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16988317 No.16988317 [Reply] [Original]

Fantom is the next Ethereum

>> No.16988385

no it's not. ethereum is shit. fantom is the future. I'm ready to retire.

>> No.16988420
File: 104 KB, 1024x730, 1579114465711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16989093

All green digits. Its a sign!

>> No.16989133


4 greens hmmmmm

>> No.16989154

is this 5 then?

>> No.16989160

how much to make it?

>> No.16989166


6/7 green
moon confirmed

>> No.16989922

it won't fucking move ffs

>> No.16990320

Bosch is a faggot

Sincerely All of Quant

>> No.16991511

all green in here

>> No.16991573

All in lads $1 eoy

>> No.16991786

He knows too much

>> No.16991805

You said that in 2019
>this time it's different

>> No.16991813

2019 was best time to buy, could get it like half a cent.

>> No.16991838

What is minimum suicide stack

>> No.16991890


>> No.16991902
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850k reporting in, unironically

>> No.16992415

How does it feel knowing he’s right about this though?

>> No.16992421

What does it do?

>> No.16992428

fantom a scam sirs! alI bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.16992642

Hello sirs, you Fantom long time? Special price only 4 u sirs, buy much now and own place in shitting street whole day. Buy very, very much and free toilet 4 u whoIe day in house of mr Rakeesh from team Fantom. How much long time you Fantom sir?

>> No.16992763



>> No.16992921

Algorand has a better chance of becoming the next ETH anons.

>> No.16992936

Every high IQ person will ask for documentation for the insane claims and will get nothing from scammer Andy. You claim 20 000 tps, but can't provide a single stress test, in your pic you just scramble together tech phrases from scammer Andy but you have no clue what it is or whether or not it works. Pro tip, it doesnt. It's an utter scam. All you have is a ponzi scheme with insane and unstainable staking ROI, soon all that extra FTM will be dumped on the market and the price will crash, however, before that scammer Andy and his team will have been dumping for half a year while you idiots have been staking FTM. Just as moronic as staking Bitconnect BCC and ramble on how much extra BCC you have after one year. It's worthless. There is a reason while whole chink team exit scammed.

>> No.16992946

So what would a high IQ person do with the original insane claim from the scammer team? You know, 300 000 tps, dag and smart contracts. Tell me what a high IQ person would do, because I am one of them and you are clearly not. Your pic is misleading as hell.

>> No.16992972
File: 52 KB, 561x539, photo_2019-11-25_14-28-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Didn't read
>not selling

>> No.16992998

>Didn't read
>not selling

>> No.16993098

thanks for the bump kind stranger :>)
>that's it, YOU win the internet today

>> No.16993134


>> No.16993140

poo poo for u

>> No.16993162
File: 265 KB, 300x225, nicolas-cage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double posting
>being this mad about a stupid meme

>> No.16993199

Do you really believe the meme is the problem here, scammer?

>> No.16993321

no I believe you taking it so seriously is the problem, or better yet, your problem

>> No.16993755

Moron. One double posting about an obvious scam where scammers are lying through their teeth and spamming biz every single day, all the day, is so much that you idiots believe THAT is problematic and not your scamming and spamming? How delusional and dishonest are you famtom idiots?

>> No.16993853

lmao dude you've been in this thread for hours. I just got back from fucking my gf and you're STILL posting here? jesus man I'm sorry you're so lonely

>> No.16993886

I am working and posting here takes less than one minute to make a comment. Not everyone is a moron like you that have to stare at the screen, mouth breathing, while waiting for an answer.
>I just got back from fucking my gf
You sound like an animal. Your gf is super lucky to have such a mentally mature and dignified "man", right? Back to your gay porn and scam, loser.

>> No.16993887
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>Bhanchod. One double posting about an obvious scam where scammers are lying through their teeth and spamming biz every single day, all the day, is so much that you idiots believe THAT is problematic and not your scamming and spamming? How delusional and dishonest are you famtom idiots?

>> No.16993898
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>> No.16993925

Fantom morons defending their shitty scam, right there.

>> No.16993937
File: 68 KB, 280x272, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantom morons defending their shitty scam, right there.

>> No.16993946
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, 1576819441951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't defended shit, all I've done is lmao at your life

>> No.16994143

fantom a scam sirs! alI bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us

>> No.16994172

Not buying your bags faggot.
Scam anyway.

