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17039866 No.17039866 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn’t you buy BTC in 2009?

>> No.17039880

I thought nobody would ever use fake internet money, might as well buy WoW gold and try to pay with it in a store.

>> No.17039890

I bought and sold in 2012

>> No.17039891

i didn't know it was something that could appreciate in value, like most of us

>> No.17039892

I did, today I bought 1m ALGO, just looked on their app and seen an option for Deutsche Bank... I will take the chance.

>> No.17039893

no money

>> No.17039908
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Because I wrote it in 2008.

>> No.17039911

I thought it was just internet funny money and a /b/ meme. I also didn't understand how investing worked at all as a teenager.

>> No.17039912

i kept hearing it got hacked. then i kept hearing people make fun of the bitcoin market crashing and nerds getting wrecked, and i laughed with them.

>> No.17039923

because i didn't have a way to purchase it.
i should have bought visa gift cards and traded it for bitcoin back in 2013.

>> No.17039937

I regret missing ETH way more, the window to mkae more than a 10 or 20x was ridiculously tiny and a decade ago

>> No.17039945

I was in middleschool when I saw a magazine talking about bitcoin at 50$, didn't knew shit about anything at that time

>> No.17040030
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>> No.17040236

>BTC got to 50$ in 2013
>The same year I started to truly have a conscience
What the hell, I was 15 at that time. What the fuck was happening before that?

>> No.17040297

Where are all the anons who truly made it?
I'm talking the fags that held 500 BTC and sold half in 2017. Were there actually any that frequented /biz/?

>> No.17040304

i looked into mining bitcoin back in the day and somehow came conclusion that it wasnt viable vs the electricity cost. that was when it was like a dollar per coin.... fucking face palm

>> No.17040307


>> No.17040317

Because nocoiners fudded me that I was too late, and if it really was a n easy way to x10 my money, everyone would do it.

Not this time

>> No.17040318


The perfect market timer doesn't exist. The early adoptee fags probably sold quick as fuck once it started doubling and tripling early on. And lots of people lost it all with Mt. Gox. It's already had its fair share of drama, I doubt anyone loaded up from the beginning and had iron hands until the perfect moment in 2017.

>> No.17040321

Puerto Rico, I've had a beers with a few of them

>> No.17040322

I was 15 years old.

>> No.17040327

Didn't hear about it until 2016. Could have bought a few dozen but didn't as I was unsure. My friend did and made a fortune. I fucking hate myself.

>> No.17040330

Surely, you mean mine?

>> No.17040424 [DELETED] 

Because I was not born yet

>> No.17040449

It seemed like just another payment processor, a decentralized PayPal for drugs. The idea of investing in btc never crossed my mind until I started mining DOGE years later

>> No.17040482

That pedo community run by Brock Pierce?

>> No.17040624

i've raised my value.
fuck you.

>> No.17040668

Yeah ok

>> No.17040672

I was 18, poor and browsed /v/.

>> No.17040689
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Bought some decimals of btc in 2013 at $100 a piece and didn't think much of it. Then my pc died and I didn't save my keys. Didn't care to really look into crypto until 2017 when all the mainstream news was breaking about buying bitcoin.

>> No.17040690
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because bitcoin was a botnet

>> No.17040781

Yeah until Localbitcoins there were few options. Mostly Advance America payments or btcquick
Started in 2012, mining with dorm electricity. Sealswithclubs used to be the place to be. Then Betcoin and Primedice. In the end I held just short of 400 BTC, and eventually would be equivalent in Bitcoin Cash. Sold much less than half.

>> No.17040805

You had to actually be an insider to think it was going to go anywhere at that time. Its only application until the 2013 bullrun was buying illegal shit on Silkroad, even now it still doesn't have adoption anywhere not stupid except for speculators.

>> No.17040809

I bought dozens of btc sub $1k I just didn't hold it. At one point I was trading like 5 btc for a quarter ounce of weed on the silk road.

And I don't regret it. I was using it as an actual currency, as it was intended to be. Now it's so volatile you can't even use it for that. Everyone else was wrong, not me.

