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16994799 No.16994799 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, whynis Monero not $10k? It's just a better Bitcoin that has private transactions. It even has about the same number of tokens in circulation.

>> No.16994837

Monero could be a honeypot. If an entity controls a huge chunk of coins plus majority of mining (very possible for state agencies) they can spam the network with wash transactions, and detect the real transactions.
So the base premise of the coin won't work, if it's popular enough it will be compromised, if it is not already like TOR.

>> No.16995464

because I don't have to "le hodl" monero to take advantage of its privacy feature whenever private transaction is required.

>> No.16995476

>Monero could be a honeypot.

Literally every single crypto out there could be a honeypot. With this premise you can just pretend privacy is unattainable and be satisfied with a public ledger... Hint : it's not unattainable, and it matters.

>> No.16995497


This, 100%. Understand this. You don’t need to hold Monero to use it, just buy when needed for transactions. Privacy coins are useful but not as a store of value, so the price never needs to moon.

>> No.16995520

Ok, you don't need to hold Bitcoin for a certain amount of team before using it either retards

>> No.16995559

b-but... frogs already eat bugs

>> No.16995589

Gold 9.0...

>> No.16995611

That's all well and good but you made the mistake of calling Bitcoin gold, it's not. Monero is literally a shinier and more conductive gold that aliens dropped on Earth in the same distribution natural gold is.

>> No.16995624

Because who needs real privacy if most of them speculate or hold anyway? Also Monero and other privacy coins are in risky business, if AML laws will tighten their grip on exchanges they might delist those coins. In some countries it's already illegal to list them or trade them. And it won't get better, only worse.

>> No.16995626

monero is hard to use, It's not like bitcoin that you can create your own address using a pen and paper, then just use some random app to swap and spend it or you can hold for ever. Monero is very complicated, you have to download a 65mb or something wallet then do some things to be able to create address and shit, monero is missing alot yet.

>> No.16995639

What the hell are you talking about lmao, I buy Monero right off of Binance and withdraw it right to my Monero wallet, I use cakewallet on my phone. Your fud is weaker than I anticipated

>> No.16995649

Exactly you depends on your app wallet, 3d party client to be able to use. The problem here is you that barely can understand what i'm saying because your knowledge on cryptocurrency is minimal, very very sheep.

>> No.16995653

>Don't like/trust government and their fiat
>make crypto to challenge it
>One day Monero is made
>they try to kill it, but allow 10,000 other internet memecoins
>you actually think this would be bearish

I can tell you never played RuneScape pre-grand exchange

>> No.16995657

Rajeesh it's break time, come eat your noodles! Now rajeesh!

>> No.16995677

B/c the blockchain is not public, no one really knows whats going on. that doesn't lend its self to being a 'secure' investment. Its fine to pass funds through to obscure them.

>> No.16995679

Honestly That Would be sooo fucking bullish

>> No.16995681

I bet that fat founder and his crypto buddies have a private backdoor to mint monero and those greedy bastards are constantly dumping on us. Fucking scandal

>> No.16995690

It doesn't matter how many addresses you launder BTC through, there's still a trail, and software can easily track that trail. It's anonymous until you cash in or out. ie. It's not

>> No.16995700

backdoor to mint monero? first what is "mint monero" second who's dumping on who and how?

>> No.16995720

I'm talking about laundering BTC through XMR, obviously have different amounts/times out into BTC

>> No.16995758


>> No.16995792

You do actually. What level of opsec retardation do you need to be on to think it's a good idea to buy a specific amount of monero every time you're doing something naughty. Also private store of wealth > public store of wealth.

Dumb cunt, you don't know shit.

>> No.16995802

Because people can mine it with their gpus.

>> No.16995834

I get what you're saying, the only coherent argument in this thread. Let's say crypto has 100% adoption in 2030, you're rich and somebody hacks you and steals all your BTC, there will probably be laws for that in that 100% adoption scenario, and glow niggers will be able to trace the hacker easily with their glow nigger internet. But you can't prove your Monero was stolen.

>> No.16995835

>that image
Haha isn't gab the "free speech" platform that bans porn?

>> No.16995836

It's a public blockchain and everyone can see what's going on. Amounts, sender and receiver are masked to make it practical to use as money.

>> No.16995842

Because its actually bought and sold for use.

>> No.16995853

Also many webpages mining monero in the background so that adds constant selling pressure.

>> No.16995865

But in Runescape Jagex did succeed in killing the game.

>> No.16995876

The point was people will trade it the old fashion way if it gets banned on exchanges. Remember trading ewhore PayPal earnings for Netflix and porn accounts through trusted middlemen on hackforums in 2007?

