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1702989 No.1702989 [Reply] [Original]

Do any anons here drive a new luxury car? Does life generally feels better and at a higher level once you start driving one?

>> No.1703056

>porche cayman

>> No.1703218

>Does life generally feels better
Sure, when I'm driving it.
It tends to get a lot of stares. Of course I also always get hit up for money at the gas station, which blows.

>> No.1703228

honestly i'm not impressed with Mercedes ever since they started building their cars in the US. Quality went way down, esp crappy tires.

My neighbor has a Ferrari but it seems more of a chore than its worth. He has to be super protective about it and only takes it out for a spin like once a month so his engine doesn't get messed up and even then he can't drive it to its potiental speeds because of cops and traffic. So i don't really see the point of having it

So overall i'm not really impressed with luxury cars desu

>> No.1703234

>He has to be super protective about it and only takes it out for a spin like once a month
Your neighbor is missing out.
I take mine out 3 or 4 times a week, don't know where he heard that would mess up the engine. Lower the resale value, yeah, but what did he buy it for, to look at?

>> No.1703242

Naw like he doesn't really feel like driving it much anymore (he's an ER doctor with a wife and now a few kids so i guess he outgrew it) so he basically has to force himself to take it out for a spin every now and then. Otherwise it would just be sitting in his garage for months at a time

>> No.1703245


I get legit angry when randoms at the gas station ask for money. Sometimes I want to punch them, so they become scared of asking random people for money. They always try some story too.

>> No.1703246


Pics of the Ferrari?

>> No.1703250


What the fuck? Is this actually a thing?

>> No.1703251

I'll probably reach that point some time too, not that I want to. I'd probably sell it then.

I've considered it, but I've considered what the fuck I'd do if they kick it and put a massive dent in the door.
Am I really going to abandon it while I chase some homeless guy down the street to beat the shit out of him?

>> No.1703253
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>Is this actually a thing?
In big cities, yeah.
I can't really speak to anywhere else.


>> No.1703258

I'm a millionaire and drive a jeep. So I don't give a fuck.

>> No.1703276

I have a Mercedes and drive it about 1 hour per month.

So no. I still feel like a piece of shit

>> No.1703374

I can't speak for luxury, but I never liked spending money on cars so drove a cavalier for almost 12 years before turning in for a 2015 Accord lease and yeah, it felt awesome. But now I just want to drive this Accord for twenty years.

>> No.1703401

> Ferarri
> Ostentacious Italian trash
> Rear wheel drive, not even all wheel drive, so handles like shit compared to a straight V10 AWD

>> No.1703435

it is

>> No.1703456

Could you at least get a GED before posting?
I promise, it'll help you in the long run.

>> No.1703462
File: 2.16 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a BMW M6 and don't regret it for a minute. If you can sleek it out you truly stand out. But not in an obnoxious way. Very privileged to have what I have and was presented the opportunity to acquire it at a discount and did so wholeheartedly.

Depreciation / maintenance is a bitch tho but at this moment in time I don't regret it one bit.

Also 564 Hp and is a semi sleeper car.

>> No.1703465
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Eisenmann exhaust as well.

>> No.1703467

are you a chink?

>> No.1703476

>canadian number plates

i think you might have answered your own question rofl

>> No.1703519
File: 117 KB, 544x767, KNpzJ1XRhvunkjNYpLVZ0WIkKrs1C3Nhn3hjqIHe7e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do asian people flee their homeland but insist on remaining in groups when they arrive in new lands

its like they admit their culture and land is inferior in every way by abandoning it, but don't want to assimilate into the culture where they arrive

is it arrogance

>> No.1703531
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 2pu58sNDYwQgLuK4zZQTDO2S2mitvyQzDAwtQA0JTw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like western culture rejects them because they are inherently inauthentic by nature and so they cling to each other for support, but their entire spiritual existence is to be an individual and NOT conform to the group like a sheep (which is why they fled in the first place) so they just kind of fake it.

that's why every time you see an asian person doing anything other than being stereotypically asian, it looks so incredibly forced

its like they live eternally on the outside looking in through the window from the cold; they want to be like westerners so bad that they prevent themselves from ever becoming like them

their complete obsession with their personal image and status prevents them from ever living effortlessly; their strain and effort to try and increase others perception of them makes all of their actions seem inauthentic

they always come off like they are trying to manipulate you in some way or are being inauthentic

is it arrogance

>> No.1703550
File: 42 KB, 1349x885, IMG_5667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually not Asian. Interesting that that's your first assumption. Just a regular white dude.

