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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1024x576, hetalia_seychelles_by_ellenatammycandy-d88q652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1705004 No.1705004 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends. I'm starting a financial services business. I'm considering opening a company in Seychelles, that is owned by a company in Belize. Has anyone here ever done that? Any advice?

I know I don't need to have a physical address in Belize, nor travel there to start my company, but what about Seychelles?

Pic related. Seychelles flag with anime.

>> No.1706223

>not basing your company out of Nevada


>> No.1706234

So youre asking neets for some company investing advice? Neet consultancy aint exactly free you know. We have coin markets to manipulate

>> No.1706265

Do you have a license? What sort of financial company?

>> No.1706267

If he has to ask here, I'm guessing its probably for his boiler room scam

>> No.1706285

Well as long as he learns something

>> No.1706447

I realize that. But I still had hope.

No. I'm going there exactly because it's unregulated and has almost no taxes.

I don't want to scam people. In my view being a bad payer is one of the best ways to not make money. I simply don't have the required capital to regulate the company.

It's a binary options company btw.

>> No.1706590

You moron they won't let you just open a finance company willy nilly comoddities is one thing but financial advice is basically asset management which is harder

>> No.1706591

Shit didn't read the post fully, if its trading options you will need a licence from them. And comply with other countries as well.

>> No.1706600

In Seychelles you don't need a license. Forex and binary are unregulated there. Same on panama. That's why so many companies choose to start their business there, then move to Belize or Cyprus.

>> No.1706708
File: 108 KB, 640x640, AnimePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1706710

>basing your company in the most cucked country in the world

>> No.1707779

If OP was serious about this company he would be able to find information online instead of learning from 4chan.

>> No.1708042

Asking on 4chan actually fits the definition of "finding online".

>> No.1709125

which island you on? My mothers on la digue i think.

>> No.1709445
File: 441 KB, 4500x4334, smug pepe superhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to scam people
>It's a binary options company btw.

>> No.1709893

>which island you on? My mothers on la digue i think.
What do you mean?

No bully.

>> No.1709913

>No bully.

*cough*I was going to do the same thing*cough*
Want a business partner?

>> No.1709933

I was thinking of targeting my country, offer national companies options, no one does that here yet.
I guess I launch in two countries at the same time. Where are you from?

Someone to help with money to open the company would be nice. How much money could you put in and what related skills do you have? Do you know how to program?

>> No.1709945

I guess I could*

>> No.1709962

>I'm starting a business
>I don't know how to start a business and am asking 4chan to spoon-feed me

How retarded are you?

>> No.1709967

You have to learn somehow.

I just want to know some specific things about opening a company in a certain remote country. People here might know because it's often used to avoid taxes and money laundry.

>> No.1710253

Money laundry?

You mean money laundering. This isn't a board for you. Go ask your mom for your colouring books again

>> No.1710307

>everyone has English as a native language