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File: 74 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17029036 No.17029036 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf biz I thought you said 0xbtc was a scam?

>> No.17029047

It is

>> No.17029050

Literally the most obvious p&d lmfao.

>> No.17029052

Dash also 100% in one month and its not a scam.

>> No.17029054

It is.
Fuck off and go shill your low IQ shitcoin somewhere else, biz laughed this one out the door ages ago the last time you mouthbreathers tried peddling it on here.
S and H

>> No.17029078

It is but maybe i'm being duped. A lot of og link holders are in 0x btc. I just don't believe It's gonna succeed because it requires BTC to fail, BSV to fail, BCH to fail, and ETH to fix it's scaling problem.

>> No.17029085
File: 26 KB, 750x268, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's two years old, being mined at around 5 TH/s, new web site, people working on new projects in the discord, etc. if you think it's a scam, you don't know what a scam is.

>> No.17029103
File: 899 KB, 220x248, sure bud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will keep going up forever, sir.

>> No.17029126

It is a scam.

>> No.17029134

explain how the scam works.

>> No.17029284

>A lot of og link holders are in 0x btc.
Lies. LINK and 0xbtc are at opposite ends of the intelligence spectrum.
It is not a scam per se, just a useless token with no purpose. Miners post here every couple of months to unload their bags on retards or newfags. Ask yourself why Ethereum needs a PoW token built on top of it, and why people would ever use 0xbtc as a SoV or MoE when there are myriad superior options available.
If you are a miner shilling this, do something useful with your processing power instead.
If you bought this... commiserations anon, we can't all be intelligent. The world will always need ditch diggers, and shillers will always need someone to buy their useless token.

>> No.17029302

sorry, facts are facts. a lot of people hold link and 0xbtc. 0xbitcoin is not a scam, if you have any idea what the word scam means. continue on with your superior intelligence fantasy if that's what helps you get through the day.

>> No.17029320

Only speculatory trash. Buy UND.

>> No.17029334

Bitcoin also was useless until it wasn't anymore. If a critical mass starts using something it attracts more people and becomes a kind of standard.
0xbtc is in the phase where it's not decided yet if it fails or if it gets more popularity, but literally every other major coin also was in that phase once.

>> No.17029350
File: 61 KB, 610x625, 1351238762270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of people hold 0xbtc so it's not a scam

1 in 13 people have participated in MLM, too.

>> No.17029401

that's not the argument i'm making.
if you think 0xbitcoin is a scam, explain how the scam works.
you should be able to do that, or you shouldn't think it's a scam.
simple. don't just be a monkey at a typewriter. make your words make sense, please.

>> No.17029431

The scam is when holders generate a burst of interest, dump their bags, and let it fall again with no expectation or reason for it to ever increase in price organically.

This is very simple.

>> No.17029682

you think it's simple because you have a small mental model, or you just like telling yourself cool stories.
try it. try to go "generate a burst of interest" in something you own. see how much it pushes the price around.
we actually talk about this in the discord a lot. one of the biggest holders has not touched his wallets for ages. i don't even think about selling. i'm not getting a boner about the price going up three cents or whatever.
you might find it hard to believe, but we don't think in terms of dumping and bags and all the stupid shit biz never tires of talking about.
we actually think this is hard currency and will be practical daily-use money. yes, really. join the discord and talk to people and you'll find out i'm telling the truth.

>> No.17030561 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 583x333, 0xbtc_card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exact opposite of a scam. The whole idea is to make fair trustless digital currency just like Bitcoin, but compatible with smart contracts and Ethereum as a whole. It's pure-mined (no premine or dev funds-- most ICOs issue 100% of tokens to THEMSELVES, this is how 0xBTC differs)... all distribution requires real keccak256 proof-of-work, it follows bitcoin distribution principles, is 51%-attack proof as Eth Mainnet is, has had its contract ownership burnt, is being developed around by a broad community of volunteers... don't believe me? see github.com/0xBrian/awesome-0xbitcoin or go to the "tranny" discord.

