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16991354 No.16991354 [Reply] [Original]

I want to invest in crypto. I don't know where to start. Teach me, anons.

>> No.16991367

Also, which wallet/exchange do you use?

>> No.16991409

Hi I’m new, how do I investigate in chainlink?

>> No.16991417

Just use Coinbase

>> No.16991432

Yes that's me.

I see. Is there any way to get up to speed except for lurking around here?

>> No.16991476

Ok chainlink is a scam.

Give tips.

>> No.16991500
File: 14 KB, 245x249, 1524607013186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get up to speed? I mean lurking here is quite memey and you don't want to get influenced by Shill campaigns, if you want to get in before things kick off, sign up to coinbase (everything is very straight forward) and then make sure to invest in BTC, ETH, or LINK, as theyre good bets, if you wanted to be a bit risker then go all in LINK.
There is a wealth of info online about crypto and their utility for the next tech rev. but honestly if you just want to invest knowing you've made a safe bet then go for the previous coins.
Also you'll see that 'coins on the exchange aren't your coins', but as far as Im aware Coinbase have a wallet/bank that is quite secure (As disclosure that's only from info ive come across - I keep mine on a hardware wallet)
Good luck, have fun. Don't chase moonshots.

>> No.16991502
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if you want to 'invest' in crypto use robinhood or circle invest or whatever else bullshit keeps your keys
if you want to 'own' crypto then use coinbase/gemini/abra and transfer off the exchange to a wallet. (electrum for BTC(BSV(BitCoin))) exodus for everything else and buy a hard wallet too like a ledger nano or trezor if you can't trust yourself kek. wasabi wallet will protect your BTC tx through 'coinjoin' btw but just use XMR for supreme gentleman privacy.
use binance and don't KYC. if you want to be poor then buy shitcoins outside of the top 40 by mkt cap because you don't know jack shit about this so until then just buy BitCoin or even bitcoin. fomo in on green candles and sell bottom red wicks. you'll make it. trust.

>> No.16991614

Isn't that a scam?

>Don't chase moonshots.

You kinda lost me.

Aren't Binance and Coinbase pretty much the same thing, just another exchange?

>fomo in on green candles and sell bottom red wicks. you'll make it. trust.
What do you mean by this?

Thanks to both anons. I shall stay safe and only invest in the big coins.

>> No.16991639

No chainlink is not a scam anon just buy many riches soon :^)

>> No.16991645

But in other threads, people say it is a scam and a meme around here.

>> No.16991659

Care to elaborate on your highly valid insights about chainlink?

>> No.16991667

lol yeah and they would tell you to buy PNK instead or some shit, that's why I mentioned be careful about this board anon, theres shill campaigns everywhere

>> No.16991676

My tummy tells me it might be fake. I don't know.

>> No.16991715

Yeah just trust your gut on this one. Doing that has made you really successful up to this point, right? I mean there's no point in doing even a little bit of research if your tummy is sending you perfectly valid trading signals.

>> No.16991717
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coinbase is a safe place to buy with a bank account.
binance is a semi-safe place to trade your coins (if you chose).
in short: don't keep your coins on either.

buy BSV on coinex exchange

>> No.16991759

I said I don't know anon. I said I feel like it could be a scam. Everything can be a scam. Skepticism is required, hence the bear-pepe.

In order to buy stuff from Coinex I need BTC, right? Is the coinbase the cheapest way to buy BTC? Can I also buy on Binance (with a bank account) instead of Coinbase?

Coinbase seems to ignore my attempts to log in by not sending me my verification sms.

>> No.16991804

Anon, I wasted a lot of money at the start of my investing, and wanna save you that pain (although some could argue its a necessary learning experience) so please look into LINK and learn about its impact in the crypto-space. If your going by your gut (which respectfully is a little odd considering your new to crypto but its good to be doubtful) then just stick with BTC or ETH.

>> No.16991817

it's not a scam. biz painting link to be a scam is one of the biggest pranks its pulled

>> No.16991819

Also if coinbase isnt working try it in a different browser

>> No.16991896


>> No.16992018

Wtf thanks anon.

Nah their SMS just ain't getting through. I remember this being a problem a few months ago when I wanted to try something on coinbase for memes.

>> No.16992149

you don't invest in crypto, you gamble on crypto

>> No.16992176

>buy Bitcoin (BTC)
>don't sell for 10 years

>> No.16992224

btc, eth, usdt, yea anything works and yea you can use your cc/debit to buy on binance but i havent personally.

>> No.16992245

1) I suggest using coinbase, most user friendly.
2) I would invest large part of your budget into Bitcoin and Ethereum
3) The smaller part of your budget should go to chainlink (in my opinion). It's potential.
4) If you're getting used to the market and are holding longterm you should try and put your crypto on celsius network and earn interest on it.

Good luck dude!

>> No.16992251

buy a hardware wallet
always assume that someone is trying to scam you

>> No.16992495

this is good advice

>> No.16992533

Yeah skepticism is healthy just dont endlessly put off looking into a project because it gets memed and you assume it must be a joke. Try using Google 2FA for login instead of SMS 2FA - not sure if you would need to set up a new account to make this switch if you're locked out of the current one.

>> No.16992874

Use coinbase pro to set limits and stops, buy LINK and XRP. Sell after /biz/ says stuff like "ITS HAPPENING NOW" and posts dead bobos and buy after /biz/ posts a bunch of pink wojaks and LARP suicide threads.

>> No.16992968

buy bitcoin

>> No.16992979
File: 313 KB, 2283x917, 193528FE-EDF1-45EF-98BA-A5C0AB2654C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know in pic related.

>> No.16992997

Let's get rid of any physical copy of our money and it put it all online. Whassa whassa whassa what's the worst thing that could happen?