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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17017302 No.17017302 [Reply] [Original]

>intel is buying up 1% of RLC's supply
Look at that 1.1M RLC buy order.

>> No.17017321

It does feel good.

>> No.17017332

is this that Indonesian project?

>> No.17017341

No that's MATIC. The one with exit scamming devs.

>> No.17017622

intel is partnered with chainlink

>> No.17017651

No one cares. iExec has been for a while now but it's obvious where this thing is going. It's literally the next 2000x.


>> No.17017687

we've known about some kind of partnership with Intel for a while now, but I feel it's getting real now

once it hits the normies, it's moon time

>> No.17017697

>Look at that 1.1M RLC buy order.
it's a bot order

>> No.17017706
File: 6 KB, 179x281, 47384483_10157052675232975_2196106105174622208_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bot order with $700,000
Normies respect Intel and will definitely look into iExec. It's easy to understand too.

>> No.17017726

Actually it could be 1 of 3 things.
>A rich person seeing the potential.
>Intel buying it for whatever undisclosed reason
>Coinbase buying it to enhance liquidity upon listing

>> No.17017794

delete this shit thread you nigger faggots

>> No.17017827


>> No.17017894

>12 posts
>8 posts by this ID
you disgust me

>> No.17017905

what a great argument

>> No.17017914
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>> No.17017917

Great job switching ids

>> No.17017995

Great job detective retard

>> No.17018033

>Normies respect Intel
You are imagining the partnership with intel based on 1 million fake order... did you realize that?

>> No.17018041

Go away pajeet shoo shoo

>> No.17018049

>Actually it could be 1 of 3 things
have you ever seen an order book before? It's plenty of these fake orders
they do it to make you think that they are going to buy

>> No.17018066

>The pajeet does not understand markets

>> No.17018083

I am not a pajeet. Tell me why that order isn't fake as many others

>> No.17018088

Tell me why it is fake.

>> No.17018097

Stop bitching faggots, we all that the DOTR is coming for shit coins without purpose. Link, RLC etc have actual use cases, buy them and hold. Stop flinging dumb shit unless youre a full time day trader

>> No.17018102

is this the team they got to do the slides for the trusted computing framework presentation chainlink did with Intel?

>> No.17018108

It's only the LINKfags bitching as seen here >>17018102

>> No.17018431

feel like im making the same mistake holding megamind coins in the bullrun while all the retards will make money on shit like LTC and TRX again

>> No.17018833

bump because I'm sitting on a 10K stack and want to unironically hold this forever

>> No.17018871

>Tell me why it is fake.
Because it's there to let you think that it will go up. Have you have heard of fake sell wall / fake buy wall ?

>> No.17018881

Priced in fag.

Due for a dump.

>> No.17018888

Baby's first buywall

>> No.17018989

>while all the retards will make money on shit like LTC and TRX again
no way.
First off your bull run it's only in your head.

Average's joe money won't come bac for other 7 years at the best. (generation pre zoomers growning and enetring into the trading/investing meme)

All the normies I now stay away from coins because they remember very well 2017 and Chaty Perry shills on instagram

You are deluded if you thinc somenthing lic that will happen again

>> No.17019041
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This reddit spacer is right only real world use and adoption not "integrations" will make mumu run

>> No.17019046

yeah I know, I have been thinking the same thing recently, It might happen again in 2027. still im trying to just eek out a few hundred k or so I can maybe retire 10 years earlier than normal

>> No.17019107

>Average's joe money won't come bac for other 7 years at the best.
Stock market is literally ATH
plenty of stupid money out there willing to gamble if they knew about alts

>> No.17019155

>Stock market is literally ATH
>plenty of stupid money out there willing to gamble if they knew about alts
They already knew about alts in 2017 and gambled on them. They were making x100 on weekly base... you are stupid if you think somenthing like that can happen again... people were taking out loans to buy bitconnect..it was a really dot.com bubble.. no need to compare in liquidity like a retard.. the sentiment was the same

>> No.17019348

Imagine reading the order book as face value

>> No.17019355

quads chad

>> No.17019418

It's over Gilles, we won't support your sexual explicit activities anymore.

>> No.17019432

Ok the tweet pump is over, time to dump

>> No.17019507
File: 219 KB, 960x1440, 1576160775361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for V5 Le Supertrannê Deluxe party, V4 was a success. Gilles impaled at least 13 top tier trannies while Haiwu He ate the creampies out of their assholes

>> No.17019568
File: 1.91 MB, 480x480, 1578944901390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets start this

>> No.17019611

We need such ecosystems in the crypto space. They making the whole crypto space more mature. Speaking of the same a Dapps ecosystem Centrality recently launched their decentralized merch store on their messenger Dapp Sylo which earlier got featured in top5 Dapps ranking.

>> No.17020111

>Imagine reading the order book as face value
why not?

>> No.17020130

>muh partnaships
> a ((buywall)) on a bot-traded manipulated exchange means a "partner" from years ago is buying
> buy now goys, it won't dump, I promise

>> No.17021124

>>Imagine reading the order book as face value
>why not?

>> No.17021195

kys in the most painful way you can brainlet

>> No.17021217

>kys in the most painful way you can brainlet
all to you it goes

>> No.17021371
