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17014354 No.17014354 [Reply] [Original]

honestly is 2 btc enough to make it?

>> No.17014389


>> No.17014391

absolutely not you cuck

>> No.17014395


>> No.17014401


BTC is a shit fork of Bitcoin (BSV); it will plummet to zero as soon as it approaches its previous highs and the network collapses.

>> No.17014406

Maybe. Where is that?

>> No.17014411
File: 70 KB, 1400x933, kleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is if you go all in PNK right now. You will be set for life if you hold for 2 years . Will be worth about $10,000,000 USD

>> No.17014418

Make it during this bull run, no. Make your life a fuckload easier yes.

>> No.17014424

to make it? nah. To make a few 100k? Sure. Need a minimum of 5-7 BTC to make it IMO. Not to mention 2-5 years

>> No.17014428

Probably not but it's enough to set you up for success in a few years by starting a business/homeownership/capital to trade and travel

>> No.17014431

you are going to lose all your money

>> No.17014574

i think switzerland

>> No.17014578

Where is this

>> No.17014644

look under these words

>> No.17014662

No. Why in the fuck would you be holding 2 btc rather than 100 eth? Brainlet

>> No.17014696

Yes if you hold long enough

>> No.17014700

Stake it somewhere (crypto.com gives 4-6%) and let it grow. I'm similarly holding 1.88 btc and would be 3-3.5 btc in 10 years.

>> No.17014706
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Am I gonna make it? Do I sell now?

>> No.17014721

It's gonna be Switzerland or Austria really.

>> No.17014754

Depends how much you need desu. Btc will be with 100k in 2022 and 1m in 2028 so you do the math

>> No.17014982


>> No.17015734

how you stack sats this fast?

>> No.17015818

Day trading. Buy and sell on horizontal lines of support and resistance. Takes practice but I trade in stocks and the futures market too so practice is something I have a lot of

>> No.17015824


>> No.17015870

How does $20 sound, anon?

>> No.17015971

it sounds bad i guess?

>> No.17016025

Lauterbrunnen Switzerland, my wife follows this travel blog

>> No.17016033

With that bankroll size you gotta play in the alt casino breh. Keep 1 BTC that you 'never' sell, put the rest of alts. Which alts? That's the magic question

>> No.17016176

This is the kinda place I want to live at. My question is, do they just not have property tax in Switzerland otherwise I can't see middle class owning those homes as the rich would likely want tuem to the point of driving property taxes up ridiculously. It's probably just a bunch of super rich people who own those houses right?

>> No.17016216

minecraft seed 6073041046072376055

>> No.17016256

> travel blog
fuck these faggots publicizing and making a mockery of my HERITAGE HOMELAND.

>> No.17016264

are you Swiss? then you won't make it there. sorry.

>> No.17016316

What if my parents are from Fribourg but I have never visited and am a US citizen?

>> No.17016331

Ok. Then you have a pass. But the Swiss are still not friendly to outsiders.

t. family from Einsiedeln.

>> No.17016354


>> No.17016374

Get ready to sell the top. Otherwise you might neck yourself by summer. This is not a joke.

>> No.17016427

what if i have a comparable amount of btc and can accumulate more into the halving and can also throw about 10k a year into alts?

>> No.17016455
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>Buy and sell on horizontal lines of support and resistance.
I, too, know how to do this

>> No.17016484

kek you'd be surprised how many people seem to fuck it up though

>> No.17017241
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 1580107462989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I start getting into this? Please to the great sir I want to make it

>> No.17017319

Please explain. I tried trading stocks and options. Utterly failed.

>> No.17017324

Go to Youtube and search for quickfingersluc. Dude is a price action trader and a damn good one. He isn't selling anything and doesn't make you want to punch him on sight. He's just a dude that trades and likes to talk about it. Watch his shit and be enlightened.

>> No.17017346

Same thing. Meant to reply to you with >>17017324 as well. The Luc guy is a day trader in penny stocks though his vids revolve around crypto. That said, a chart is a chart and if anything I'd say futures, especially the indexes, are easier to trade than crypto since there's less manipulation. Not saying there's none but it's much less and the Luc guy's methods work there.

>> No.17017349

Thank you based anon. I won't forget this when I make it! I will do seekrit /x/ positive energy ritual and reward your soul with high vibrations!

>> No.17017359

Great thanks I might try the stock market again but no where near as much capital as i did the first time. Really regret it, lost several month wages on it.

Also how do I avoid screwing up as you mentioned over here >>17016484

>> No.17017366
File: 368 KB, 1131x1600, 0_zyKXuaUxF5Z4HYf9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversify if you wanna make it.
> pic related

>> No.17017431

eat the fucking bugs you bigots or this whole area will be flooded

>> No.17017500

>Also how do I avoid screwing up as you mentioned over here >>17016484(You)
I'll just tell you my approach to stocks and I think you'll see where I'm coming from. Fundamentally I believe the stock market long term will be higher than today and short/mid term it will be volatile. So I'm bullish. But the problem with individual stocks is any of them can go to zero. The cure? Trade the indexes. The S&P, Dow, etc. will never go to zero cuz if they did your money would be the least of your worries. So I only trade index and sector ETFs. The problem? They move slowly. The answer here is leverage. Except leverage exposes you to the risk of a margin call. The solution to that is regular rebalancing so if the price of the instrument falls on you and you leverage naturally increases, you just rebalance back to your comfort zone, say 3x. Fortunately there are leveraged ETFs with the indexes as the underlying that do the work for you such as SPXL for the S&P and TQQQ for the Nasdaq. But even these can be a bit sedate so you look at sector based ETFs like SOXL which includes all the largest semiconductor stocks. SOXL has 60x'd since 2013 and I suspect has a long way to go still.
So maybe take a core position there, 1/3 of your account in SOXL and use the rest of your account to swing trade on the support and resistance. The 1/3 will assure you track the index since your instrument is 3x leveraged and the 2/3 trading by simply buying dips and selling bounces will assure you beat it.
I've been using a similar strategy to great effect for a while.