>> No.16995929

>The point was people will trade it the old fashion way if it gets banned on exchanges.
yeah but then Jagex killed that too.

>> No.16995932

shut up retard

>> No.16995944

^this guy is actually right and there's two retards and obvious newfags calling him a pajeet lmao, the state of /biz/.
You don't have to post if you don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what compels you guys below to post retarded bullshit when you KNOW you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.16995949

He didn't say anything, anything you inferred was just projection because I called him rajeesh, when you're probably named Rajan.

>durrr u can make paper wallet with brain and pen and calculator

Wow, so many people do that

>> No.16995952
File: 110 KB, 992x816, marrysue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, another turbonigger maxi that thinks he knows what he's talking about.

>> No.16995957

I don't hold any of the shitcoins related to this discussion, but you're both retards and need to stop posting. You are actively bringing down the level of discussion on this board.

>> No.16995958

it will be made illegal soon. Fair market value is between zero and 5 bucks a piece

>> No.16995965

Do you know what you're talking about? No. So fuck off.

>> No.16995990

xmr is black market currency, making it illegal proves that it represents a threat to tptb and will likely result it mooning

>> No.16995995

Can you verify the max coins in circulation for me please ? I will convert all my Bitcoin.

>> No.16995998
File: 160 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-01-27-05-09-32-190_com.coinmarketcap.android.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16996077 [DELETED] 

Exactly, I know I'm right and don't even bother trying to explain it to them, they're mentally retarded and no argument whatsoever, just call me pajeet and post weird memes, this board is lacking real minds.

Yes I did say something that you probably didn't know, can you do the same with monero?

He atleast know what I'm talking about, besides you that barely comprehend.

No argument, "let me insult him cuz I don't know shit so I'm supposing that he doesn't know shit"..

Guys monero is good and games but unfortunately isn't like bitcoin, you can't just create your address from tin air like bitcoin, to be able to use it you need to download fucking apps 3d party which is completely unsafe in long term, go study more about your altcoins, I do like monero but it's lacking.

>> No.16996089

Hello, samefag. Looks like you couldn't get your original IP back after that last switch. Unlucky but I already knew anyway.

>> No.16996094

Exactly, I know I'm right and don't even bother trying to explain it to them, they're mentally retarded and no argument whatsoever, just call me pajeet and post weird memes, this board is lacking real minds.

Yes I did say something that you probably didn't know, can you do the same with monero?

He atleast know what I'm talking about, besides you that barely comprehend.

Guys monero is good and games but unfortunately isn't like bitcoin, you can't just create your address from tin air like bitcoin, to be able to use it you need to download fucking apps 3d party which is completely unsafe in long term, go study more about your altcoins, I do like monero but it's lacking.

>> No.16996127

"Privacy" on the block chain is an anti feature and its only really useful when you have to sell the crypto for fiat and pass KYC.

>> No.16996142

So yes, I think monero is really cool and in a near future will be the second most used cryptocurrency in the market, being worth 50k per coin.

>> No.16996150
File: 276 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200127-224303_Kuroba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is sad. I actually could explain fully all the reasons you are possibly wrong but I'm not in the mood to effort post like that. If you had actually made an argument it could be rebutted immediately but all you had was typical maxi ignorance + arrogance.

>> No.16996182

That's fine you can screencap whatever. Honestly I want monero to succeed as well, I hope it does.

>> No.16996202

Look into remote nodes. You can use them from the official wallet without giving out any of your private keys. Cake wallet, the initial wallet of contention works with remote nodes, none of your keys including your viewkey ever touch a third party. The closest wallet to 3rd party custody is MyMonero where you give them your view key but not your spend key.

>> No.16996205


This. Also, it's a piece of shit with fucked up wallets and fucked up everything else. I've used crypto for 7+ years now and XMR is somehow the biggest ballache. It's the only coin I've "lost" money with, still has utterly shit wallets that commit suicide and take your coins with you.

>> No.16996215

Write down your seed. Rescan the blockchain. If you didn't expect it to be exactly like bitcoin it wouldn't seem hard.

>> No.16996229

true, if I want to use bitcoin to pay for something, but that is not why people use bitcoin. People use bitcoin because "le price go up long term, le digital gold"

>> No.16996236

> You do actually. What level of opsec retardation do you need to be on to think it's a good idea to buy a specific amount of monero every time you're doing something naughty. Also private store of wealth > public store of wealth.

No, you really don't. You can just buy monero whenever you want to buy your drugs and be done with it.