>tfw too smart to get rich

>> No.17040840

during the golden bull run i got 3 free ounces because the change i had sitting leftover in my wallet from the last transaction actually appreciated enough to place a whole new order

>> No.17040861

I was 18, browsed /b/, knew what bitcoin was, and didnt buy. biggest mistake and regret of my life

>> No.17040866

literally no one hoarding btc in 2009/10

>> No.17040877

I read the white paper in 2009 or 10 while I was in college. I thought it would be a good idea to get some because its deflationary, but I was broke and lazy as fuck. I didn't really have disposable income until 2013-14, and by then I was working too hard to be looking around for opportunities.

>> No.17040880
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I thought it was a scam. My friend shilled it to me non-stop in 2010-2012. That nigger unironically made it and now owns a couple of small smart phone and computer repair shops and some real estate that he bought with some of his gains. I want to kill myself for not having listened. He's a good lad and wanted what was best for me.

>> No.17040893

like the other guy said, most people that used Bitcoin for speculation instead of buying drugs got megafucked by Mt. Gox. Judging by your comment, you weren't here for 2017, let alone 2013, it's now been several years and people are starting to forget how big of a clusterfuck the Mt. Gox saga was.

>> No.17040894
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Legendary screencap. I would have been in the same camp as those anons.

>> No.17040901

No one had heard of it. Those that did mined and lost wallets with hundreds of coins in a format.
Only way to buy was a sweaty guy accepting PayPal.

>> No.17040926

even if you did you would have fucked yourself and regretted it even more


>> No.17040931

I was young. I may have vaguely heard of it. But I wasnt as IT literate back then. May have heard of it vaguely a second time in 2013.


>> No.17040936
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>trying to buy bitcoin online in 2011
>cant figure out how to make a wallet so i just give up

>> No.17040957

if you bought BTC in 2011 and sold in 2017 life would steer you so far into a wrong direction where you ended up dead
not buying btc saved your life, be grateful

>> No.17041024
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Almost nobody just bought in 2009-2011 and been HODL'ing all these years except for people that lost their keys. The early days were so uncertain. I heard about it on /b/ in 2009 and anons were giving Bitcoins to each other by the dozens for sharpie in the pooper pics. I never bothered with it because it sounded gay and a waste of time to me.

>> No.17041078
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are you me

>> No.17041099
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i was 9 in 2009

here's hoping i can get a head start with link

>> No.17041115
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there are people browsing this board who are not underage and also don't remember 9/11

>> No.17041202

nLockTime and OP_CheckLockTimeVerify
Back then the community wasn't about making a buck. It was about trust-less technology and libertarian principles.

>> No.17041257

>Where are all the anons who truly made it?
certainly not still around this shithole

>> No.17041311

Those 9s in your digits are a sign for link. Blessings anon fren.

>> No.17041339

Cuz it was too complicated to order lsd at the time and I found now defunct designer psychedelic vendors that durther propelled my understanding of chemistry and pharmacology

>> No.17041345

protip no one except for 3rd worlders cared about 9-11

>> No.17041397
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this. the amount of BTC I paid for drugs off the dark web during that timeframe makes me want to sudoku. only had one fren sperg'd enough to keep accumulating and eventually mine blocks. everyone else was convinced it dird with the Silk Road. other fren who is now a Google dev tried to sell me on eth while it was under 50 cents and my pleb brain couldnt grasp the concept of the network. feels bad bros.

>> No.17041407

I didn't research or understand it. It might as well have been Runescape gold to me.

>> No.17041429

I know that feel brah, bought at 600 and then 1000 and then 5k and then 10k to buy drugs Fuck me

>> No.17041516
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I didn't have two One-dollar notes to my name in 2009.

>> No.17041526
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>> No.17041554

>Back then the community wasn't about making a buck.

Yes it was

>> No.17041571


>> No.17041597
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>Why didn’t you buy BTC in 2009?
Because instead I chose to waste almost 10 years; and I wouldn't have it redone any other way. No fucking regrets.

