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1704954 No.1704954 [Reply] [Original]

Wat do
How start
How much
Where invest

>> No.1704989

>Invest in a life insurance
>Kill yourself

If you ask that kind of questions without asking google first and read a lot you aren't ready for investing.

>> No.1705003

1. Open a trading account somewhere. (covers "Wat do" and 'How start"
2. "How much" it depends on who you ask, but I'd say 25,000,000 is a reasonable amount to get your feet wet... Lower than that it's not worth it imho.
3. Stocks, options, etc. Depends on your risk tolerances, but the advisors in the /rhg/ threads pick winners that yield massive gains.

>> No.1705022

Like 25 million dollars? I have 5,000 dollars in savings. That's all I have.

>> No.1705288

Research investing - investopedia is a good start
See previous answer
however much you are willing and have
Wherever you think is a good investment

>> No.1705298

Understand the difference between trading and investing.

Live on half your income. You don't get rich by making money - you get rich by not spending it.

>> No.1705302
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>> No.1705361

>Live on half your income.
how the fuck do you do this in the city?

My monthly spending amounts to half my pay but that's with no car.

>> No.1705509

Yet somehow Mexicans manage to do it.
Live like a Mexican.

>> No.1705512

>Wat do
>How start
>How much
>Where invest

>> No.1705661

nocoiners keep saying that you will lose your earnings... if i choose to invest in btc when it dips and hold on to that sumbitch and sell high how am I NOT making money?

>> No.1706928
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Start small.
Don't take any risk you can't afford to loose.

I've invested £1500 about 5 weeks ago.
and to date its made 30% returns.
A FREE £500...!!!

Bitcoin is continuing to look bullish, with very strong short, mid and long term gains.
If a dip comes, BUY THE DIP and HOLD.
Bitcoin stability has been proven over the last 3 years, every crash recovers very quickly.
Bitcoin has out preformed Gold for the last 24 months in a row.
The markets have seen this and the stability of bitcoin against fiat currencies continues to push demand and price higher.
Money is being moved from Gold to Bitcoin for long term, very safe investment.
Mid 2017 - Bitcoin hits $2k
If even 1% of gold investment moves to bitcoin.
This is certain.
Sometime 2018 - Some say bitcoin is going to $10k
This is more realistic than people think.
If 1% of Retirement funds and 5% of gold investment goes into bitcoin.
TRILLIONS flow into bitcoin, and $10k a coin is VERY FEASABLE.

2. Silver, Gold short to long are going to continue to fall, a good hedge against WW3 or fiat collapse, and should be part of a varied portfolio.

3. Avoid stocks, Dow hitting 20k is unlikely before a large retrace.
When the banks blow, its going to kill stock markets also.
Look to unwind existing stock positions.
Tech companies are "struggling".
TWTR failing to turn users to profit, market is noticing.
Dot Com Bubble 2.0? possibly.

>> No.1706930

4. Review existing investment and savings.
Inflation being artificially kept low when PPP has been 5-7% for 10 years.
Even if your making 5% annually on savings, your money is not gaining any relative value. Anything less than 5% you are loosing "purchasing power" annually.
Your money is worth less in the future.

** Also bear this in mind for anyone who has had a wage freeze for 10 years, you're really getting a 5% PAYCUT every year. Over 10 years, your wage has been cut 50% behind your back **

>> No.1707081

Bitcoin is your friend then