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17043164 No.17043164 [Reply] [Original]

If you only knew what i know...

>> No.17043219

spill the beans faggot

>> No.17043231

Don’t you gotta work?

>> No.17043233
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OP here. Sorry my router needed a reset.
Stay far far away from this coin
Buy bsv

>> No.17043554

So many projects to choose from I have no idea why you’d pick this scam piece of shit. Already had 2 exit scams pump. If you’re still holding then prey that have a third pump as the price will not rise organically.

>> No.17043562

Sage. Fantom is a proven scam:

>> No.17043567
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>> No.17043572

No one cares how many dicks you sucked in your village to get 10k ftm

>> No.17043591

please can we have an open discussion about Fantom, from the outside everything looks slick, the team is capable, the idea is awesome and the execution is going fine, why so much FUD around this project?

>> No.17043599

The secret is, its not done dropping yes? Bottom is still 0

>> No.17043622

The vision of FANTOM is to grant compatibility between all transaction bodies around the world using DAG technology, and to create new infrastructure with high reliability that allows for real-time transactions and data sharing. The Project also aims to develop a new verifiable compiler and register-based virtual machine, which automatically checks for correctness, generates proofs of smart contract behavior, and execute instructions more efficiently than existing models.

>> No.17043629

Fantom holds its cryptocurrency funds in a number of single-signature wallets held by different persons within the organization, whose identity the team chose not to disclose for security reasons. Fantom's fiat currencies are held in a bank account that requires the approval of two of three individuals within Fantom for payments to go out. The payment of cryptocurrency funds also requires the approval of two of three individuals, and transaction records are shared with all three individuals to provide a complete audit trail of all funds spent.

>> No.17043636

FTM Token Overview & Use Cases

The native token is envisioned to have the following functionalities:

For staking with a validator node:To secure the network in return for block and transaction rewards. Nodes will be ranked based on the speed at which they confirm transactions. Therefore, better performing nodes with better hardware will earn more rewards on average per FTM staked
To pay transaction fees:Users can pay transaction fees using FTM
To vote on on-chain governance proposals:Each token holder running a validator node, or who has delegated their FTM to a validator node, will be able to vote on proposals to change the structure of the mainnet, modify system parameters such as block rewards, and the election of moderators and the technical committee

>> No.17043646

is Dr. Ahn Byung Ik still involved in the project?

>> No.17043666


Its allways sad to see aboslute scam baghodlers treying to shill it all way down :(


>> No.17043679

your trips are telling...

>> No.17043683


So it seems like the founder has a lot of credentials to his name, however he has chosen to focus on his other projects, I guess the two are hard to combine, there are other projects who have had similar origins where the founder left but the project took off, so no real reason for concern it seems to me.

>> No.17043692

or maybe he is still involved, his title "founder" doesn't need -present to its title because being a founder is a one-time event, not an ongoing activity. Anybody know whether he is still involved?

>> No.17043696

his "experience" profile says he is still involved

>> No.17043874

You're wasting a lot of time doing this much research. Anyone who looks into it knows fantom is solid, and they also know PnD schemes and shilling is worthless because the only time to sell is after large scale institutional adoption and not chasing small waves of good news. The fudders are either trying to accumulate themselves, working for a competitor like our dear Schizoanon, or they're simply shit posting because that's what we do on biz to pass the time between moon missions and crashes.

>> No.17043880

to Fudder from previous thread;

I would like to continue our discussion; you talk about a structure on top of a butchered fork of EVM, rather it is an awesome aBFT consensus, currently and temporarily constrained by the inadequate Ethereum Virtual Machine. You are right about 300k tps is currently not feasable, but perhaps in the futureu it is? to conclude it is a scam is an extreme claim that requires extreme evidence. Both the founder and Andre seem very sincere and respectable people in their fields. I get the impression that you use the current fragile phase in development towards big achievement as an opportunity to create FUD.To claim tech is a total trainwreck you have to be more knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to blockchain technology than Andre, so what are your credentials? You have a P.hD in computer science? you have attached a pic with 18tps, but I don't know the context of it, could you elaborate?

>> No.17043885

Ive got a mini stack of 4k just in case it moons

>> No.17043898

that seems like a based comment, it would be nice to have absolute clearity regarding the question; who is ultimately in control of the project, is that the founder? and two, does Fantom work like it is supposed to? can it scale and resist spam attacks? The rest I don't care that much, but I wish these two issues were dealt with, Project needs to get organized like Ethereum on a professional large mainstream level.

>> No.17044075

All FTM fudders are coomers;
