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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 232 KB, 1080x1129, IMG_20200129_080016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17018091 No.17018091 [Reply] [Original]

> woke up
> saw pic related
>go check price to witness that big green candle I've been waiting for two years now


I'll be honest, when I bought link I was already in a pretty deep depression. This shit isn't really helping

>> No.17018115

No content news coverage stopped being bullish in like 2015 kid

>> No.17018410
File: 16 KB, 305x458, 1577709316148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. It's all so tiring

>> No.17018460

Why would it? Its literally a medium article by a tiny law startup talking about how chainlink could be a part of derivatives.

>> No.17018475

This. Also the company that published the article has a pretty bad reputation, just check their reviews.

>> No.17018488

that openlaw shit was priced in. the green dildo youre waiting for is when companys start telling eachother how much chainlink is helping there profit margins

>> No.17018497

Exactly, it's only a confirmation of Link being the first true law-compliant crypto to be used by the entire economic sector.
Expect a pump of about 5 more cents and then a heavy correction.

>> No.17018506
File: 166 KB, 1530x964, openlaw chainlink isda agenda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded.

>> No.17018516

But it isn't really being used. It's a hypothetical and we've had plenty of that. Plus it's for defi, a relatively small sector.

It won't pump now until we get a substantial confirmed user or until the whole crypto space grows.

>> No.17018518

>it's only a confirmation of Link being the first true law-compliant crypto to be used by the entire economic sector.
this lmao

>> No.17018519
File: 29 KB, 253x350, 3242351294488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das Ziffern!

>> No.17018531

>It's a hypothetical
What is speculation for 2 additional IQ points, Alex.

>Plus it's for defi, a relatively small sector.
It's for derivatives you absolute ape.

>> No.17018560

Yes, under defi. So a relatively small market and a case depiction of how chainlink could be used. We've seen it before and its meaningless, as shown by the price indifference.

>> No.17018600
File: 214 KB, 602x5560, main-qimg-771f746b7cabf80af66e64a9761218cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, under defi. So a relatively small market
Derivatives are derivatives. And the derivatives market is absolutely massive, pic related.
What in the world happened to your brain?

>We've seen it before
No we have not.
This is the absolute first smart derivatives use case involving Chainlink, Openlaw, and a legacy partner. With a direct ISDA connection, no less.

>> No.17018737

But it isn't a use. It's an illustration.

>> No.17018742

>Das Ziffern!

>> No.17018757

"use CASE", anon. Learn words.
Just like how you failed to understand the other guy who said "to be used".

I know English is hard for street shitters like you, but at least try to make an effort.

>> No.17018766

Yes, a case for use. Not actual use.

>> No.17018772

Yes. And this is the first actual use case for smart derivatives powered by Chainlink.

>> No.17018783

Lol they are less important than the event caterers. I bet the stuff their pockets with party food. Anyone who uses this many emojis is dangerously stupid

>> No.17018787

Now this is some delicious cope.

>> No.17018793

Yes... an example of how it could be done..... a case for its use.

>> No.17018798

>how it could be done
And "how it WILL be done".

You need a prototype/use case/plan/... before going into actual production. That's how things work.

>> No.17018805

No, how it could be done. Absolutely nowhere is there anything like confirmation of it being a serious standard.

>> No.17018808


So in reality there is still absolutely 0 use and 1 use case. WOW THIS IS HUGE!

>> No.17018825

Got you bürger.

>> No.17018844

>No, how it could be done.
And how it WILL be done.

>it being
The word you were looking for is "it becoming".

You really seem to be struggling with basic English.

This is another step forward.
You need a prototype/use case/plan/... before going into actual production. That's how things work.

