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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17009469 No.17009469 [Reply] [Original]

Whose waging right now

Post ITT I’ll start


>> No.17009483
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Wage. Hopefully getting a new job soon. Can't wait to tell my boss to fuck off.

>> No.17009493
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wagie currently in his cagie

>> No.17009559

definitely not trying to boil the ocean today
I think I’ll just get my ducks in a row
Focus on that synergy strat we went over during daily scrum
Given that I have a lot on my plate already, I don’t think I have the bandwidth to start that
I’m gonna take that offline chief
Ping me if you need me otherwise it’s all hands on deck

>> No.17009945

first day of being an IoT Programmer in a manufacturing technology company. My heart tells me I should find another job that is pure software role, but idk. I feel depressed right now because nobody told me the steps to make it in this life.

>> No.17009962

that's over 330 000 000$ per day
how is that even possible ?

>> No.17009981


>> No.17009997

literally 345,000$ every 90 seconds, why does the government allow this !?

>> No.17010048
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1 billion in 3 days ....

>> No.17010072

You retards understand that isnt liquid money in his checking account right?

>> No.17010122

it's still his at the end
fucking ridiculous

>> No.17010127

Who the fuck cares. Bill Gates managed to cash out, Bezos can too.

>> No.17010133

Firstly, wage. Secondly, you guys are misdirecting your aggression, or rather, you are angry for the wrong reasons. That Bezos created Amazon which captured the American market in its entirety to the point where statistically speaking every household in America currently has a Prime account - that's not the problem, that's just capitalism. However, when our government bends over backwards for Bezos, and lets his company get off without paying taxes - now that is a problem. There is nothing inherently wrong with operating a business, but part of a successful business is a moral right to give back to your community that helped created your wealth through consumption. You need to boycott Amazon not on the basis that Bezos is richer than you, but you have a right as fucking working class citizens to hate Bezos and Amazon because they do not pay their taxes, resulting in crumbling infrastructure, decayed roads, ill equipped schools, and so on.

inb4 some bootlicking faggot replies and pulls up some statistic about how amazon DOES indeed pay taxes. Yeah, they paid 1 billion on 230+ BILLION in revenue in 2018. Does that sound okay to you? the net profit from that revenue was around 11 billion, which is about 9%. The average small business pays about 20%. The average person pays like 30%. So what about that spells fair? Not to mention they have started to tighten the last few screws in transitioning into garbage Chinese goods effectively turning Amazon into Aliexpress 2.0 almost totally barring domestic producers and sellers from entry due to pricing structures. God I can talk about this shit for hours, this country is absolutely done for. NeoFeudal colony within 50-100 years.

>> No.17010141


>> No.17010158

Then focus on closing the tax loopholes that he takes advantage of when he cashes out, not seizing his wealth

>> No.17010166

What the fuck is the government going to do with millions of shares of Amazon?

>> No.17010188

This is quite easy to say when conveniently forgetting the fact that Bezos and all of the individuals of his class quite literally own the US government and all legislative and lobbying bodies responsible to enact such simple legislature.

>> No.17010204

You say boycott, I don't think the general populace is going to get onboard with that either. Normies pay money for Amazon spyware boxes to put their homes and collect data on them

>> No.17010221

>Dropped out of college
>Work for a small company making $60k/year
>Cushy office job, usually by myself
>20-60 minutes of work per day
>~7 hours of trying to look busy when others are around
>Nearing fullfilled

I want to make it so I can spend all day raising my kids, shooting 3-gun, and running obstacle courses

>> No.17010237

Well yes, of course I do agree with you, my suggested boycott will never actually make a difference, but I was just suggesting that on an individual moral level. Of course the average person will never stop using Amazon but they will also never advocate for a government/tax reform en masse either. That is why my conclusion is that this country, and the rest of the industrialized world, is ultimately fucked anyway. Wealth inequality will just keep on growing from here onward, and we will soon be subjugated to a feudal class.

>> No.17010256

How can we escape? Chainlink?

>> No.17010292


>> No.17010317

Unironically XRP

>> No.17010320

> but part of a successful business is a moral right to give back to your community that helped created your wealth through consumption.

why does he owe anymore? he produced a service which made hundreds of millions of people's lives better( if it did not they would not use it) and in exchange they paid him for it

>> No.17010328

Tfw $14/hr for government work

>> No.17010364

In what way did he cash out? he still owns MS shares

>> No.17010372

It's the same notion as noblesse oblige. The aristocracy understood that as the most wealthy, influential, and intelligent members of society it was their duty to act as the guardians of society. Gentlemen in Victorian England had to prove they did enough to help the poor to get their titles. No man is an island, and if you don't brrecognize your success as an individual is tightly linked to the society that allows you to flourish/promotes ideas that allow you to flourish then society will cease to resemble that.

