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File: 244 KB, 1124x1319, 6CEBE57C-E55D-4077-B90F-A26C4FF2D2D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16991331 No.16991331 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been seeing a girl but she might be a tranny. I’m not sure, 99% sure she is a girl tho. We’ve slept together Once and she does not have a penis. Her back was a little Hairy tho and I didn’t get a good look at her vagina because she wanted the lights off. I’m worried bros what do I do? I honestly don’t think she is but I’m paranoid after she said something one time that was sketchy

Also I really like her

>> No.16991351

If you can't even tell, why does it matter?

>> No.16991384

Because one cant give you a genetic lineage and its gay to get another dude's sweat, with all their foreign Y chromosomes, all over your body. That's like saying what does it matter if I spit in your food if you didn't notice

>> No.16991396

did you need to lube her vag?

>> No.16991411

say u want to eat pussy, pull its pants down, find out.

>> No.16991436

sir this is a business board

>> No.16991447

Thank you.

Fuck off OP

>> No.16991457
File: 80 KB, 250x244, 1537184339871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took 3 days to understand this picture.

>> No.16991525


>> No.16991545

tell me what you think what that means.
it's normal in a later stage but at the first time ...

>> No.16991570

You are scaring me.

I thought it was weird at the time but she said she generally needs to (we lubed up my condom covered dick) cuz of issues and she is super tight (which is true, and my dick is pretty big) not even saying that to brag just to try to explain the situation better.

>> No.16991579

What are some signs I should keep an eye out for? Braids during sex

>> No.16991606

Besides **

>> No.16991622

A dick lmfaoooooo

>> No.16991631

I already said she doesn’t have one.

>> No.16991647
File: 553 KB, 1530x1465, 2107BC23-EF7C-48E1-98A8-1F57BFA9BD82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Husband here. My missus, who is a gril,and I know this because I ACTUALLY WITNESSED HER GIVING FUCKING BIRTH, was also like this.

Over time I learned that if you spend ten minutes warming her up beforehand her natural lube will flow. Trannies don’t have this.

Now you know what you must do

>> No.16991671

So then what're you worried about. Post op tranny? Absolutely disgusting I'd rather the one with the dick. Next time have sex with the lights on and just take one look at it. You'll know if it's post op as it Will make you dry heave

>> No.16991704

Post op trannies are very clearly trannies. The stink of shit (no joke) would fill the room once the pants are down

The majority of women are really afraid of being naked with someone with the lights on the first time around, that isn’t an indication.

Basically, if it isnt obvious she is a tranny, she isn’t. There are plenty of masculine girls, but post op trannies are a whole other matter

>> No.16991719

yeah having meaningless sex with strangers spreading stds is nice but imagine marrying a 12 year old and loving her like your daughter, raising her to be your perfect soulmate and then impregnating her at her prime so you can have many kids and spend the rest of your lives together in a deep, passionate marriage

>> No.16991770

ok well a condom with lube makes sense, but why are you wearing a condom with a chick that your seriously involved with? also how did you never really see the vaag? post op vaginas dont look like real vaginas, and if you ate her out you could Definatly tell I would imagine. if you didnt notice anything actually weird when you slept with her, Id think your in the clear. hairy back just mean she a hairy bitch lmao

>> No.16992012
File: 774 KB, 3024x4032, gw7xrfsj9d321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you wearing a condom with a chick that your seriously involved with?

>> No.16992027
File: 46 KB, 500x376, 1550164318078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she is a tranny, then she can't bear children, and thus will be useless for you. Find this out as soon as possible.

>> No.16992174

do you faggots really not know what foreplay is?

>> No.16992208

Vid related

>> No.16992222

who cares
any hole’s a goal

>> No.16992273

Wasted. Fucking disgusting degenerate faggot.

>> No.16992322


You're lucky. I've been on the hunt for months now. I have eyed a few I thought would be for sure, but no cigar yet.

>> No.16992325

Lol get on my level purist. I get 3x the coochie being a degenerate. hoes mad.