>> No.17018966
File: 112 KB, 306x306, 1577109263207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $2.70

>> No.17018984

The coldest hour is the one that comes before the dawn, anon

>> No.17019194

Well buddy, give it time, this is just a lurker with some solidity skills that has written a template to showcase openlaw / kaleido and Chainlink. This is not THE BIG DERIVATIVE contract, but still kind of bullish. Don't let the boredom get to you, do not sell if you want to make it

Also this >>17018475

>> No.17019225

Your cope is quite immeasurable

>> No.17020060

>Heavy correction
Every fucking time

>> No.17020068

Didnt link buy openlaw?

>> No.17020073

Hell no.
Openlaw is Consensys.

>> No.17020324

literally just another fake partnership, like every single Chainlink partnership.

>1+ year test net
>7 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.17020359

>reminds me of the time street partnered with toilet.
That never happened, Ranjeet.

>> No.17020534

No jeet the english was entirely correct. Present tense.

>> No.17020553

>"this is happening in the future"

>"you are wrong, it is not happening now"

Bad Pajeet, bad bad bad.

>> No.17021424

LINK was trading at $0.45 one year ago today. If it grows at the same rate it will be $17 a year from today. Have some patience.

>> No.17021439

Literally who's emoji posting on twitter and you assume the price would go up? Grow up.

>> No.17021503

so what exactly is a ramen-to-peanut 'smart' derivatives platform?

>> No.17021585

>unironically responding to that pasta

>> No.17021618
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>> No.17021778
File: 19 KB, 480x517, 1579970662732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody translate this train wreck of a tweet from 12-year-old girl to English??

WTF is soup to nuts????????

>> No.17021800

soup to nuts but the person who made this tweet is fucking stupid

>> No.17021813

>doesn't know an idiom
>calls others 12-year-olds

ironing like pottery

>> No.17021849

I seriously hope this tweet is edited. If that's a real tweet that went out to the actual public we're finished.

>> No.17021885

>this thread
I am LINK newfag myself and quite honestly feel disgrace for linknufags and redditors ruining this board, with threads like these. Nobody tries anymore. I went to every single link waruso thread, and came to the conclusion 2017 and particularly sub $1 2018 was the epitome. Downhill from then.
Sad. Considering the ride that is ahead

>> No.17021889
File: 106 KB, 1107x453, tweet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nobody who tweets with emojis will ever make it, right?

>> No.17021905

It's a bear market. Although it looks like the bull may be awakening lately, new does not really affect price in a positive way while the bear reigns.

>> No.17021936
File: 61 KB, 1141x665, 1579271359148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO $100,000,000,000,000. DOLLARYDOOS EOY

>> No.17021953

I’m so tired and cold

>> No.17021954

Start coping any time.

>> No.17021970
File: 26 KB, 600x800, 1579910284070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start coping any time.

>> No.17022030

Less than $75,000 daily volume on all exchanges combined lol. Less than $25,000 liquid.
This thread smells like poverty.

>> No.17022257

are u retarded? Links volume is currently 150million usd over 24hrs.

>> No.17022271

if seeing that cringetweet full of emojis from a supposedly "professional" firm made you feel anything but despair you are a lost cause

>> No.17022286

See >>17021889

>> No.17022290

>making me cringe even more
why would you do that anon

>> No.17022308

Pretty sure "cringe" wasn't exactly the word you were looking for.

>> No.17022372
File: 19 KB, 644x414, tesla stock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, Christ.

>> No.17022442
File: 342 KB, 1231x531, 1572228294620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's because of emojis not Grimes and Cybertruck

>> No.17022469

The point is emoji tweets do not matter one bit.
The point isn't that Tesla is mooning because of emoji tweets.

Always fascinating to converse with certified clinical retards.

>> No.17022560


>> No.17022630


>> No.17022631

The quality of shilling and fud right now is depressing. But nothing's really happening either, so why come up with good stuff. It's hibernation mode for now.

When the actions starts, I'm confident the pajeet army will hit us with 2 years worth of premium shitpostery.

>> No.17022717

>nothing's really happening either

>> No.17022803

LINK is actually dumping rn, lmao.

>> No.17023377

Dumping upwards.

>> No.17023579

Double checked. Dumping upward confirmed.