>> No.1703568
File: 5 KB, 230x250, da_phuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should assimilate more.

on the other hand, when I lived in Thailand all the westerners hung out together. It's because it gets tiring speaking another language, only being able to communicate basic things. Sometimes you just want to have a beer and a joke with someone, you need to be fluent in the same language for jokes.

>> No.1703571

A $24,000 used 2006 Cayman S will turn more heads than the late model BMW 3 Series trash that all the indians and chinks around here drive

>> No.1703736

Parents bought a 90k Lexus 10 years back. Still get a lot of staresm even though I am not allowed to drive in it.

>> No.1703759


I wouldn't call it a semi sleeper however it looks great.


>you haven't unlocked this vehicle yet.jpeg

>> No.1703804


>tfw friend has a porsche cayman

oh well he only has 2 seats for £40k kek

>> No.1703808

It only feels good if you are rich. If you are a wagecuck it feels like shit, just like life in general, too much stress.

>> No.1703811

How much did you pay for it?

>> No.1703823
File: 1.32 MB, 640x1136, IMG_1725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my car :')

>> No.1704026

looks sick bro, congratz

>> No.1704222

Someone's jealous lol

>> No.1704250
File: 49 KB, 750x450, section-initial-touch.jpg?20161116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying a Tesla Model 3 with your sick /biz/ blogspot google ad word gains

its like you dont even want to enter a new age

>> No.1704314

>is it arrogance
it is. i don't think there's a group of people more arrogant than chinks.

>> No.1704414

I own a 981 Cayman S. It's a fucking amazing car, but it's still a car. It won't magically make you popular with women or fix your self-esteem issues or help you lose weight etc.

Maintenance and running costs are also a bitch. Buy cars like these if you are an enthusiast and enjoy driving, don't do it for stupid reasons like showing off etc. These cars are a huge money sink, so think it through before you buy one. Also, do everyone a favor and actually drive these cars, don't treat them like garage queens. Your car will depreciate anyway, might as well enjoy it. If you don't drive them regularly, cars are prone to all sorts of malfunctions as well.

>> No.1704451
File: 6 KB, 253x250, 1452116825548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least porsches are great to drive. They are mainly for driving, not for looks. Winter is not so fun because you sit low in the darn thing. Cant see a shit when you start to have some snow piling up.

>> No.1704461

> depreciating machine meant for getting from point A to point B

Just buy yourself a used, sub- $10,000 auto and grow wealth. Less-than-rich neighborhoods are full of these cars and the owners rarely grow wealthy. Shine on the inside, not on the outside.

>> No.1704505

American car's are complete trash.

>> No.1704514
File: 29 KB, 540x360, IMG_1433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out

>> No.1704526

>knowing this fucking little about cars

>> No.1704529
File: 166 KB, 500x655, 138-billion-in-one-picture-and-not-a-gucci-belt-8243807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for not living over your means and shining on the inside, but that doesn't mean you have to dress like an autist (pic related) and drive an old Honda Accord, like some people tend to believe.

>> No.1704530

That's the truth, though. European and Asian cars are just made better. American cars look goofy as well.

>> No.1705318

I drive a Hyundai with adaptive cruise control its luxury to me

>> No.1705971

I hope that doesn't have the 2.7l. If so, enjoy trashing your car at 140k. 2.4 or 3.5, you're golden.

>> No.1706117

rich virgin car
hot bitches don't want some fags who care about fuel economy and ecology