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17029458 No.17029458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will society hit peak degeneracy, and how do we capitalize on this?

>> No.17029474

We hit it in the late 70s early 80s. We are on a downslope right now, believe it or not. All the tranny and fag shit is jew propaganda and nobody actually gives a fuck about it.

>> No.17029481

Weimer had pedophilia almost out in the open. We're almost there I think.

>> No.17029488

Holy fuck I thought it was just going to be a loop of her walking but it's fucking 58 seconds of ass

>> No.17029503

The two of you seem to disagree.

>> No.17029521

All went downhill after WW1 and then WW2. Allowing women to have rights allowed them to flaunt their assets, if you know what I mean.


>> No.17029533

>another thread of little boys scared of w i m m e n

>> No.17029548

he's wrong

>> No.17029620

Glow harder

>> No.17029750

We have publicly accepted 9 year olds dressing in drag and dancing in adult strip clubs and this is on billboards. How is it not public?

>> No.17029952

Thats different from acceptance of grown ass men fucking boys. Hetero age gap resistance is pretty much down and homos will start advocating for grooming boys.
t. Bi

>> No.17029964

we're pretty much back at this level https://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/the-sexual-revolution-and-children-how-the-left-took-things-too-far-a-702679.html

>> No.17029972


>> No.17030058

Have sex incellerinos

>> No.17030094

sell packs of shit and piss of 12 years old models online

>> No.17030121
File: 2.96 MB, 450x246, 1579209798631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that der Spiegel is a conservative newspaper (idk pardon my ignorance), but WHAT THE FUCK?
In the summer of 1967, three women and four men moved into an apartment in an old building on Giesebrechtstrasse, together with two small children, a three-year-old girl, Grischa, and a four-year-old boy, Nessim.
And that's only near the middle of the article. Overdeveloped teens may be debatable but preadolescent kids?
That's it, I'm gonna shut myself in a monastery. Fuck this gay earth

>> No.17030181

Please to be gibing name for that braphog

>> No.17030898

Yeah, italian version of Playboy and Playmen released nude photo shoots of a 12 year old in 1976
If something like this happened today it would be caos, despite the tranny and fag shit and the sexualization of children culture

>> No.17030974

>allowed them to flaunt their assets, if you know what I mean.
not quite sure i know what you mean... can you elaborate?

>> No.17030987

We are already there retard

>> No.17031296
File: 476 KB, 640x853, 1577083345877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a volcel thanks for your concern. As for sex, I've had enough to get to the conclusion: it's overrated and the only reason it feels good is to make cunts in denial to procreate. Tongue my sphincter
Looks like pedos in Europe tried to push it hard during the 60s and 70s. They're back at it now again with trying to pass pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Maybe that will lure them out. If it does I'd like to know where to buy guns in the European Minecraft server

>> No.17031461

What's the original of your pic?

>> No.17031882

i'm kinda getting the same impression desu

>> No.17032124

what's up CIA

>> No.17032359

Late 2030s. When the final boomers are dying in droves and the left minded millennials are past the point of kids. Lots of conservatives are having kids right now. I see it everywhere. 2/3/4 kids. And then there’s some millennial railing against the world. They are self selecting themselves out of the gene pool. We can only be so thankful.

>> No.17032422

peak degeneracy happens when the cost of degeneracy outpaces its benefits.

>> No.17032633
File: 168 KB, 765x868, ar11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things cant get any wor...