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1702900 No.1702900 [Reply] [Original]

If you get rich, would you give a fuck if people started to envy you?

Lets say you make millions (idgaf how), and a family member or "friend" who didn't want to know you before now wants to get social. How would you react to that?

>> No.1702936
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desu I would spit on the people who treated me like disposable trash. Lead them on and humiliate them, if the opportunity came.

However, reality is most people won't give a fuck and if they didn't like me before they won't like me after I have money and status.

I would only look down on those who looked down on me before. desu I would be friendly to 90% of people, but I'm not going to let people use me or think they were ever better than me

we all shit the same so it is what it is

>> No.1702945

not a problem. People don't get rich by making friends and family their first priority.

I've ignored them this long, I should be able to keep it up.

>> No.1702948

karma is universal

>> No.1702984

The same way I would be now.
Not interested. OP, chances are that you think making money makes you important or worthwhile, it isn't true. If you made that million, legit, then you wouldnt care about someone who didn't care.
They want to get to know you? yeah, probably don't really want to get to know you besides your bank information. move on. stop wasting time with this spite dreaming. Make the million and get back to us with a timestamp and ask us again if you would care.

>> No.1703032


i would route all of my communication through a virtual assistant in india.

>> No.1703040

This thread. I feel like once I get big and hit the millions my brother will actually want to hangout with me. He's the older one and he never gave me the attention I wanted from him when I was growing up. He's 29 and I'm 20. We hardly talk to each other and pretend we love each other at family events such as thanksgiving.

>> No.1703063


I've asked successful people for insight and never ran into negativity. The least I could do is pay it forward if I ever reached their success. As for money, I would just tell family and friends that all my money is tied up in non-liquid assets.

>> No.1703101

This is the patrician answer.

My petty answer is that I honestly can count on both hands the number of people that actively treated me like shit/intentionally posed themselves as obstacles to my success, so I'd probably see if I'm better off than them, give them shit for it, they wouldn't remember me, and I'd feel no better.

>> No.1703123

A friend or family member who didn't want to have anything to do with you before you became successful wouldn't want to socialize/know you after you did well. They would/will be put off by it and extremely jealous and shitty about it.

>> No.1703177

>being this obsessed with another person, let alone a sibling

... really, anon?

>> No.1703196

Not obsessed I'm answering OPs question. Idgaf about my older brother now, I can just tell that his attitude toward me would change when I get rich.

>> No.1703204

>How would you react to that?
I'd make a comment about how they never contacted me before. Make them feel bad. Then take them out for drinks and get them hammered.

>> No.1703854

Similar to what >>1703204 said, I've spent many years being a hikkikomori and none of my friends ever asked about me or tried to contact me (except a couple of times when they asked my brother how I'm doing).
If I got rich and had one of them suddenly becoming friendly again, I would just tell them that it's a weird coincidence that they never even called when I was in need, and now they suddenly remembered I was their friend.
I would just hang out with my brother and the guy who I'm still in contact with, and I wouldn't even gonna make new friends.

>> No.1703861

I would be a total show off and try to make as many people jelly as possible.

>> No.1703915

First post allways best post

>> No.1704191

>generational gap between siblings
>cries his adult brother doesnt wanna hang out and give him attention