>> No.16994188

>all I've done is lmao at your life
You know nothing about my life, homo. Except that I am among those high IQ in your scam pic, while you are clearly not. I made it, and what about you? Even your shitty scams didn't save you, right? Losers and scammers are never happy and generally have a shitty grey life. Yet you idiot believe you can laugh at my life. You fantom scammers are delusional and repulsive. Your shitty scam will fail, sorry.

>> No.16994199
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1579550657588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know nothing about my life, homo. Except that I am among those high IQ in your scam pic, while you are clearly not. I made it, and what about you? Even your shitty scams didn't save you, right? Losers and scammers are never happy and generally have a shitty grey life. Yet you idiot believe you can laugh at my life. You fantom scammers are delusional and repulsive. Your shitty scam will fail, sorry.

>> No.16994226


>> No.16994230


>> No.16994253

pee pee poo poo

>> No.16994271

Bosch is all in PNK now you faggot. Get with it.

>> No.16994275

The face of THE FTM bagholder. FUCK OFF SCAMMER

>> No.16994592
File: 192 KB, 750x739, 1579748719128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does an AI make these posts or are people paid to write this crap?

>> No.16994775

I think its perfectly viable to have both Ethereum and Algorand's chains running together. They serve different purposes, big things to come from the latter for sure.

>> No.16994987

Sorry sirs, mr andy says no time to make dag and only fork ethereum virtual machine cuz explosive diarrhea. What to think sirs? So happy mr andy code reviewer installed toilets at every desk in our call center, so now we can sit on toillett all day while making many, many calls to white old ppl in west and post spam on biz all day 4 selling fantom we made from nothing. Must go now sirs, to continue 2 hustle, hustle. Lord Ganesha, the Hindu elephant god bless u sirs and mr andy. U give much money 2 most hustling ppl in Calcutta.

>> No.16995074

chinked once again

>> No.16995367

Doesn't a little a bit of you die when you open your document and cut and paste this? Be honest. How's looking at yourself in the mirror feel like?

>> No.16995410

>Be honest. How's looking at yourself in the mirror feel like?
Same applies to you, scammer. Now FUCK OFF

>> No.16995569

> believing in a Korean shitcoin
You probably bought ICON too...

>> No.16995722

feelsgoodman. i live to spam jeet fud pasta

fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs! all bhanchod who are invest in this coin will losing his wealth! entire my viIIage destroyed because fantom team make coin dumping onto us. fantom a scam sirs!

>> No.16996003

>Lying through their teeth!
Just imagine being this much of an utter faggot..

>> No.16996041

2020 year of Fantom, Link and UOS
accumulate now or regret later

>> No.16996383

you gonna be balling son

>> No.16996563

They really aren't funny
Stop trying so hard

>> No.16997019

cope no fanties. this is fantom's year

>> No.16997106

I have 50k
I still feel comfy

>> No.16997125

Vidt and ftm for me sir.

>> No.16997146


>> No.16997152
File: 847 KB, 280x158, ShinyScholarlyIrishdraughthorsemax1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Bagholder here. This is mfw

>> No.16997187

>Fantom is the next coin to perpetually fall into goblin town and further
no thanks

>> No.16997191

40k in my bag

>> No.16997208


>> No.16998182

Still no pump and quant is even

>> No.16998922

FTM is AMB 2.0 in the making.
>Muh NDAs with central banks und governments
All fake, no institutions will ever use an unknown shitcoin. ETH has already won.

>> No.16998937

it dumps

>> No.16998990
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 52342221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone just market sold 1 mil on binance a few minutes ago. When will this shitcoin ever stop dumping?

>> No.16999009

nope. its an over priced project that is being shilled by bagholders refusing to sell.

>> No.16999047


>> No.16999061

Maybe find a new hobby anon. I don’t think this crypto thing is for you.

>> No.16999088

Calm down ranjesh

>> No.16999248
File: 171 KB, 457x513, 1555405887146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dumping. Again.

>> No.16999285

Crypto is still in a bear market, and Fantom is still in its infancy. Give it some time

>> No.16999352

Could not even reach 120 sats before falling way back down again. KEK. shit coin is dead.

>> No.16999364

2020 has been great for Bitcoin and strong alts (ETH, Link) so far.
While scams like FTM lost 30% of their sat value. There is hope for the crypto space if things continue like that.

>> No.16999395

>implying the pajeet has an IQ of 90-1110

>> No.16999794

Half of the top 50 are outright scams and another 20 are sketchy economically. You'd be an idiot to invest in high cap alts, ETH and LINK included. Just take small positions in low caps and hope some of them pump while holding BoomerCoin.

>> No.17000161
File: 66 KB, 600x600, Cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd be an idiot to invest in ETH and LINK