you're looking at the result of people buying 0xBTC week after week, it's pretty simple

Anons can keep calling it a scam but it's just demonstrating ignorance and unfamiliarity desu

>> No.17030570
File: 66 KB, 583x333, 0xbtc_card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exact opposite of a scam. The whole idea is to make fair trustless digital currency just like Bitcoin, but compatible with smart contracts and Ethereum as a whole. It's pure-mined (no premine or dev funds-- most ICOs issue 100% of tokens to THEMSELVES, this is how 0xBTC differs)... all distribution requires real keccak256 proof-of-work, it follows bitcoin distribution principles, is 51%-attack proof as Eth Mainnet is, has had its contract ownership burnt, is being developed around by a broad community of volunteers... don't believe me? see github.com/0xBrian/awesome-0xbitcoin or go to the "tranny" discord.

all the development activity and the friendly community (exact opposite of this place p much) is probably why there's so much interest.

you're looking at the result of people buying 0xBTC week after week, it's pretty simple

Anons can keep calling it a scam but it's just demonstrating ignorance and unfamiliarity desu

>> No.17030601

You might be right- there's some ppl here trying very hard to fud 0xBTC, one guy religiously posted a big ugly misinformation copypasta everyday and another tries to spread false rumours and intentionally post shilly looking threads

some info, 0xBitcoin is not supposed to replace BTC, it's specifically for the Ethereum ecosystem. As far as Eth's scaling, have you been using it lately? Tx are extremely cheap and quick. it's like 1 cent for a 30s or less transaction most of the time now

>> No.17030677

>requires BTC and BSV to fail

this shows you don't fully understand it yet, because it doesn't require either of those to fail.

>> No.17030766

Tell me who they are

>> No.17030783

Pump occured earlier today.
Then this thread appears.
Post nudes or GTFO

>> No.17031155

Where are you storing your 0xbtc? I have mine on mercatox but I dont want to end up goxxed

>> No.17031306

good thinking. 0xbtc is an erc20, so you can store it in any ethereum wallet like trust, or on a device like a ledger nano s or x.

>> No.17031426

>0xbitcoin is not a scam, if you have any idea what the word scam means
Like I said, it's not a scam per se.
If I minted a new ERC20 and tried to convince anons to buy it by shilling here, would that be a "scam"? No, it would just be me trying to shill my useless token onto unsuspecting idiots. Which is exactly what all of these 0xbtc posts are.
>sorry, facts are facts. a lot of people hold link and 0xbtc
Find some addresses that hold non-trivial amounts of both tokens. You can't, because people smart enough to buy link do not buy 0xbtc (apart from the kids who own $5 worth of link).
> continue on with your superior intelligence fantasy if that's what helps you get through the day
It is not a fantasy. I am demonstrably more intelligent than you. Want to know how I can be so sure? You're here trying to push 0xbtc... which means you already failed the related intelligence test. I'm explaining to you in simple terms, but you still don't get it. QED.
>Bitcoin also was useless until it wasn't anymore
Yeah, this is what 0xbtc victims always say. They try and equate BTC with 0xBTC and hope brainlets will fall for it. The fact is, what you say is true of EVERY SINGLE ERC20 TOKEN. It does not mean every single erc20 will gain in value.
The only unique attribute of 0xbtc is that it is distributed by PoW mining. That's it. Do you really think merchants/investors/funds/exchanges/etc. are going to adopt another useless token with no unique value proposition except its distribution method?

>> No.17031701

smooth brain go buy the biz fotm lmao

>> No.17031710

>Pump occured earlier today.
>Then this thread appears.
>Post nudes or GTFO

>> No.17031911

cool story

>> No.17032334

I have a little from casual mining when it was new. But I would never buy that shit

>> No.17033246
File: 90 KB, 1038x850, VAxxAOZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not scaem my apu confirms

>> No.17033266
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 9879876541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apu noes beest

>> No.17033646

only intelligent post itt