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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17006280 No.17006280 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this, having millions just sitting there in mutual funds while working 9-5 and living frugally means you didn’t make it.

>> No.17006300
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Ask yourself, what would you be doing right now if you had made it?

The answer is probably exactly what you're doing right now, maybe in a different place, or a different detail, or whatever.

What if we, us on /biz/, the NEETs, the rejects, the robots, the left behind, have already actually made it?

What if our friendships were the true gains all along?

>> No.17006308

We’re all going to make it. Pee pee poo poo. Check’em!

>> No.17006317

I would be drunk and on drug most of the time

>> No.17006335

What is it to make it though

my dad has 2-3m and if he didn't wake up at 5am to exercise then work till 3pm he would probably gain weight look and feel like shit

he enjoys his routine did he make it?

>> No.17006348

Maybe you want to be drunk and high all the time because of how bad you feel that you haven't made it yet? Ever thought about that?

>> No.17006371

Nobody enjoys routines but it’s comfortable. Then you close your eyes and the next thing you see when you wake up is that you are old as fuck and regret things you didn’t do but it’s too late. I watched a YouTube video on things people from 5-75yrs old regret and it’s scary as fuck. It amazed me of how young people regret things they have done while old people regret things they didn’t do. Powerful.

>> No.17006396

I'd be visiting my family. I'd be warm and fed. I'd be in a house or at least an apt/condo. I wouldn't resent being an honorable or ethical person. I'd be able to remove these painful wisdom teeth. A few other responsible things. Maybe go to a festival/rave for the first time. Basic things that should have happened in my 20's.
Don't abandon your kids at 15 for image/freedom.

>> No.17006409

Humans crave routine. It's nice to shake it up once in a while but prolonged periods without routine will leave you in a very confused place.
I don't get what you're so panzy about. What is ''IT'' exactly that you need to do so you don't die with regret? skydiving? watching a sunset? These are all just experiences. Like anything they come and go leaving you craving. A memory is easily forgotten with alzheimers. Experience seeking and memory building isn't ''it''.

>> No.17006416

Interesting stuff, I've been trying to put it into coherent words for awhile now. It's pretty cringe hearing kids complain about expectations from their parents, social groups, teachers etc. But if you spend more than one minute thinking about it, if you are even mildly socially active (have a job, go to school) people (who have some form, even mild, of power over us, whether it be social, financial etc) expectations of us completely dictate how we behave, and on a long enough timescale who we become.

For example, it's difficult to talk about this without sounding like I'm complaining, but it was always my father's expectation that I go to college. So I did, and I hated it, I wish I just picked up a trade after highschool and started living on my own. But I couldn't, there werr strong mental chains that I could not break.

When we are young, many people have many expectations of us, when we're old, nobody expects anything from us.

>> No.17006428

See, you’re like moat people who missed the whole point of living. Your priority should never be how much money to make it or not. Working for money is wrong. You should want to make money so you don’t have to work. That’s two different things. You want to maximize free time to so things that you want, not the other way around, to maximize time working to make more money is stupid.

>> No.17006434

Mmmmno I wouldn't, I'd be in my own cozy house near family, hanging out with family, flying to various places to visit friends and exotic destinations, drinking at every beach bar in the world. Instead I'm a thousand miles away from my nearest relative because it was a good job offer, alone, in an apartment.

>> No.17006500

I want to make money to snort meth off porn stars feet every night. I don't care if I'm working or not.

Ah yes, the if only I had X I would beca completely different person. Why don't you learn from the 70% of lotto winners who lose it all in 5 years.

>> No.17006506
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Obviously poor. People get rich by aligning their desires with making money. People who are rich *like* working. They aren't wasting their time. After a certain point ($0.5-$1M net worth), so many other opportunities open up that let them double or 10x their money, and the world seems easy. It's a game like any other, and just a fun, and with real life prizes. You think this is wrong, but that's because you've never tasted success.

>> No.17006508

People who die at old age with alzheimer is a fucking blessing. Imagine you were lying your dead bed, feeling tired and hard to breath, so weak and ready to go that you couldn’t even have the strength to hold your fart, would you close your eyes and think about all the overtime you had worked or the great experiences you had had.

>> No.17006520

Or I could learn from the retards who fall into wood chippers, or join criminal gangs, or do meth. Just because people are retarded doesn't mean all people are. Seriously you sound like every liberal arts faggot out there
> Money doesn't mean happiness bro!
Yeah well it buys a shit load more than poverty does now doesn't it? Almost like it's a scale, and there's a balance, and I assure you I'd be much happier if I had 7 figures in my bank account than 4.

>> No.17006522

My post above describes you at the very last hours. Screenshot it anon, so at least you can pass on to your children/grandchildrens so they won’t suffer the same fate

>> No.17006531

Kek what the fuck mate, you either went off the deep end or replied to the wrong person

>> No.17006540
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I have 60 happy years ahead of me. You probably have 20 years, most of them jealous.

>> No.17006556

I hope you feel happy laying on your deathbed refreshing your 7 figures Blockfolio because oh boy you don’t get to reload the game now

>> No.17006573

Keep telling yourself that and before you know it, you will realize the best time of your life has passed but you didn’t do shit and there’s nothing you can do. Trust me we all been there

>> No.17006583
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I don't care how I spend my life, I'm just waiting around for it to end.

>> No.17006611

You are one of the lucky ones anon. Consciousness is a curse. There is one and only one purpose of our existence is to pass on our ADN, it’s information that atmost important and we are merely just a vessel. After successful reproduction, our lives become meaningless. So spending the life to make money is beyond meaningless isn’t it.

>> No.17006618

how do you 10x a million dollaros
when I tasted it in 2017 I did drugs like >>17006317

a lot of us got lucky and didn't develop the skills to handle money and free time

>> No.17006631

Why you have to remind me anon? But what else is there? Create a super successful bussines? Get lucky from a crypto moonshot?

>> No.17006643

> how do you 10x a million dollaros
At $2m right now, but the world is unfolding before me. I bought US index funds on margin, made about 50% a year. Very easy, very little involvement from me.

>> No.17006655

Err idk, how about take some time off and spend fucking money. Travel the places you always wanted to go, buy nice things for your parents, bestfriends, girlfriend/wife, etc. eat at the expense restaurant that you never thought you would be able to afford

>> No.17006701

Working makes me sad. Actually being a productive person and living is what makes me happy. Money is literally the only way to achieve happiness.

>> No.17006718

but i take care off myself. i sport, i dont eat junk and dont do any drugs, drinks or smoke (not on purpose though, i never liked that stuff taste wise)
so when i get my pension i can look forward to another 1/3th of my life

>> No.17006735

I'd travel around the world, go to exotic places, get /fit/ again, and fuck exotic woman while financing all of my personal projects. Money amplifies what you already are. I already run at least thirty minutes a day, take two weeks of vacation each year to visit foreign locale, and work on low cost coding and game dev projects.

This fucker here is just projecting and money would be wasted on him.

>> No.17006749

These anons will make it