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17029542 No.17029542 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17029565

how do i stick my dick in a country without contracting corona?

>> No.17029591


Except like 90% of our daily used goods are made in China. So fuck them is a bit late. Make America Great Again should've happened a bit earlier.... it's too late.
Harley Davidson produces in Asia now. Apple of course too.
And before you know it, General Motors will. Face it. It is over. Sooner or later Germany will have their cars built there too.

>> No.17029732
File: 38 KB, 602x419, chinkoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.17029736
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this is going to get really bad. this is unironically the big one. it's happening.

>> No.17029769

Why are they eating cooked bats and living rats?
Seriously why would you eat that when you cak have chicken, beef, pork or fish?

>> No.17029785
File: 512 KB, 1080x1903, ACE2 study 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally only bad if you are a male chink. Its nothing more than a flu for europeans.

>> No.17029805 [DELETED] 


i have read this but it's still too early to tell. we will know for sure in 2 weeks time.

>> No.17030174


hopefully this is the case. it's too early to know for sure though at this stage.

>> No.17030313

If we meme it enough it will eventually be reality kek, havent you paid attention?

>> No.17030333

This, we simply need to actualize that outcome.

>> No.17030347


good point, looks like kek agrees.

>> No.17030356

If i had only 2 choices to become chinese or pajeet id rather be a streetshitter and the i’ll kill myself straightaway that way i still have a soul. I fucking hate chinese people so much

>> No.17030364

why do those long legged Chinese girls have to be so cute...

>> No.17031389

this desu

>> No.17031405

>42 hrs
remember Dane scumbag

>> No.17031513
File: 326 KB, 1297x769, ebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is based im scalping niggers left and right

>> No.17031549
