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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17023580 No.17023580 [Reply] [Original]

Praise Kek

>> No.17023670

Hey, New to /biz/, what's that ? (obviously a crypto) But why does /biz seems obssessed with it ?

>> No.17023709
File: 254 KB, 1459x1094, IMG_Tokyo_20190606_085817_processed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNK. It's the new cryptocurrency of biz. It used to be ETH and then LINK, but now everyone is moving to PNK. Token sale just ended. I suggest you try to accumulate at least 100K before this goes crazy. We are at the ground floor still, and it can moon by 10x overnight. There were people buying hundreds of ETH worth at a time on the token sale contract recently. It's absolutely nutty. Don't sleep on it.

>> No.17023831

Hmm. 'been looking for something like this. Where do you buy some ? And why this one ? There' s a ton of new currency

>> No.17023848

hello newfag


>> No.17023949

>Where do you buy some ? And why this one ? There' s a ton of new currency
IDEX or Bitfinex. This is going to be the de facto oracle and human arbitration layer of Ethereum. It's going to be huge. It can save companies billions and will employ millions of people as decentralized arbiters. It does everything LINK does and more.

>> No.17023962

yes sir best coin hope all those that missed it buy on exchange they will still make profit after purchasing token from exchange for $1 upwards what a bargain coin thanks sirs

>> No.17025020

Anything under 20 cents is a bargain, hands down

>> No.17025034
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>> No.17025310

glows in the fucking dark.

fuck off pajeet

>> No.17025330

Saddest thread in years

>> No.17025332

Samefagging retard

>> No.17025338

Buy what glows, retard

>> No.17026453

Kleros literally saved me and mi familia