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File: 56 KB, 1200x840, 1200px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16989425 No.16989425 [Reply] [Original]

Its central bank is playing interest rates too low to make the government doesn't pay its debt totally. It doesn't even cover inflation. In case you have a credit there be ready to don't get real interest and get a partial payment. And goverment denies the default and you are not going to keep a credit of the remaining part of the payment.

What a nice shit. In debt? Play zero interest rate and give a fuck to everyone. What a fraud.

>> No.16989448
File: 104 KB, 2000x1250, argeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you don't have 51% tax on credit card purchases.
Just fuck my shit up.

>> No.16989457

No worries, just print some money and everything will be alright.

>> No.16989459

Yea Uma.
The modern money scheme involves negative interest on top of 2-3% inflation.
>Spend that shit right now, goy !

>> No.16989474

uma delicia economica

>> No.16989524

So basically just like Europe..

>> No.16989530

I have an idea to fix the Brazilian economy:
>phase out the Real
>introduce a new currency
>how about we call it Novo Cruzeiro Novo?

>> No.16989605


Sorry hermano you don't understand what Brazil does is totally illegal. It's a financial fraud. Government must admit that there is a default and recognize its debt totally so that people keep a total credit against its goverment. You can't just play zero or negative interest so that you make this default. Economists who think like this must arrested for their ignorance. At least Argentina admits that is in default.

Brazil doesn't have capital in its market to play zero or negative interest rates like developed goverments do. It's incomparable. It's an artificial interest rate.

Another point is that the public interest rate is used for bank contracts that are under effect and can't be revoked until the end of the period of the contract. So Brazilian banks are not paying its creditors.

Look at what they have done. The goverment makes a default against lots of people specially banks. And banks make a default against its creditors which are a lot of people including the population.

Population gets a double default. From goverment and from banks.

>> No.16989647

economists must be arrested*

>> No.16989701

how can we use crypto to fix this shit

>> No.16989702
File: 92 KB, 577x677, 555524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No First Amendment.
>No Second Amendment.
>Federal Republic.
Brazil is a joke that was never funny.

>> No.16989780
File: 66 KB, 500x309, corpchess11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flag is a factory's motto.
>Flag created by scientism.
>Literal French religion design.
Brazil will be shorted and crashed like Argentina.

>> No.16989794

Brazil will be a major superpower within 20 years

>> No.16989835

How many platforms and rockets the CIA needs to blow so you airheads will sheer like sheep should?
One reminder :

>> No.16989841

>>Flag created by scientism.

>> No.16989854

>Brazil will be a major superpower within 20 years
Pretty sure I heard this 20 years ago.

t. Brazilian expat living in the US

>> No.16989948

why is whole south america such a shithole?
get your shit together, start working lazy shits

>> No.16989955

what's really annoying is that the population is taking this default all thanks to public employees wages and pensions and nobody has the COURAGE to face them

Bolsonaro is just another communist

>> No.16990055

>Bolsonaro is just another communist
No, he's just a military guy. The military regime in Brazil (1960s-1980s) was heavily pro-government spending. They were responsible for expanding the state and creating the massively bloated bureaucracy that still exists today. FHC was the most liberal (economically) president we've had so far. Most privatizations happened during his presidency.

>> No.16990061


>> No.16990070


What an irrational being like you is trying to say? Go to your favela.

>> No.16990086

We need another centrist president in the likes of Fernando Henrique.
FHC was center-left. We would benefit immensely from a center-right candidate. Far-right candidates such as Bolsonaro tend to increase public spending, just like far-left ones do (e.g, petistas).

>> No.16990087

That's why you use silver and gold to protect yourself. Either that or you can keep your savings in a less crappy (but still crappy) currency like euros, the U.S. dollar, or Swiss francs.

>> No.16990089

>What an irrational being like you is trying to say?
Just trying to educate you, retard. But you're beyond repair.

>> No.16990456


It seems that Brazilians have decided to go to stocks >.< disgusting people this is gonna be so destructive

>> No.16990653

Lets fuck our people with high interest rates and hyperinflation to give free money to some greedy gringo fucks.

High interest rates era is over, deal with it.

>> No.16990798

He's not wrong, Bolsonaro always was a nationalist like all members from the military branch. Thankfully P.Guedes changed his mind.

>> No.16990925

funny that you can small self-deprecation miles away


>> No.16991165
File: 17 KB, 405x452, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a schizo

>> No.16991617
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1520738376471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people being encouraged to invest more in production and less in debt is a bad thing

>> No.16991732

Kys jew

>> No.16992152

I can't wait until all central banks are destroyed and bankers are dragged through the streets.