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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17026246 No.17026246 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17026459

Made my 300th BAT in browser this month, is it actually possible to cash out

>> No.17026482

eich is doing you a fucking favor by not letting you cash out right now. once you are able to actually cash out easily the shit will be worth way more than it is now

>> No.17026528

Corona virus

>> No.17026533

You can cash out through Uphold

>> No.17026544
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We are protected faggot

>> No.17026605

shitcoin, literally bat is worse than it was 3 years ago, let that sink in. Its only going to continue.

>> No.17026651

hasnt even existed for a full 3 years cuckboi

>> No.17026721

>doesn't understand that businesses grow and change and that tokens like this aren't based purely on speculation

What's it like growing up in a third world country?

>> No.17026735

>doesn't read the whitepaper
They don't want it to be 100. Hell they don't want it to be 10. They want it to be the price of a cup of coffee and stay that way

>> No.17026739

how the hell you earn that much BAT?

>> No.17026786
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>Brave wins privacy award
>getting Best Buy, Amazon and Walmart ads on Brave
>MAU, DAU and verified accounts way up in numbers

>BAT dumps


>> No.17026940

the longer this shit stays in accumulation the harder it will pump when it comes out

>> No.17027155
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don't know about that one bruv but I hope you're right

>> No.17027181
File: 10 KB, 217x320, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tune in to this week's Brave podcast!

>> No.17027197


We do not talk about BAT.

>> No.17027240
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Buy BAT!

>> No.17027352
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You can withdraw via Uphold, but its KYC.

Was spammed Best Buy ads earlier today. Noticed close to a dozen new ad campaigns since the year started, which is fucking based.
>21 cents

>> No.17027359

I'm on the verge of giving up and dumping my 100k stack. How much longer do I have to wait?


>> No.17027376

a bloke on me told me we cant get to 100 :(

>> No.17027379

i got a trezor ad today so i bought one

>> No.17027380


>> No.17027386

Who invests in an advertisement token on the verge of the greatest depression this world will ever see?

>> No.17027397

Hold it for years, dingus.

>> No.17027399

stop reading zerohedge dumbass

>> No.17027411
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He was FUDing you, lad. Stack those rewards up.

Been getting Ledger ads recently and was thinking of picking 1 up. Have no idea which 1 is better though outside of Ledger being closed source.

>> No.17027422

>dumping right as the btc bull run starts and bat has its biggest year ever with tons of new features rolling out that will lead to token scarcity and increased demand

not gonna make it

>> No.17027426

Did I somehow not express myself correctly?

>> No.17027429

i have a ledger already. ill have the trezor in like 3 days so ill have both. ill let you know which is better in one of the next bat threads

>> No.17027445

all the stupid pajeets ignore the bat threads anyways because they are too busy getting scammed with XRP and PNK so it doesnt really matter if we talk about BAT kek. its the same few intellectually superior faces here in every bat thread

>> No.17027452
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>Betting on shitcoins while BTC is in a bullrun
>Falling for the JUST HODL BRO meme

>> No.17027458

Yup you can cash out now. Fugging great desu

>> No.17027468

Just be patient anon. Adoption is growing every month and as more companies come on, the price will increase. Literally saw an Amazon ad recently

>> No.17027477

get me these 3 ids

>> No.17027514

>implying i dont already have a fat stack of btc and a fat stack of bat that i bought mostly under 2k sats

>> No.17027527



Wir san schliesslich auf kana Kindetjsusn!

>> No.17027531

when 100 doe
how much u holding?

ps, hope the kids are well

>> No.17027545


That guy too... one of us.

>> No.17027559

NONE of us ;)

>> No.17027591

When do we hit $100

>> No.17027592

what you on about skitzo take your meds go outside boomer

>> No.17027603
File: 159 KB, 1080x1314, 80314635_584914618749139_7705419050393373950_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weren't you talking BAT with us in a thread earlier this week?

Much appreciated, lad. How has the Ledger treated you thus far?

I'm patient. These hands don't break and its going to be an even better year for Brave than it was last year.

>when 100 doe
Going to have to wait for Whale Anon with his charts and that knowledge for that.

>> No.17027630

nah whaleanon/ranga lover says 5 bucks if im lucky even though i remote viewed eichs office for him

>> No.17027652
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1. btc bull run will commence (technically we have already been in a bull run since the bottom at 3k and what we are in now is just a bull flag consolidation)

2. bat will keep gaining in sats against btc, and there will be a few alt seasons along the way as btc rises

3. bat will hit 60k sats at the peak when btc is $160k. that will put the bat peak right below $100 where the few people in the know will have a very small window of opportunity to dump everything we have on the next gen of bear market bagholding cucks

>> No.17027669
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That'd be great, please do. I was looking into a Trezor solely because of that Brave ad, but wasn't sure if it can store my lil batties.

atm all my shit is stored on exchanges like a true noob

>> No.17027675

ledger works great. been using it for a few years. i had no reason to buy a trezor desu, just saw a BAT ad for it and it was an impulse buy. it was like 50 bucks and i could pay for it in btc which almost makes it seem like its free so i figured why not

>> No.17027684

the only exchange i would feel somewhat safe storing stuff on for long periods is cuckbase, but even then i ALWAYS will prefer storing my keys privately because i have been around long enough to see a bunch of exchanges exit scam or get hacked or just straight up fail

>> No.17027686


Oh, I leave for 5 minutes and here we go, eh? Who are you even, pleb?

