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16988801 No.16988801 [Reply] [Original]

What would you prefer to have: 210 bsv or 10,000 chainlink?

>> No.16988811

I'm sure this thread won't be autistic at all

>> No.16988815


>> No.16988831

210 of the real bitcoin or a pre-mined shitcoin. really fucking makes you think.

>> No.16988835


>> No.16988841

link has huge bull flag forming, easy profits medium-long term

>> No.16988853


>> No.16988866


>> No.16988868

Would you prefer 210 BTC or 10,000 Digibyte? That's pretty similar to what you are asking here. So definitely BSV.

>> No.16988907

Old fags and high-IQ anons are all deep in BSV. You don't have to dig that deep to understand that craig is satoshi and BSV is bitcoin. Start with reading a bit of the Ira case, and watch some of craig's talk.

I'm babysitting newfags yet again. What can you do I'm just a nice anon.

>> No.16988910

Of course chainlink

>> No.16988913

10k LINK

>> No.16988921

Also I'm a burger and BSV is only available on chink scam exchanges

>> No.16988935

Why link?

>> No.16988956

Sergey is a model CEO while Craig is just a fucking weirdo. Why would I invest in something where the executive tries to alienate himself at every turn

>> No.16988996

Yes you! Explain this!

>> No.16988999

I’d prefer 1 link over 1000 bsv

>> No.16989024

Bsv's success hinges on whether or not Craig is who he claims to be. That in of itself is retarded.
You are betting on the success of a court case on the coins performance.

>> No.16989028
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>> No.16989045

whatever is worth more, then I convert it to XRP.

>> No.16989046

You didn’t watch the last interwiew CSW had and what he said

>> No.16989051


> Old fags and high-IQ anons are all deep in BSV

As if. BSV is a scam. A good one. But also a short legged one.

>> No.16989065

A shitty fork of a shitty fork or an original idea hmmmm I wonder

>> No.16989069

According to having DMOR, I’d say XRP is shit and yahawa ve ashera zona

>> No.16989098

>>16988831 <*
Explain this ^*

The tulip trust is a trust and it doesn’t need keys

>> No.16989116
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>Yes you! Explain this!

>> No.16989121

anon, I implore you to undertand the smartmoney/dumb money dynamic in crypto. Let's look at ETH.... it did well during 16/early 17 when basically nonthing else was mooning because people with brains and vision were buying it up. It pumped during late 2017, but nowhere near shit like tron or verge......

if we take this assumption to be true, link will probably pump again this, and again during the next speculative fomo, but nowhere near to the same extent that shit that's digestible to retards will. After link's next leg up I'd encourage you to take profit and reinvest into absolute shitcoins that appeal to retarded top buyers, because those early linkies that get an additional 100x will be the ones that truly make it and get to 6 figure link stacks during the next bear phase.

>> No.16989195
File: 221 KB, 740x1132, judge satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh this thread again, let me tell you one thing, this pasta is not a meme:

sad that the only anons left holding chainlink are deluded schizo fucks and their dumb followers who wants to believe they are somehow part of something mystical to give a purpose to their wasteful lives.
meanwhile, all the OGs are slowly transfering their gains into bsv and the slightly above average anons are starting to catch on. The smartest one did long ago.
Truth is, token unironically not needed and everything chainlink does could've been done on the original bitcoin blockchain. The blog post was unironically just a blogpost too. Linkies all thought those memes were marines being ironic, making good shitposts and such, but it was even better than that, it was unironic fud.
as always, no amount of anon posts should lead your investements. DYOR or be left weak-handed and broke

>> No.16989209

The asshole on Pajeets flag is scratch and sniff.

>> No.16989351

ok pajeet. have a terrible day in new delhi

>> No.16989358


So? If you are referring to my pirate song, it still applies. And your hero Craig doesn't hold shit btw, he is a manipulator. A scammer. A disgustingly talented one. And you fall for it.

>> No.16989363

Imagine the smell

>> No.16989367

bsv for sure, chatillon is so 2019, 2020 is the year of bsv

>> No.16989389

I already sold all my LINK for BSV before it pumped. Feels good desu

>> No.16989403

didn't you read it? the smartest sold already, the pajeets are only left holding chainlink, that's why it's ironic you call us pajeets.

>> No.16989411


BSV; real Bitcoin vs laughable shitcoin, how is that a choice?

>> No.16989464


>> No.16989488

theres a reason it was delisted from binance (scam)

>> No.16989500

bsv is not bitcoin. btc is bitcoin, just so you know.

>> No.16989514

Remember the Craig talk where he says there were particle swarm optimization algs running on bitcoin that died because of fees? What did he mean by that?

>> No.16989517
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Its happening soon.


>> No.16989544

Thanks senpai

>> No.16989547

Thx kek

>> No.16989569

But why?

>> No.16989813
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>> No.16989823

Well, this, minus shitty wojakposting.
Valuable information is rarely given for free.

>> No.16989858

Chainlin; chainlin
I made a hundred reks off a chainlins
Chainlink, I stink sirs
I bought three million toilets with a chainblink ;)

>> No.16989916
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>> No.16990176

Im not stiff enough and I miss 500 stinkies to get to 10K

>> No.16990262

You would have to be severely dumb to think anyone but an American invented bitcoin. No sheep fucker would ever one up us on technological innovation.

>> No.16990284

Multiculturalism is a scam. America is an emerit pos

>> No.16990340

Could anyone else admit and agree with this?!
What will happen to chainlink if bsv is like bitcoin and chainlink like digibyte

>> No.16990353

Yes, try to understand, bsv makes link and every other project useless, and that's a hard cold fact.

>> No.16990391

bsv is a scam run by this guy, https://github.com/vbuterin/cult-of-craig (that's vitalik's github page, vitalik is not exactly the most aggressive voice in crypto so you know craig is a real piece of shit if vitalik is outspoken about his bullshit).
for whatever reason the BSV crowd pay third world losers to shill their shitcoin on here, don't ever let them convince you that BSV is anything but a giant pile of lies and faggotry.

>> No.16990416


>> No.16991338


>> No.16991387

Fucking LINK FUD thread i'm buying

>> No.16991397

how does bsv address the oracle problem?