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16995433 No.16995433 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder if he would give all his wealth, fame and status just to keep on living, but as a nobody and not remembered.

>> No.16995442

i wonder if you would kys just to be remembered

>> No.16995454

WTF he isn't even black, kind of dark brown hue and the kid looks like german tourist after two weeks in Ibiza. There are literally Indians much darker than this. WTF is wrong with Americans calling this black?

>> No.16995457

Literally who. Kys normalfag

>> No.16995461

Have sex incel freak

>> No.16995462

nah he was competitive to a degree of being a psycho. he would not have been happy

>> No.16995471

Very based question


>> No.16995472
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>> No.16995484
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>basedposting in 2020
there is no need to be upset

>> No.16995511

all the non chimpy ones have some white ancestor somehwere along the line

>> No.16995523
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This whole thing reminds me of when the Linkin Park singer killed himself, suddenly everyone on social media is coming out as their #1 fan and shit.

He played basketball for a living. I mean it sucks that he died I guess, but no more or less than any average Joe who never gets mentioned when he dies.

>> No.16995543


Nobod is asking to care, but not knowing figures like him and somehow feeling proud of this ignorance is just retarded

>> No.16995553

You think I didn't know who these people were? My point is that I wasn't fans of theirs when they were living. I was neutral about them, didn't give a shit either way. Their deaths are as sad as anyone else's.

>> No.16995566

I would. But hey its just me a nobody that wont be remembered.

>> No.16995614

Agreed, I feel the same way when some actor or musician dies who i didn't care for. This is the first time i really felt sad for a death of someone I didn't know personally

However, in this particular Kobe situation, he literally was the goat of 00s sports in terms of fame and influence. Most of the kids who grew up in 00s and paid attention to the sport were looking up to him, so I think the whole reaction and #1 fan shit is appropriate and mostly legitimate

>> No.16995623

Why do people even care? People die every couple of seconds. Big deal. Why care about some strangers life?

>> No.16995646

In a world where you love sports and paid attention, it sucks. If you didn't know him by any means or cared, no one needs to really cut you up for it. If any non famous person had died like that, it would be on the news for a segment and then we'd move on by the next day. Because it's a world renown basketball player whose face and name is backed by what he did in his playing time, but off the court too.

>> No.16995652

In the grand scheme of things he is a nobody

>> No.16995658

Hands on your knees hands on your knees

>> No.16995779


>> No.16995785

he literally just did. don't tell me you think he's actually dead, anon

>> No.16995799

very much this. if you watch his interviews, it's clear he was pathologically obsessive in winning. he even got off the pressure to surpass Jodan by whatever it took.

This is no mere freak accident. Kobe was ritualistically murdered on the day of the Grammy's (Whitney Houston, died a day before the Grammy's in 2012), or a smokescreen for the increasing tensions between the U.S. and Iran. The U.S. embassy in Bagdad was hit the same day of Kobe's death.

Notice how everyone is talking about the death of Kobe and hardly any is losing their shit about the existential threat the Conoravirus poses for the elderly and kids or the Iran threat as mentioned earlier in this post. It really makes you think.

>> No.16995810

How grand are you talking? In the universe - yes. on earth - no.
His influence is not only felt in the sport and in many fan hearts, but he also inspired a lot of young kids who went and became professionals thus literally changing lifes of hundreds or even thousands directly. Indirectly his part is not to be dissmissed when talking about how big basketball is today and how much money circulates around it. Indirectly his influence touched millions of people. I don't know what is the 'grand scheme' if not this.

>> No.16995823

>His influence is not only felt in the sport and in many fan hearts, but he also inspired a lot of young kids who went and became professionals thus literally changing lifes of hundreds or even thousands directly. Indirectly his part is not to be dissmissed when talking about how big basketball is today and how much money circulates around it. Indirectly his influence touched millions of people. I don't know what is the 'grand scheme' if not this.
Let's face it:

Kobe also was a great cultural ambassador and tool for U.S. cultural diplomacy. See the reception he received in China for illustrative purposes.

>> No.16995878

Seems to much of a stretch desu.

True, he has tons of achievements off the court too

>> No.16995900

Linking Park was a popular band, shitty, but popular. Kobe is one of the most popular and was arguably one of greatest b ball players in the world. It should be expected America media will run with this and get every dollar they can out of it. Just check out Stefan's twitter.

>> No.16996151

>Seems to much of a stretch desu.
Reality is far stranger than fiction, anon.

>> No.16996172

>non chimpy

>> No.16996328

So small and already with a big nigger between her legs.
All women ar-

>> No.16996364


you are either mentally ill or abusing drugs. probably drugs. it is too much of a stretch and any reasonable person can see how much of schizo you sound like.

>> No.16996499

you sound like a spook

>> No.16996549

who will throw balls into hoops now?