>> No.17027704

and yes trezor can store ETH and all ERC20 tokens (including BAT)

>> No.17027770
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>and yes trezor can store ETH and all ERC20 tokens (including BAT)

nice, thanks. Going to seriously consider buying one unless you say it's shit compared to ledger

>> No.17027778

>source: bible

>> No.17027794
File: 178 KB, 1080x1350, 73424584_1287222191450458_5830770893469037758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Appreciate all the info we have in our threads from lads like yourself.

Appreciate it., anon. I'll wait and see which you prefer and start looking into them more.

>> No.17027958

TURBO YIKES and u still haven't sold. Also all your comments are Reddit style so I know u bought the top and are larping. Nice try though

>> No.17027997


>> No.17028010

It never worked for /b/ it never worked for /biz/ it never worked for anything... fat assed naked women... they do not work for BAT and they didn't even work for BRAP... get rent and get straight, you lil plebs. And when I say we do do not talk about BAT maybe it makes sense and I have reasons.

>> No.17028021

>Also all your comments are Reddit style
if by that you mean ive had sex then yeah

>> No.17028041


Sounds like fun, gimme your worst

>> No.17028088

Nah man just hold. Things will work out.

>> No.17028089
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Not trying to make anything "work" lad. I just share my TBs of Insta thots from work with the lads while posting. What's your type of gal? I'll get you on my next post.

I get you don't want Anons to shill BAT like most shit on the board, but it won't happen.

>> No.17028184


Look, I am trying to stay calm here... you should not even given be permission to talk to me.

>> No.17028255

whats the appeal behind holding this token? its legit gone sideways since the ico. remember when it was the most hyped ico on /biz/?

>> No.17028256
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Don’t act like we don’t go way back, lad. You’ve been telling lads to stop talking about BAT just as long as I’ve been thot posting.

>> No.17028308



>> No.17028364
File: 161 KB, 1080x1350, 046B0B86-49B9-488D-8BC3-3D132D703B67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were Frens, lad :(

>> No.17028417


Why did you think that you lying lil faggot? Just be glad I am not real angry, and go deeper. Be glad. Cheers m8

>> No.17028453

Feb 15th right papa TA?

>> No.17028509

Max ads allowed by settings and have been hoarding since may

>> No.17028547

I think it's up to where you live, top tier countries get more ads, 3rd world much less

>> No.17028655

I think February and March are going to be pivotal months when it comes to Brave. Momentum could really start picking up. Also im getting really close to having $100 worth of BAT across devices. At $.50 thats $200. People take other people to court over $200

>> No.17028663

Okay BATbros, last month my auto contribute was on and so my browser tipped it to an unverified site. So is there a way I can claim it back?

>> No.17028948
File: 129 KB, 1080x1350, 72909435_160735898499644_7303694645525872943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, but not 100% sure. Try searching the forums and making a thread, you're likely to get a response from a team member.

Here's a list:

Checked and based.

Cheers, lad.

>> No.17029397

The longer this stays in accumulation phase the stronger its going to run. Theres only enough BAT for each user to have 125. Currently I have around 400 across devices. You can see where this is going. BAT either increases in price or distribution accumulates heavily between early browser users. Either scenario just makes for a very strong run.

>> No.17030105

hope <3 jennie <3 is sleeping soundly right now anons. not that she needs any beauty sleep kek. she's already very beautiful.

>> No.17030982

Just saw a Tezos ad, kek

>> No.17031005

screenshot pl0x

>> No.17031015

There should be a targeted tipping campaign. All my earning from browsing is only like $3 a month, not enough enough for someone I tip to really even notice. If a couple of folks did we could some more people interested.

>> No.17031019


>> No.17031026

They must have found a third party to finally do some marketing. Very bullish

>> No.17031054

Shit, I just saw an Energi ad too, I've been seeing them for a couple weeks at least though

>> No.17031166

I think you mean TREZOR? Easy mistake

>> No.17031742

nope I've had Tezos and Civic today. And Energi for months. Etoro recently too. CZ tweeted about Brave recently too so maybe Binance are on the list

>> No.17031772

This month I've had:


Multiples of all of them. Dozens of BlockFi

>> No.17031799

No it was definitely Tezos, I think I've seen ads for Ledger and maybe trezor?

I did see one or two Walmart ads in the last week as well.

>> No.17031938

interesting. i havent seen tezos yet. i do recall seeing civic though

oh wow indochino i havent seen but the rest of these i have gotten. they are a really successful custom suit company that is on the forefront of new advertising methods.

yup ive gotten the ledger, trezor, walmart, best buy, nordvpn and amazon ads

>> No.17032283

I got a tezos ad

>> No.17032392

I've been getting tons of new ads lately. Anyone know when the self serve ads thing is coming?

>> No.17032436

I'm pretty big into men's formal and professional fashion so I suppose it makes sense that Indochino would show up. They must use cookies because the eToro ad I got specifically mentioned XRP, which I hold and discuss.

>> No.17032804

got another new ad


it seems like the number of active ad campaigns is going up pretty quickly.

Q2 of this year i believe. same with publisher ads

>> No.17033308


>> No.17033334

Slow, linear increase over the course of a decade

>> No.17034293

only 140 bat. i wont make it right?

>> No.17034342

I've bought a bunch of BAT for investment, but I can't imagine I'll ever cash out the BAT I earn through the browser; I'll just start tipping it all. I don't want the fucking IRS/financial system connected in any way to my internet usage.

>> No.17034355

This may be the worst time in history to dump any crypto, just close the portfolio for a few months and thank me later.

>> No.17035248
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We'll need to wait another decade I'm guessing. Hopefully it'll be worth it.

>> No.17035382

Don't say that