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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17018425 No.17018425 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17018433


>> No.17018467

checked and scampilled

>> No.17018483

>promised 300TPS DAG
>delivered ethereum fork
>staking is diluting everything
>the unlock dump will be legendary
>no actual team except Andre part time

>> No.17018948

Raised 50 million for a Hashgraph clone

>> No.17018954

Chen got corona virus

>> No.17019004

The constant spamming made the obvious scam even more obvious.

>> No.17019032


>> No.17019050

There is no mainnet.

>> No.17019215

He was patient zero.

>> No.17019347
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I fucking told them (you?) shit like this is scammy as fuck but "next eth" shills got them (you?)

>> No.17019431

Posting insane claims and then just run away or trash people asking for documentation is a horrific sign. Screams scam.

>> No.17019465 [DELETED] 

I unironically did tons of research on fantom for a shill project I had to write for my job. I tried to warn anons over and over that ftm is bullshit and they got nothing. but of course nobody listened. they never listen.

>> No.17020010

Dont own any because of the shitty staking but
>delivered ethereum fork
>there is no mainnet
>Chen got corona virus
who cares
>no actual team except Andre part time
>promised 300TPS DAG
They pivoted and documented this months ago

Fantom is ok but theres better things to invest in

>> No.17020328

Dubai scam group partnership should have been an obvious sign.

>> No.17021341

just wait for the next hype cycle

>> No.17021630

My only problem with Fantom is the fucking crypto retard third worlders popping up in chat a d asking why no moon? I thought it was ironic but its not. The pajeets deserve to be poor and ftm wont moon till they sell.

>> No.17021637

bro they're in literally every chat

>> No.17021643

>>1701its in perma dump mode you would have to be stupid to catch this falling knife