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1700331 No.1700331 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit off the coming A.I and automation boom?

>> No.1700349
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go all in on AMD

>> No.1700374

sell suicide kits

>> No.1700377

i can fucking guarantee it'll be intel.

>> No.1700387


no you can't

>> No.1700405

look for a Mobvoi IPO this year, they're supposedly doing great work in china

>> No.1700421

just adding to the topic

bartenders killing themselves


they tested that shit on the gadget show and the results were better than a real bartender

>> No.1700424

The same way people profited off flying cars in the 60's.

You don't, because that shit isn't happening any time soon.

>> No.1700428


Surely we've had the ability to automate a bartender since years ago though, and that arm based system looks stupidly inefficient.

Why isn't it like one of those new soda fountains where you can mix the sodas?

Seems to me that this is just a gimmick and that people prefer a bar with staff.

>> No.1700439

The only is answer is sex dolls, Get into the sillcon sex doll business now and when the robotics upgrades to out compete women at sex you will be well positioned to make millions, billions if you're the programming hub for the software. In 20 years people won't be downloading porn they will be download personalities for their sex bots

>> No.1700444

We've been able to build flying cars for a long time, we just don't because air space is heavily regulated.

>> No.1700470

Shit argument, high-end establishments don't pay bartenders to stand there and pour drinks. They're payed to be managers of staff, stock the liquor, take special customer requests into account, not to serve the asshole who cutin line or the guy who had one too many.

Also they're there to entertain customers and strike conversations (hence the tipping). If anything it's one of the safest jobs from automation on the planet

>> No.1700484


your analogy is invalid

>> No.1700545

you can be a world renown ai breeder, or a very successful ai trainer i guess.

>> No.1700546

>we don't serve their kind here

>> No.1700576

Be the one to create it

>> No.1700583

Maybe at a shitty local dive bar. Franchises with proper customers have customers that have friends to socialise, they don't need a random bartender.
You are either a salty automation engineer that's been fired.
Or much much much more likely, a bartender.

>> No.1700636

what kind of faggot goes to the bar alone so they can talk to an uneducated service worker?

>> No.1700682


I go to the bar alone sometimes just to socialize when everyone else is being a faggot on that day. The last time I went I actually left with the bartender (she was maybe a 7/10 but decent, not to smart though.)

So, it happens anon

>> No.1700707

Thank goodness we have Donald Trump to deregulate it...

>> No.1700715

You dumb bitch. The whole point is that airspace is NOT heavily regulated. Once you clear an airfield's airspace you can basically do whatever the fuck you want. That's because the regulation of airspace is based on a big sky principle, the idea that the sky is huge and planes are comparatively tiny and there aren't that many of them, making collisions unlikely.

If flying cars became a thing we'd have to heavily regulate airspace in order to prevent daily collisions

>> No.1701277

Be into machine learning / robotics, or be a loyal business associate of someone who is.

Once this hits. Eng/CS guys will jump ship and start their own businesses like wildfire. Talented programmers by nature are very anti-establishment.

>> No.1701291


Get involved with a company that will be making them.

Unless your ass is rich, you ain't going to be able to invest enough to get a real boom.

>> No.1701338

>All these plebs that haven't watched Bartender

>> No.1701440

>that singular faggot who never watched star wars