement - good for the market