>> No.17041632

Dont remember 9/11 and I was alive at the time. Also this probably applies to some first worlders but I doubt most first worlders really care >>17041345. The media and government keep shoving it down our throats. Dont really think about it but they keep talking about it and using it to move forward their agenda. Does it suck for those people? Yeah. But geez get the heck over it I dont care about it nor care to remember it.

>> No.17041634

how did you waste it

>> No.17041639


I thought it was some sort of pedo money used on the dark web, so I stayed the fuck away!

>> No.17041648

i was 2 on 9/11 and i remember it

>> No.17041667

I bought stocks.

>> No.17041684

and if you could go back in time u wouldn't tell urself to buy bitcoin? ud tell you to go into stocks?

>> No.17041755

JEJKd. I guess I would redo everything.

>> No.17041756

I did, and I'm 50 / 50 Tezos + UND right now, and just waiting to hits the B club.

>> No.17041823

I was listening to this podcast called GFW Radio and one of the guys on there was talking about bitcoin. Paraphrased: "These people have these elaborate rigs to mine bitcoin, meanwhile they're using so much electricity to power these rigs that it completely negates any profit they might get." I generally thought this guy was intelligent and his summary sounded about right to me. I still have never bought crypto because the train has completely passed me. Fuck you Shawn Elliott.

>> No.17041826

I was 11 years old

>> No.17041857
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>Train has completely passed

>> No.17041882

where did the mt gox coins go? was it norks or chinks that hacked and stole it? did anyone ever figure out what happened

>> No.17041904

dont waste your youth, i wish i was 20 again

>> No.17041920
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>> No.17041940

i did and i sold 9000 for a used ford Taurus

>> No.17041982

i was too busy being a good goy thinking college was going to get me somewhere and wanted to stay away from anything associated with the extreme illegal stuff that the early bitcoins reputation was tarnished with like a good goy.

>> No.17042031

>because i didn't have a way to purchase it
This is an underrated reply
Back in 2009, even up to 2012, bitcoin and other cryptos were hard to obtain, ESPECIALLY if you were new to the crypto world. You knew you needed to pay fiat to get into the game, but where do you find the sellers and how do you pay them?
The seemingly-obvious answer is exchanges, except there weren't too many (if any) trustworthy fiat-to-crypto exchanges/platforms back then. At the time it felt risky for normies to give any credit card details to a crypto site due to how 'black market' crypto felt; you couldn't shake the feeling that you were giving a hacker your info. And even if you trusted them, you still had to pay ridiculous mark-up prices
And there were some ebay listings where you could pay the seller with Paypal and have the crypto sent to your local wallet. But there were only a few listings (due to being against ebay/paypal policy, and sellers getting banned) and more crazy mark-up prices
There were even buyers/sellers operating directly on forums and subreddits that were dedicated crypto marketplaces, some using third-party escrows. But that process was too complicated for some
And of course you could just meet people directly in a safe agreed-upon location to pay them and have them send the crypto to you....but how many people would prefer to do all of that over doing it online?
Buying crypto simply wasn't normie-friendly back then. So it's no surprise that many people missed out

>> No.17042082

I forgot to add, because I know someone will mention mining. Mining, while being a sensible way to obtain crypto, is geek shit. Most people simply weren't willing to even consider it until bitcoin mooned to hundreds of dollars. And even then, some didn't care for it

>> No.17042089
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>> No.17042181


Don't you just hate being halfway between normie and geek? In 2013 I bought a few BTC and was making preparations to begin mining.
Then I was like "Nah, fuck it" had too much else going on. Sold it all and forgot about it for 4 years.

