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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17021601 No.17021601 [Reply] [Original]

>OG linkers know something we don't
I have my eyes on you faggots
Spill the beans or else

>> No.17021615
File: 17 KB, 378x378, L86xyLF4_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17021623

OG ICO Link whale here, can confirm that we're all moving into PNK. Shh.

>> No.17021915

I got in near the bottom for LINK and it has stagnated for me, i'm ready for another gainer.

>> No.17022313

>I got in near the bottom for LINK and it has stagnated for me

no you didn't retard

>> No.17022330

I would not follow someone that has only 80k usd in link in this market.

>> No.17022472
File: 360 KB, 368x686, Please fucking stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a painfully transparent, just don't you dishonest fucks.

>> No.17022492

what why?

>> No.17022549

I saw somebody post one of my wallets here. If anybody wants to take my honest opinion on PNK and LINK, I would suggest hedging ~25-35% of your LINK to PNK. However if you have some extra funds laying around then I would highly recommend throwing that in. Again, thats my conservative opinion.

>> No.17022568

Lol wut. I make more in a day. And i tell you PNK is shit.

>> No.17022710
File: 157 KB, 338x324, 1432823107648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you feel dirty? Some actual human being, retard as they may be, will fall for your bullshit and suffer for your gain. It's clearly immoral. Read Plato, think of your soul.

>> No.17022727

So dry, so scripted. This is worse than skycoin threads was.

>> No.17023145

Nah its not because I shilled skycoin too. PNK is something else.

1 in the pink, 2 in the stlink

>> No.17023173

my filter doesn't seem to be working. PNK thread are still showing up. These fucking faggots are cancer. Literal cancer.

>> No.17023234


Hey pajeet your shit is leaking from your pants.

>> No.17023340


But if you go check etherscan I can see $30-500k total worth wallets buying PNK like it's fucking heroin in the Bronx.