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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17026607 No.17026607 [Reply] [Original]

>22 years old
>50k/year salary
>really only make 36k/year after taxes

Fuck my existence

>> No.17026627

Lol 15k of your wealth is stolen from you under threat of imprisonment and used to pay for wars on behalf of Israel, and to import shitskins and pay for their welfare

>> No.17026632

delete this now

>> No.17026641
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you do have a LINK stack...right anon?

>> No.17026656
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Low paid accountant here.

Just under 42k last year plus I have to pay for my own health insurance in full: $270/month.

>> No.17026674

>21 years old
>not even half way through college
fuck you.

>> No.17026707

go move to a country with 0 taxes then you fucking retard? have fun when no one gives a shit when a nig breaks into your house and kills your family

>> No.17026761

you're 22 and you already make the avg salary in the US for a college grad. As long as you aren't in some bullshit field, that salary will double in 10 years, or more if you have drive.
Welcome to real life, kiss your faggy liberal friends goodbye for wanting to spend your money on trannies.

>> No.17027400

>he wants a girl to be the big spoon
literally and unironically never going to make it, homo. By the way: literally every single girl will think you're a pathetic beta if you ask them to be the big spoon. If she climbs on you and starts it then fine but basically you're a fucking soiboy.

>> No.17027418

Sucks to be a broke little faggot
Gross. Poor people are like animals.

>> No.17027425

I told my gf that I wanted to try being the girl and she was cool with it.

>> No.17027437

You're doing fine, I make the same as you and I'm 28. Fuck my life

>> No.17027460

Why aren't you dumping it all into crypto?

>> No.17027474


Democrats will tell you that the 15k isn't enough and your life would be better if you payed closer to 25k of that, but got "free" healthcare

>> No.17027478
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30k salary
20k after taxes

>> No.17027500

>tfw suicide stack is 2,730.00
>only have 200
Feels bad man

>> No.17027680

come back in 5 years and let me know if your relationship is going strong, homofag.

>> No.17027694

>24 years old
>$12k/yr, zero savings, owe thousands of dollars
>literally zero prospects for non-assembly-line employment. cannot get anyone to call me back for any other jobs

>26 years old
>$100k/yr, 20k in the bank
>engineering manager

Life is weird sometimes

>> No.17027696

But anon you get a military to keep you safe while you post on alt-right recruiting forums on the internet

>> No.17027777

this is genuinely the funniest shit I've read on this website in a long time. never change, anon.

>> No.17027944

Why so many people make shit up to impress anons on an imageboard

>> No.17027970


>> No.17027991

How many more days until you go postal?

>> No.17028007

How do I not end up like you? I’m an accounting student. Do you have CPA?

>> No.17028031

>12 years old
>$10/year, 500k in debt

>13 years old
>~3m a year, 900k in 401k

it sure is anon, im 18 now with a net worth of ~875m, around 100m in my 401k.

>> No.17028044

Pick one

>> No.17028051

Two interviews Thursday!

Well first don't graduate during the great recession where it takes you a year to get a job with a local plumber! Second recognize that if you get a CPA lots of companies are going to say hey wait if you finish your CPA, then you are going to quit because you have to work with an accountant for two years. Rejected!

>> No.17028073
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I'm sorry you can't accept my reality.

>> No.17028085
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>$65k CAD salary
>$49k after taxes
>put away $18k per year in index funds
>more and more people being fired from workplace or leaving due to stress
>being asked to do tasks I have zero experience in and that are completely outside my field since the company refuses to hire replacements
>literally just faking it until they catch on and fire me

>> No.17028091
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>> No.17028108

If you want to be the little spoon you might be gay. Like more than half of tranny obsessed /pol/


>> No.17028118

Believe what you want nigger. You're getting a biased sample on this board because people who make a lot of money can afford hobbies besides fourchannel, and bitter neets cannot

>> No.17028136
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1578593404956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 year old complaining and whining about making 50k/year

>> No.17028284

No one gives a shit in America, the UK, or Sweden when niggers break in and rape and kill your family now and the taxes there are redonkulus.

>> No.17028349


I went from $20k a year at 21 to 180k/yr at 24. It’s possible.

>> No.17028413

It's absolutely possible. I made jack shit until I finish grad school at age 26. Now I'm 30 and made $160k in 2019.

>> No.17028439

Oof. Did you start in a small city? Accounting starts in the 50’s in my city. We have lots of public jobs too, I am an intern at one right now.