>> No.17017505

bro can you make a youtube tutorial for us bizraelis? we want to make it too!

>> No.17017531

If I do I'll shill it here with a screencap of your post

>> No.17017547

i would unironically give you a percentage of my gains if your method works for me so make sure you leave your BTC address in the description of the video.

>> No.17017568
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how many btc to live there forever

>> No.17017576

Like this guy said ^^

Spreading your wealth across a number of assets is key here.

FLETA is a low risk-high reward shot at "making it".
I'd also take a look at ADA, ALGO, BAT right now too!

Good luck!

>> No.17017617

I think I understand what you mean. Already lost thousands so if i do this (with a smaller amount of money) and I somehow screw up badly I'll probably just move to safer strategies and avoid the stock market altogether.

Thanks anon.

>> No.17017620

Btc is going to 500k next year idiots

>> No.17017671

how long have you been doing this? how much capital are you using and how long until you make it (per the subject of this thread)?

>> No.17017679

Switzerland is awesome yes. Are you a burger? Our switzerland is called Idaho. Look Stanley you plebs. Cheap AF to live there too. Sawtooth mountains.

>> No.17017690

but don't they have shit internet there?

>> No.17017724
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>> No.17017762

I've been trading since on a whim I bought some Apple stock back in 2007 and I made it a while back. Between futures, stocks, and crypto I have a few million. Thing is I really enjoy it, the trading, and I'm still getting better. Just this last year I started deploying a killer swing strategy in futures and after having an epiphany regarding options and a way to conceptualize them purely as pure leverage rather than hedging instruments my directional option game has gone through the roof. I mean, you search all over the internet for info on option strategies and you read a hundred articles with 101 different viewpoints yet most of the people you are reading aren't making any money and despite having most of the facts down don't have even the slightest grasp of the implications so their conclusions are all wrong. Nobody even mentions a simple formula for calculating the effective leverage on an option and the effect of, e.g., buying in or out of the money when it's as simple as multiply the price of the underlying by the delta then divide by the option's price. There you have it, the leverage. Move further out of the money and leverage increases yet the chances of the option expiring in the money decrease which implies a steeper loss due to theta. And so on. Some of this is alluded to and some isn't but the conclusions are almost always wrong. Sorry for the tangent but I just felt like putting it out there.

>> No.17017790

Stfu larping retard nigger.

>> No.17017817

>I made it a while back. Between futures, stocks, and crypto I have a few million.
Don't mean to be rude, but why are you still here? Why not just liquidate every thing and retire in the alps like OP's suggestion or something?

Noted on the other points, will need to research myself on the fundamentals on trading futures before I can really conceptualise your epiphany ;_;

>> No.17017838

how old are you now? i gather you're settled down with a family?

>> No.17017844
File: 5 KB, 300x168, Bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much BTC to pay a Swiss National to setup a crypto trading firm there, which then hires you, so that you can get a work visa there and ultimately citizenship?

>> No.17017853
File: 37 KB, 1339x1384, 1572951485299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not larping though. Pic related is an order I'm working right now in futures. 6 contracts on the /ES. Nominal value $985,200
>Don't mean to be rude, but why are you still here?
Making it doesn't change as much as you'd think. I don't have any money worries and I have all the toys I want but it's just more of the same shit I already had just fancier. And as bad as the mongolian basket weaving forum is the rest of the internet is fuck worse. I like /smg/ here on /biz/ too which is where I usually hang out. Lastly, I really do want to help all the rejects here as much as I can.
>how old are you now? i gather you're settled down with a family?
38 I have a wife and shit but no kids. Couple of nephews. She's a bit younger than me, wholesome and conservative so I'll probably knock her up at some point

>> No.17017860
File: 3.94 MB, 5312x2988, 20160817_151349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

switzerland is quite awesome

>> No.17017883

Do a flip, faggot.

>> No.17017888

>Lastly, I really do want to help all the rejects here as much as I can.
Is there a way you accept a reject like me as your student or something? This thread is going to 404 and your wisdom will be lost / never show up here again. Having said that I know I need to do my due diligence / education to get the fundamentals understood. But experience like this is something you can't exactly google.

>> No.17017896

My 'tism is way too intense for mentoring but, seriously, watch that quickfingersluc guy's videos on Youtube. His approach is the closest to mine I've found anywhere on the internet and if you pay close attention to what he's laying down you will learn how to profitably trade and it doesn't take long. Trading is one of those things where you go down many blind alleys until you finally stumble on the right one and everything clicks into place. Watch that dudes stuff and it'll get you there

>> No.17017911

I'm out, going to bed. Gotta get up to trade in the morning. Good luck everybody

>> No.17017912
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I have 1Gbps Fiber direct line. How about you?
This is 5 min from my house

>> No.17017915


thanks, hopefully i bump into you again in the future

>> No.17018599
File: 330 KB, 2048x1536, 1577285092948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is that?
Rocky mountains is my guess

>> No.17018610

That webm is me when I make it

>> No.17018618


That truly looks like heaven

>> No.17018704

no but it can let you fix your life by buying therapy, education if you sell above 50k.
every cycle has less % in ATH->ATH, don't be a dumbass. it won't 20x again from 20k.

>> No.17018764

Lol nice try creg. Where is you're bondage courier ?