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17045629 No.17045629 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 27. I have about 90% of my savings in crypto, about $50,000. I shilled all my normie friends on crypto, and they just started buying Top 10 shit on CB. I cant imagine the average sane person is putting in as much as I am, right? I better get asymmetrically rewarded for my insane risk tolerance... I realize this is a life changing opportunity, and I am injecting every spare dollar I can. I like to think normies have no more than like $5000 in the game.

>> No.17045661

Depends what you bought. Mostly everything is shit.

>> No.17045699

I am 45% ETH, 45% ETC (a.k.a. winners guaranteed to outperform BTC in sats as they climb to their historic BTC/alt ratio highs)...10% in vindaloo lottery tickets.

>> No.17045709

I meant ETH and LTC...though ETC unironically has more potential now that I think of it...

>> No.17045735

>guaranteed to outperform BTC in sats as they climb to their historic BTC/alt ratio highs
lmfao, take a look at LTC's sat chart pal, it hasn't recovered since 2013

>> No.17045755

>playing around with pandora's box
Good luck my psychopathic brother.

>> No.17045757
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What are you talking about? Look at pic related. A 3x in sats gains is guaranteed . It oscillates to .02 BTC/LTC reliably. Sure it's not 20x degenerate gambler shit. But it's my core position, and I am okay with only doubling or tripling a few bitcoins .

>> No.17045793

you said they were guaranteed to climb to historic highs. LTC hasn't done that since 2013.

>> No.17045818
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Checked, brother. Unless you're already rich, only psychopaths make it in this market now. If you're not teetering on the brink of insanity, chasing the next pump to sats-maxxx, and obsessing over making it, you never will make it. I learned that lesson the hard way following BTC since 2009 and never pulling the trigger until last year. It's truly a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it's surreal to me that so many normies don't realize it even after 10 Y E A R S to accumulate.

>> No.17045821

>$200 in bank account
>30k in crypto
not even flinching

>> No.17045828

They will probably be able to put in tax returns or bonuses from working. Same thing u did when I got into crypto. About 2-6k

>> No.17045841

so glad youre gonna lose your 50k. deserved

>> No.17045847

Okay, I misspoke. I don't think LTC will anally rape BTC in sats again like in 2013 haha. You're totally correct about that. I'm just trying to play these really predictable oscillations between .006 and .02. I figure most degenerates will have lost their precious sats chasing 20x vindaloos, while I, the tortoise, slowly but streadily apply 2-3X exposure on my stack.

>> No.17045860

I’m on the path to becoming like you crazy bastards. I have 1k in xrp, 2k in ETH, and 500 bucks in PNK.
I jus started two months ago and have made it a habit to put part of my pay directly into crypto

>> No.17045872
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>They will probably be able to put in tax returns or bonuses from working. S
I'm a grad school fag for the next few months, but my wife makes 60K/year luckily. She is my crypto sugar momma. Let's me inject 80% of her paychecks into ETH . Bless that woman.

>> No.17045893

Your ''friends'' are probably affiliated with the tech industry, tech affine in some unusual way and have disposable income.
Most of the people 23-30, I know dump their paychecks in rent, travel, car payments in that order.

>> No.17045909

t. copeing normie

>> No.17045931

how you are gonna make it while charting on google ?
btw whale here and most alts will die, including high cabs.

>> No.17045936



>> No.17045937

what alt should i buy oh precious mr Dick

>> No.17045940

few years older than you, have converted everything over the past couple of years. gotten mostly rekt desu but my focus remains accumulating as much BTC as possible by any means. i no longer feel any connection to the world that normies inhabit, built on fiat and central banking, where "markets" and "investments" are literally fake and gay. i feel that anyone with less than millions who hasn't gone something approaching all-in to crypto doesn't really understand it

>> No.17045952
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>Most of the people 23-30, I know dump their paychecks in rent, travel, car payments in that order.
Definitely this. My friends are blowing their money on stupid shit. Meanwhile I won't let my wife even buy a new printer or get non-emergent car repairs because , "Do you know how many ETH we could buy with that?" My normie friend who I recently convinced to buy crypto literally said he had 6 months of wages saved in cash and that he likes to max out B O N D S before buying other assets. The absolute state of normies. Meanwhile here I am researching pages 2-5 of CoinMarketCap like my life depends on it.

>> No.17045961

You're the brains she's the worker mule

>> No.17045970
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I'll be laughing to the bank when I'm 31 making $450,000 as a private practice dermatologist working only 40 hours per week. I have an actual profession to fall back on, asshole. I spent the last 8 years or my life in school.

>> No.17045971

>he likes to max out B O N D S before buying other assets

absolute cuck

>> No.17046010
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>I'll be laughing to the bank when I'm 31 making $450,000 as a private practice dermatologist working only 40 hours per week

Sounds about right breh

>> No.17046055

My biggest mistake was favoring ETH. Too many ico scams with millons to dump.