Also, if you don't throw the dog a bone every once in a while he's gonna pit out on you.

>> No.17010379
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>> No.17010417

Most of his portfolio isnt MS anymore. He can borrow prob >85% LTV against his portfolio. He has access to the money easily.

>> No.17010420

I don't have the answer lol I'm a wagefag browsing /biz/.

lets not argue about this again because we can just browse through the archives and pick through one of the million discussions that were had about this already. it always boils down to a disparity in viewpoints. You believe that society ought to be more individualistic, and I argue that it can be better when it is more caring towards the whole.

>> No.17010450

>Hey there, wagie, Im going to need you to work extra hard today. Corporate says our numbers aren't high enough. They are on my ass about it, so that means Im on your ass about. sorry bud, Ill make it up to you.
>drinks after work?

>> No.17010505

I am reaping the wages of sin. That is, I'm fat and coom often.

>> No.17010507

Why do you think that set of values was corrupted? I almost feel like we live in a time now where a person would rather to live in a mansion within a slum rather than in a modest neighborhood where everyone is more or less well off. This is especially true in my home country (former USSR) - when I go visit I am always astounded when a relative takes me to their home and shows me how well he is doing for themselves, relative to his impoverished neighbors. As if he is happy that contrast exists. Like, why wouldn't you want them to be doing well too? Just because you live in a mansion, you still have to look at their old wooden hut drenched in mud every day. You still have to walk past their worn faces every day.

>> No.17010550

Most people seem to be wired this way, like it's human nature. Just think of how many things are popular because they're considered rare or flashy. In places where it's easy to get fat, people like thin girls, in places where it's easy to starve, people like fat girls.

You can see the opposite phenomenon when people justify their laziness or shitty lives by comparing themselves to others with shitty lives.

>> No.17010583

Honestly and speaking as a lifelong atheist, it is the result of Christianity losing its grip on peoples belief structure. The notion of charity arises from the axiom that each human has a spark of the divine creator, and that when you do good or bad to your neighbor you are doing the same to God himself.

These things used to form the basis of our society, but Marxism (and its various permutations) have purposefully destroyed these foundations causing an atomization of society. The destruction of the family isn't just you and your kin, it's you and your church, you and you community, and you and your country.

>> No.17010693

That really resonates with me, man. That's so true, people are so contrarian by nature, scarcity is truly the most valuable commodity, the founding capitalists truly nailed that idea.

Good point, I personally wouldn't even allude to Marxism or Capitalism in this sense, but rather to Nietzschian's description of the death of religion - he wondered so much what the consequences of said death would be. I think we are living through those consequences. Perhaps one of the enlightenment's shortcomings was its inability to create a lasting replacement in lieu of religion. Or at least if it did, in intellect, and science, it surely failed to manifest itself on a mass scale as thoroughly as did religion.

In my home country, an extremely religious place - though orthodox christian, there is a very class based system however. The wealthy are seen as kissed by God and the lowly peasants also know to "know their place". I think that is why despite the prevalence of Christianity there its still such a shitheap. So I think though your explanation though definitely explains a lot cannot be applied to ALL sects of Christianity.

>> No.17010765

Dumbest shit I've ever read

>> No.17010808

Nietzsche's lamentation on the death of religion was mostly correct, but Marxism replaced the traditional forms of religion. In the west, the cultural-Marxism (as envisioned, purpose-built, by the Frankfurt School) has replaced Christianity as the principal religion among the young. The vacuum always has to be filled by something. I am not terribly familiar with Eastern Orthodox tradition or the societies that arose from them, but the originally Catholic and later Protestant areas seem to have gotten their notions of charity and hierarchical order from the foundations of the Christian Mythos.

Hush child, the adults are speaking.

>> No.17010832

>In the west, the cultural-Marxism (as envisioned, purpose-built, by the Frankfurt School) has replaced Christianity as the principal religion among the young

Oh shit, man. Is that really what that is? Multiculturalism is literally a religion, or is filling the hole that religion left in humanity? Can you source so I can learn more?

>> No.17010904

The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray is a good starting point for this. The Coddling if the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt is also a good look into the subject.

If you want to know more I suggest trying to find writings regarding what the Frankfurt School proposed and how it sought to destroy Western culture in order to bring about worldwide communism. They rightly stipulated that communism was incompatible with western notions of liberty and individual sovereignty, so they started at its foundations.

>> No.17010919

I said today this in a social network and now people hate me.

"People that do not effort enough should not have same life quality".

>> No.17010930

The real problem is that anyone pays taxes at all