>> No.17042207
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Figured out mining and how to configure it, but after loading the whole blockchain on a piece of shit pc, couldn't get anything using my cpu. If you started mining before the difficulty rise significantly in 2010, you could with a cpu, but by 2013, you needed a good batch of gpu's to get any rewards. It's nearly impossible to earn bitcoin now without having free electricity and a warehouse size mining farm.
>Buying crypto simply wasn't normie-friendly back then

It still isn't. It's come a long way, but practically from a bird's eye view, nothing has changed. More exchanges, but big time KYC applies to buying any crypto. I'd say because of silk road, bitcoin had been used like paper money, but online. Much less anonymity now than there used to be. Bitcoin Cash is closer to what bitcoin was in 2011. Bitcoin was always more about being pseudonymous than anonymous. BTC is internet gold.

>> No.17042246

I was 17 during 9/11 and I remember it with a shocking clarity. Maybe for some of you it is a past event that is talked about in passing and that is all it is to you. For some of us, it was the first mass destruction of life via terrorism on US soil targeting not only a major US economic symbol but also a national symbol. It marked when everything went to shit due to paranoia and trading liberty for security. To put things in perspective : I was in shop class building a rifle barrel. We brought our hunting rifles to school so we could hunt afterward. School shootings and mass public shootings were a rare anomaly. We did burnouts in the school parking lot and as long as we weren't being overtly stupid, it was allowed. "Sticks and stones" was the way children were brought up, not this safe space bullshit. Only if it was totally out of line would adults intervene. Otherwise kids learned how to handle situations on their own. The "cool kids" that the girls liked were usually the type of guys who stood up against bullies. Because the adults didn't jump in immediately. There was no such thing as child abuse for disciplining your kid in Walmart for being a little shit. I got my ass beat in Wal-Mart and I deserved it. I dont say any of this out of a sense of pity or blowing my own trumpet. But now at 35 with kids I am genuinely sad that my age group was literally the last to enjoy a childhood with less bullshit, less worries, and less bubble wrap. 9/11 marked the end of an era for me.

>> No.17042256

I think that guy who posts that ginger smoking anime girl pic has like 4000 BTC.

>> No.17042278

And for the actual topic of the post, kek....
I was piss broke and poor, laid off of my primary job with a 40% paycut working to fill the gap. weekends and a couple days after work a week on side jobs to make ends meet. Drank a lot of cheap beer, went camping and hiking a lot, banged a lot of cute girls. Raced dirtbikes and smoked weed. It was the best of times, and the worst of times, and my head was anywhere but internet money I couldn't afford.

>> No.17042286


Remember reading an article about decentralized hit list, forgot what mag and what year. I’d’ve lost the keys and/or got fucked by mt.gox. I regret missing out on eth.

>> No.17042309

at this point, most people who sold during 2017 and didn't buy back are losers, bitcoin reached 9k for the first time in the very last week of november, 2017

>> No.17042380

wanted to buy 3000 btc at 1$ but the price rose quickly to 3$ so i said fuck it. 2012

>> No.17042547

why didn't you buy LINK in 2018?

>> No.17042560

It was complicated back then and the exchanges were shady as fuck. Not to mention wallets were shit.

>> No.17042565

I feel that these threads are suicide fuel for me. How do i profit of this.

>> No.17042659
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except I did and got rekt by mt.gox
I don't really care, anyone can make money on a chart that is already drawn

imo we are still early enough to make a fuckload of money, there are 2 halvings ahead of us

>> No.17042772

I thought it was a scam so I mocked it and those who adopted it mercilessly when it appeared on the scene.

>> No.17042795

Because the BTC shills said it actually was going to be used as a currency and get value from that which obviously never happened. Had they shilled it as a speculation vehicle I might have bought it.

>> No.17042814
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You are me

>> No.17042839

>Can afford weed and beer
>B-but I can't afford buttcorns

Lmao, you played yourself

>> No.17042856

>Don't you just hate being halfway between normie and geek?
yeah, thats the worst.

>> No.17042863

i was involved in 2009, read the paper and chatted with crypto ppl.
At the time i realized the technology was genius, but also thought this will never be successful cause why would the late adopters accept that the early adopters could mine bitcoin so easily and the rewards decrease exponentially. It seemed like a clear "ponzi scheme" where the early adopters would get tons of % of the supply and try to dump on the late adopters, so I only got some small change that we used for tests. Also it was clear people could fork bitcoin thus increasing supply, or miners could agree to inflation, and regulators could stop it, so lots of potential risks. Though this would always be just a crypto-nerd thing and never become mainstream.