>> No.17046079

wise move, I'm 98% btc ($140k) but have a small eth/xmr position for the reasons you've mentioned. a 2-3x in sats would be nice, then convert to btc and let it do the legwork for a further 10-15x in fiat over the coming 2-3 years

>> No.17046088

How do you research your coins now?

Indeed. I always tell her: I'm so lucky to have a source of income right now when I would otherwise be cash poor, and you're lucky to have met a husband who isnt a fucking normie pleb and realizes we are on the brink of the Golden Bull Run.

>> No.17046105

Bingo. Enjoy never having to work another day in your life soon, my friend .

>> No.17046302

you too friend, god bless

>> No.17046331

probably less than 5% of normies hold crpyo. The 5% that do hold some have less than 5% of their networth in crypto. It's probably closer to 1-2% of their networth

>> No.17046507

I'd argue .25% of normies own crypto. I deal with a lot of people in shipping, manufacturing, finance and engineering and bring up btc as a gauge of where we're at on it culturally and have never met anyone who holda crypto, most still dont even know. There are millions of normies out there completely unaware.

>> No.17046514

>how you are gonna make it while charting on google ?
>btw whale here and most alts will die, including high cabs.
I think it's handy that Google has the pairings built in, and it's easy to take a screencaps from my browser homsescreen. It proved a quick point simply and efficiently. I will make it or I will be damned. But I won't miss out on this for another round. Ten fucking years watching shit shit go up and up from pennies on /b/. Are you kidding me? And this : >>17045937
Tell us, oh illustrious one

>> No.17046535


>> No.17046568

Oh great and mighty whale...
Is link a shitcoin?

>> No.17046585

Buy link and iExec retard
you are the normie buying shitcoins like Ethereum classic

>> No.17046590

Meant LTC. Inb4 no. I needed a "Bitcoin" type one if that makes any sense. Branding is unironically crucial in this oversaturated market. I'm an LTC fag now for that G U A R A N T E E D 2-3x sats pump from here. If there is one thing for fucking sure in this God forsaken market it's that LTC/BTC pair will continue to oscillate predictably. That relationship is an even more guaranteed thing than ETH as a matter of fact, I would argue, by virtue of the practically ancient network effect and symbiotic branding of the pairing. Moreover LTC tends to frontrun presenting a possibile scenario where you could sell your LTC sats profits into still undervalued ETH before it does it's 5x relative to sats. Am I wrong ?

>> No.17046605

>She is my crypto sugar momma. Let's me inject 80% of her paychecks into ETH . Bless that woman.
Based as fuck. I have a similar situation developing. So comfy.

>> No.17046609

You're not considering some factors. A normie could have put the equivalent of 5k in, but if they had high time preference, and bought in 2017, and held... Does that make them not a "normie" anymore?

There are lots of "anons" who know full well what has happened here who never invested, or if they invested 5k now, would be years behind on time valuation(considering they chose a decent basket). For instance, I have held for 3 years and did a lot of swing trading for 2, I lost a whopping 50% on one bad trade about 1.5 years in but currently I still have 30x what my initial investment was 3 years ago.

You will always hold out the hope that you can decrease your time exposure to investing, especially with crypto, but if you're willing to wait five years and can spend time doing research and analysis + identify the right people to listen to, then even someone starting today should be able to make out very well on a five year time line, being as conservative as possible - because if the total market cap doesn't push into the trillions, then most of us are bag holders of $50-$100k before taxes, not bad but a far cry from what we are "expecting".

Having held through the top once(BTC 20K), I can assure you that won't be happening again for me, and a LOT of other people who got cut down 90% in a matter of weeks.

>> No.17046620

I hold LTC as well. I’m 50/50 LTC and BTC. Litecoin is THE normie coin of choice and when we reach the mania phase of the bull market normie money will flow into it and it will smash its previous ATH

>> No.17046635

When will you learn that brands are all that matters. When we go full bull which is still months off, normies will foam at the mouth to buy anything with the word Bitcoin or Ethereum on them , so things like Ethereum Classic, Satoshi Vision, Bitcoin Cash, Diamond, Gold, etc.etc. will leave us astounded I feel. Unwilling to buy BTC or even perhaps not knowing you can buy a fraction of one, they will FOMO into these utterly genius brandwhores that represent a legal loophole as there are no laws for directing slander and brand reappropriation from totally decentralized entities. Am I wrong?

>> No.17046658

Fucking based.

>> No.17046703

Don't make your portfolio centralized like the current state of the Internet. Diversity and validity are necessary factors. Speaking of which Tachyon Protocol is aiming to centralize the Internet considering the factors on next-generation VPN level.

>> No.17046833

>When will you learn that brands are all that matters
there's no point... they are last generation shitcoins.
Both are gamble but the risk-reward goes def for link/iExec than Ethereum classic
it's your money
if you wanted boomer investment put in index fund

>> No.17047823
