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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17003555 No.17003555[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ is laughing at us

>> No.17003567
File: 533 KB, 950x600, hitlermoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, but /pol/ needs us more than they know

>> No.17003569

That echo chamber is filled with lonely angry incels. i wouldnt pay too much attention to low iq beta "males" think.

>> No.17003576

/pol/ is filled with literal retards

>> No.17003595


>> No.17003599

Must be doing something right then.

>> No.17003601

tits or gtfo

>> No.17003605

Pol is a board filled with basement dwelling incels and cancerous to your Brain on every single level

>> No.17003614

pol is full of literal retards

>> No.17003622


>> No.17003641
File: 92 KB, 1200x1462, NPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ dumb

>> No.17003670

are you guys pretending like biz isn't? there are regular blackpill incel threads on here with retards complaining about how unfair life is and how there is literally 0 reason to look forward to anything

>> No.17003679


>> No.17003684
File: 329 KB, 680x521, Coronavirus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ will get what is coming to them.

/biz/ is safe

>> No.17003768

Those are poltards from after the 2017 bull. 2016-2017 was focused on making money. Now biz only cares about why women dont find them attractive

>> No.17003785


leftypol thread

>> No.17003807

OG /biz/ are /POL/s

>> No.17003817
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>> No.17003834

>orange man GOOD!

>> No.17003845
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>Not being a superior (((centrist) money changer and capitalizing on it all

You're ALL NPCs

>> No.17003850
File: 27 KB, 250x241, 6F94E9AA-8469-48A9-A207-1D6DAC438D69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped going to /pol recently because these faggots can’t realize how kiked he is.

>> No.17003855

making up reasons in your head why women don't find you attractive is peak incel, in reality its just shitty personality likely from sitting in mommy's basement too long, but they convince themselves its because of money or even more ridiculous, looks LMAO

>> No.17003861


If /pol/ didn't laugh at you I would be worried.

>> No.17003908
File: 13 KB, 228x221, F64C9A19-4158-43FE-98FE-6BEB5ADB7B31-2650-00000291F0D58BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd how biz seems to be a middle ground between the schizos of pol and x.

>> No.17003920

/pol is glow niggers spamming slide threads. We all know what to do, pol served its purpose, deport nigs and gas kikes.

>> No.17003995

Only the most insufferable brain dead cunts use this term

>> No.17004006

They're laughing now but they'll all be here asking how to make a Coinbase account once the GBR arrives.

>> No.17004017

/Pol/ I just /biz/lets with no capital, it's true

>> No.17004068

>/pol/ is an echo chamber.
What place is less of an echo chamber?
Facebook? Reddit?

>> No.17004185

If you give a single fuck what a bunch of neckbeards think then they are right to laugh. Someone post the pop meetups for a good laugh.