Then when silk road came about i saw normie friends using bitcoin to buy drugs and i was like, fuck this is gonna be huge, btc was around 10$ at the time.
I was about to start a business to allow people to easily buy bitcoins, but as i studied more about the legalities (money transmitter laws, kyc, aml...) i figured it was too risky legally so i didnt do it.
So i still only had a few $ of bitcoin dust from the early days. In 2016 i decided to bet all my bitcoin on trump winning the election and easily 6x my stash. Enjoyed the 2017 bullrun, then left btc since core crippled it and lightning is a shitty solution. Now fully in on bsv, bought a ton cause i didnt wanna miss out on cheap bitcoin cheap again.

Still dont believe bitcoin will ever be a viable currency, it has no monetary policy so it will always be unstable and volatile. And its still basically a ponzi scheme, but by now i have realized that all of finance is a ponzi, VC's dumping on late investors, fed dumping on everyone.. might as well bet on the biggest ponzi scheme of all.
I also learned to not underestimate human stupidity. People pay thousands for trading cards that are just pieces of paper or for "rare" virtual hats in games.
So never underestimate peoples stupidity.

>> No.17042933

>missed the train
The train isn't even at the station yet, anon.

>> No.17042955


Fucking hell. This is the only reason. If only

>> No.17043003
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Didnt actually know about it + I was in highschool and my retard parents told me to study and not work + when I DID vaguely hear about it eventually (like once or twice in all my yrs in highschool) I didnt actually know how to buy it and figured it can only be bought by people with specific jobs i.e. wall street PLUS I was happy and didnt have some "need" to escape since I didnt imagine this country as being THAT shit.

I didnt even get into crypto until I realized how miserable wagecucking really was.

I dont blame myself, but obviously I'm still rabidly pissed about it.

>> No.17043011

They do though. Look at max keiser. He bought some under a dollar and STILL hasnt sold (he says he will sell at 100k). Obviously it would have been smart to sell at 20k, but even still, he has strong hodling hands

>> No.17043023

i read the fud and never went on bitcointalk. i was on 4chan since 2006. but i didn't go on too much in 2010.
funny thing is around that time i thought i missed goog, aapl and amzn and i had a note to myself to invest in new technologies or something like that and i called bitcoin a scam because i thought it was like the ecash in the 90s.
oh yea the 2008/9 crisis burned me hard too so my risk tolerance was low and worn out. there's my cope.

>> No.17043049
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Because I was retarded. I read about BTC when it i was less than $0.5. I even had ~$56k in the bank from my parents. I thought it was a cool idea and I thought it was gonna change the world.

Its probably a good thing that I did not buy. I would have sold at $2-$5 and off myself when it hit 20k.

>> No.17043051

I bought BTC at $34
I bought ETH at $3.40
I bought LINK at 0.34c
I bought QNT at 0.34c
And I bought BSV at $34

I do not plan on ever buying a coin again.

>> No.17043052

or the winklevii brothers, who bought 11million$ at 100.... but its easy to make money when you have money and cant take a huge bet like that without flinching..

Only person i know who held from the very early days was a dude who was mining early, then his hard drive broke, and then paid something crazy like 50k to recover data from the hard drive and get his old wallet now worth something like 200millions. Anyone who could sell took profit much earlier than that

>> No.17043059

When did you sell though, and how much bsv you got now?

>> No.17043083


I own 4750 BSV

>> No.17043094

i did but i was addicted to drugs and only used it to buy them from the dark web. i was so fucked up throughout those years that i def have like 17 BTC somewhere lost forever.

>> No.17043098

this. same age so i know the feels. also less mass immigration so depending on where you lived it was a lot more anglo and generally safer.