>> No.16996246

Monero has two major problems:
1. its anonymity relies on coinjoin, which makes it susceptible to input spamming by an adversary + deanonymization due to knowledge of exchange withdrawals
2. monero can be deanonymized retroactively with quantum computers.
The second point seems irrelevant until it isn't. Imagine getting arrested in 2030 months after quantum computers become practical, because it turns out you bought drugs with monero in 2020 and the statute of limitations hasn't run out where you are.
Zk-snark based anonymity is not susceptible to this.

>> No.16996254

It's not VIDT.

>> No.16996283

>too dumb to understand ZEC

>> No.16996298

You can just buy with bitcoin since no one actually cares about your drug habit. If you're doing something serious you need actual privacy.

Currently fiat exchanges work as a kind of mixer that makes btc usable in terms of providing privacy from most people besides alphabets and exchanges themselves which is very similar to bank accounts today. In a bitcoin only world it would be a shitshow of 100% traceability for everyone. At that point it makes sense to just use xmr instead of switching in and out constantly.

>> No.16996320

Liquidity is king. In the event it's delisted from everywhere who's gonna buy it and where? Only the biggest privacy nerds and some thugs will trade it on a few, obscure scammy exchanges. Or maybe you'll go roleplay on dexes and let it hover just above the abyss like some nearly irrelevant shitcoins? That doesn't sound very bullish. The less access to the public, the less people that press buy.

>> No.16996333

>monero can be deanonymized retroactively with quantum computers
It can't. This is the perfectly hiding vs perfectly binding thing people often fud about. Monero goes with perfectly hiding. Quantum computers could possibly inflate the supply but by that point monero will have switched to quantum resistant crypto as quantum computers started to actually threaten.

>> No.16996339


Ong we have cops, committing crimes is impossible, therefore nob ody commits crimes

>> No.16996342

Dash > Monero

>> No.16996347

Wrong, what you wrote is true about amounts, not the ring signature. Ring signature is deanonymizable by quantum computers.

>> No.16996375

As long as governments have the power to enforce that ban strictly then everybody is clearly still using fiat and bitcoin is an irrelevant ponzi. Also monero can be mined on regular computers. Anyone can turn their electricity into xmr at somewhat reasonable rates. Unless governments ban CPUs and electricity you can access monero.

Interesting. Thank you.

>> No.16996387

>Seriously, whynis Monero not $10k?

Lack of liquidity same reason bsv is a shitcoin and why ltc failed to consolidate it's place.

When asics appeared they centralized newly mined coins by geographical reason and big centralized exchanges.

You need p2p exchanges like localbitcoins to have btc price.

RandomX seems to be changing the tide tough xmr transactions been increasing since it was added which means that small miners are mining all around the world , which will create global liquidity.

>It even has about the same number of tokens in circulation.

Yes but xmr achieved the same ammount of tokens in half the time, some coins have 0% inflation but the devs control most of the premined coins and when they dump it's like increasing inflation to 30%

XMR is pretty clever on this again they are fast rushing to bellow fiat and then stabilizing at 0.80% inflation.

XMR bullrun starts in may when xmr inflation goes bellow fiat(nearly exactly with bitcoin).

>> No.16996530

Agree Dash will soon pass Monero

>> No.16996594

Yeah the global liquidity is good but centralized liquidity would definitely help with pumps. I guess with Monero you just have to be grateful the fundamentals are strong but not expect to ever get the artificial 200% in a day pumps like bsv and dash recently had. Steady march up from here with low inflation heading out of the bear market.

>> No.16996657

What goes up without achieving orbit goes down, all fake pumps are retarded the only coins that have them are centralized shitcoins or coins were the devs get rewards like dash(because that way they can sell at the peak).

BSV may have showed 400 in coinmarketcap but there was no liquidity for most people to sell.

XMR is doing it right , look what it achieved with higher inflation than btc and ltc.


Yes dash did well and so did zcash but so did bitconnect , during the peak bullrun the prices become erratic.

Dash ,zcash and bitconnect had in common the fact that they had people earning extraordinary gains due to dev fund , founder benefits and being a fucking scam the last one so the pumped it artificially at the peak.

XMR will be at the right place in the next bullrun and it will be the best place to "cash out" since it will have half the inflation than bitcoin(literally the same emission that btc will have in 2024 but in 2021 for xmr).

I seriously doub that fags will cash out in stablecoins , fucking tether won't survive a trillion dollar marketcap without the regulators cutting the balls of everyone involved.

>> No.16997639
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Have a bump.

>> No.16997939

TOR isn't compromised retard.

>> No.16998115
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There are so many on biz. This place is lost.