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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17030369 No.17030369 [Reply] [Original]

>Dreamed about Sergey last night
>Was at building, meeting up and talking with fellow /biz/bros
>Sergey walked in
>Nobody seemed to notice or care
>Pointed at Sergey and said "That's him! Sergey is here!"
>Everyone seemed to look at me strange, some guy said "What do you mean? That's not Sergey,"
>Sergey looked confused and shaked his head
>Met up with Sergey privately after the meeting was over (outside building)
>Asked him why nobody recognised him
>He was confused as well, but was glad that at least I recognised him
>Am just so happy to be able toce talk to Sergey
>Became friends with Sergey
>Go back to try and talk with /biz/bros again
>First thing I see is some man squatting over and shitting down a drainage pipe
>He has a brown ass, and I realise who he is
>Stands up, having heard my footsteps and being finished shitting
>Realise he's been wearing a mask all along to look white
>Hear Sergey from a bit behind me yell out "Run!"
>Run down alley with Sergey
>Hear pajeet running after us
>Pajeet starts yelling out things I can't understand
>One of the doors right beside us on the side of the alley (that leads into other buildings) busts open and two pajeets come out
>Door nearly hits Sergey in the face but he dodges
>Pajeets from the door are startled for like a sec because of us being right there, but then start chasing after us
>We make it out of the alley and onto a street, proceeding to run to the other side, with there being barely any traffic (I didn't notice any pedestrians)
>By this point we're fucking exhausted, but then Sergey yells out "There!" And I turn around to see him pointing at a McDonald's down the street that has cars parked outside
>Having not noticed it before, we start running towards it with what energy we have left
>Make it to the McDonald's and get inside, then barricade up the door with chairs
>But there's nobody in there
>Pajeet walks out of the kitchen, with no pants or underwear on
>Takes his mask off
>It's Sergey
>Wake up

>> No.17030437


>> No.17030475

Bearish if true

>> No.17030493


>> No.17030504

>Dreamed about Sergey last night

weird me too did you see me in your dream?

>> No.17030521

Only face I saw was Sergey's. Do you remember what happened in your dream? Was it similar to mine?

>> No.17030541

Or I suppose the better way to put is that the only face I remember was Sergey's. I'm not sure if I did see any other faces outside of Sergey's though. Stuff like that and the masks is really blurry

>> No.17030611

>>Having not noticed it before, WE start running towards it with what energy we have left
>>Make it to the McDonald's get inside no one else there blah blah blah
>>Pajeet walks out of the kitchen, with no pants or underwear on
>>Takes his mask off
>>It's Sergey

So there were literally two fatso scammers?

>> No.17030692

>Nolinker has no reading comprehension
Like poetry

>> No.17031006

Same same, only saw sergeys face all night long. I was a beautiful night and i might have com a little too

>> No.17031221
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That was great anon. I haven't had dreams I ages but I'm currently on day 4 of noweed nobooze and nocoke. I hope I'll get my dreams back soon

>> No.17031232

Literally shaking, that was thrilling.