>> No.17043247

if this is not a role play, i salute you future trillionaire

>> No.17043323

I read an article about it on a Dreamcast homebrew forum in January 2009. I was 15 and couldn't begin to understand how it worked or what it's purpose was.
I didn't hear about it again until 2011 when some college hippies I knew were using it to buy drugs off Silk Road.
I thought I completely missed out when it hit $20 lol

>> No.17043608


No money, didn’t see it being adopted and didn’t understand the technology as I was a retarded teen

>> No.17043659

>Why didn’t you buy BTC in 2009?
Because Gavin sent it to me for free. :)

>> No.17043859

I was eight years old at the time.

>> No.17043883

Jesus Christ

>> No.17043981
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>> No.17043989

Kek this is me

>> No.17044009

Same, i bought 50 bitcoins and sold in 2013

>> No.17044022

Also this lol
Guess partly thanks to this experience i finally quit drugs tho

>> No.17044040

because I am a fucking faggot and I should kill myself! that's fucking why! GET IT NOW?! FUCKING FAGGOT!!! STOP THE TORTURE ALREADY!

>> No.17044276

This is another underrated reason why I was never extra-motivated to get bitcoin when I first heard it being mentioned on 4chan
If I had seen just ONE post talking about how it could increase in value, I would have at least further researched the shit. I thought it had a fixed/pegged value

>> No.17044296

whats a botnet?

>> No.17044345

I wasnt even born xD

>> No.17044360

I was 10yo

>> No.17044379

even if I did I probably would've sold them way before the 2017 boom

>> No.17044520

I can relate. The shit we did as kids would get kids arrested or shot today. I believe I'm a better person, we're better people, for having had to figure it out and work through

>> No.17044564

I bought a new car. 18,000€

> Yes, I want to KMS

>> No.17044606

I did currently have 900,000,000,000,000 BTC.

>> No.17044785

Why didn’t you buy chainlink in 2017?

>> No.17045347

i am off the assumption that new technology will always win the race, bitcoin has proven this. another wave coming soon is the web 3;0 decentralized internet with a lot of privacy and efficiency functions, tachyon is doing a great job in positioning the project in such route.

>> No.17046691

because back then i was still a poorfag romance novelist and was entirely ignorant to the fact that the market is so saturated for that shit i never stood a chancce at making it since i had little to no capital and a friend told me about BTC on a phone call and i just discounted it as something less than the dollar and likely a scam.

its okay because i recovered, been making it as a day trader and long term value investor for about 6 years now only in crypto.

>> No.17047781

I was not a pedophile back then and I am not a pedophile by now. So I am not buying that coin ever

>> No.17047912

I couldn't be bothered to use an exchange and didn't acquire any crypto until Dogecoin came out. I was lucky enough to be in the first thread when people were doing stuff like shitting on their laptop for Dogecoin.
I mined over a million Dogecoin on my 5700? card, which I later traded for BTC.

>> No.17047942

I mined it with a Radeon 9800 pro and threw away my HDD, never saved the keys. Did it for fun but was too busy getting drunk in college. That’s my #makeit story. You’re welcome, there is more scarcity.

>> No.17047982

Because the first time I heard about bitcoin was in 2013. But I was too broke to buy any then.

>> No.17048055


I did then i sold 10 of them for 1k each and thought i was warren buffett widepeeposad

>> No.17048225
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>dont waste your youth, i wish i was 20 again

>> No.17048387


you will make it my fren

>> No.17048422

i went through computers like toilet paper at that time in my life

>> No.17048455

Friends dad died in 9/11 as a firefighter. I think he'd beg to differ.

>> No.17048625

Puerto rico? haha that poor shithole?
Mostly of them moved to asia, while other remain in USA just enjoying life, some of course moved to south america, but south america is a nighmare anyways

>> No.17048637

i didnt know what it was til December 17, got rekt and yesterday for the first time i am in the green

>> No.17048704

what's the best way to DO NOT waste my youth?

>> No.17048852

You must have been retarded because there were tons of people saying how it was going to increase in value. The problem is that was supposed to be predicated on adoption which of course never happened. But it pumped anyway due to speculation.

>> No.17049139

Have attractive facial structure.