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16987834 No.16987834 [Reply] [Original]

Does weed actually makes you less motivated and makes you retarded in long term?

>> No.16987834,1 [INTERNAL] 

It makes you wanna buy more LINK

>> No.16987845

Like a lot of things, it depends on the person. But for some, absolutely.

>> No.16987861
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speaking from experience

>> No.16987874

So what exactly happened?

>> No.16987877
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having money makes you less motivated and retarded long term. weed does too, kind of, but it's nothing compared to money

>> No.16987915


>> No.16987921

i did not have motivation for anything at all, my short time memory decreased alot, stopped smoking it 8 months ago and was the best descision i made. it takes your motivation to learn new things

>> No.16987931

Weed makes you only feel more than the way you feel. If you’re a retard then weed will make you more of one. If you’re lazy then weed will make you lazier.

>> No.16987944

for me it actually motivates me to work, wouldn't have finished college if it wasn't for weed, so it depends on the person I guess

>> No.16988104

>does weed makes you retarded

Don't worry anon, sounds like you're already retarded. You've got nothing to lose

>> No.16988249

yeah it will ruin your life and worst of it is it will do it so slow you won't even notice until it's too late

>> No.16988258

For me yes, turns you into a vegetable in long term.

>> No.16988273

Weed is just weed.

If you are a lazy fuck it has nothing to do with weed.

Bums and millionaires both smoke weed.

>> No.16988311

>>16987834 depends on the dosage and frequency.

>> No.16988374

yes and no
if I have to work on side projects or get things done, forget about it, it's not gonna happen, mostly because you cannot focus on one single thing
if I have to study, I love to smoke and study, I feel like the brain becomes hyperconnected, I feel like having 200IQ, let's say you have a very complicated problem to solve, if you smoke, brain is free to run, and it's gonna find a solution to more problem then the one you are formulating, it's like quantum computing
at least it works for me, but looking at my friends it doesn't work the same way with them (they just enter a vegetable state)
I smoke 1 joint every night

>> No.16988418


>> No.16988425

smoking everyday is retarded if youre on school or a wageslave

>> No.16988447

Can confirm the same effects here

>> No.16989159

it turns your brain into molasses
how many high performers do u know that smoke weed all the time?
it has the negative effects of escapism + hazy brain
pretty shit for anyone trying to win at life desu

>> No.16989176
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This is what I am doing now, but I am trying to have breaks, like 1-2 weeks, not sure if its enough to stay sane.

>> No.16989182

yes and yes, stop smoking now

>> No.16989314


Get out while you can

I think the biggest indicator is long-term smokers develop lifestyles around smoking weed

>> No.16989325

what does /biz/ think about kratom?

>> No.16989329


>> No.16989377

Yes, those that say otherwise haven't been smoking it long enough or are in denial

>> No.16989436

You’ll get symptoms of opiate tolerance / withdrawals and have to begin taking large amounts just to catch a buzz which will just make you sick — not worth it at all

You’ll start to act different during the day when you’re not on it

This is just from short term use and anyone suggesting otherwise is a drug addict

>> No.16989466

Or instead of being a constant user you got into the medical industry and make bank off it. Just because you’re retarded doesn’t mean the rest of us are.

>> No.16989533

You can literally grow hydroponic, acquire a commercial grow license off, and sell to dispensaries for 2500 - 3200 a lb where I’m at. Not to mention processors that buy trim and popcorn. You can’t take advice from half these people here cause they aren’t in the industry.

>> No.16989664


Weed makes you comfortable, satisfied with shit, and will drain your motivation to improve your quality of life besides all the shit becomes acceptable after you smoke.

>> No.16990301


>> No.16990362

This. It's fun but it does ruin you.

>> No.16990469

lol weed opens up your heart and chakras (good weed a least) and has no negative effects besides short term memory.

psilocybin mushrooms can teach you an enormous amount and make you smarter.

anyone telling you psychedelics make you retarded are flat out wrong. yes if you're a lazy fuck weed probably won't help, but there are plenty of people that get shit done and handle their biz stoned everyday.

t. 7 year daily cannabis consumer

>> No.16990579

If by "makes you retarded long term" you mean like an actual, measurable drop in IQ that persists even while you're sober, then no, I'm not aware of any long lasting negative impacts of smoking weed. But I also don't think that most people are especially productive while they're high, so if you smoke constantly, then yeah, you'll most likely accomplish less over a given stretch of time than a similarly competent person who wasn't smoking.

The real danger of weed is that, since there really isn't any hangover (again, speaking for most users), it's entirely too easy to just do it every day and not notice the drop in productivity until you've already formed a habit. But if you treat it like people tend to treat alcohol and just toke up on weekends, then there's no problem. My policy is to only smoke with friends or during a block of time that I've otherwise set aside as "leisure time".

>> No.16990622

Can confirm, once you find the dose to make you feel anything, the next time you take it you'll feel it for 5 mins followed by the worst nausea ever for hours. It's for legit addicts to get off of other things. Useless

>> No.16990642

Only high IQ can operate efficiently on marijuana

>> No.16990646

I tend to agree with Sadhguru on this one lads; he says that weed can be used as a spiritual tool for great beneficial use, but cautions against the misuse of it. He says that weed fucks with your brain essentially if you abuse it; you lose sight of your personal goals and objectives.

>t. Hindu

>> No.16990662

I've smoked for a decade, if anything more and more. My income has tripled, my living situation is far better than it was then, and it's down to a decade of hard work and study. With weed there when I could grab time to relax, and help with my chronic back pain. My only regret is my tolerance is so high these days I only get mildly buzzed from even large amounts of weed. I should probably take a T-break soon.

>> No.16990670

>unironically uses the word chakras
>talks about getting smarter from weed
yikes ngmi

>> No.16990690

I smoke everyday and run a 38 head count start up that bootstrapped on sales.

Employees don’t leave because they love the culture. Branded grinders, papers and vapes for Christmas. Good talent gets recommended and finds us. Everyone works hard, everyone makes money.

Other start ups: everyone hates each other, everyone spends their pay cheque on craft beer and transfats, no women, no sales.

>> No.16990702

> yikes

>> No.16990806

I have been smoking through my university years. Quit because I would distance myself from others, overanalyze my actions to the point where I could not fall asleep at night.
I could never write uni's projects high because I got used to getting high and wasting time watching random youtube videos, also short-term memory got fucked up.

Weed is only good in moderation unless you are well disciplined and not a lazy bum.

>> No.16990869

It screws with short-term memory and if you smoke too young it will disrupt the wiring of your reward centers. It's also horrible for males, go ask /fit/. You'll grow titties.

Honestly, I think that if you're going to use drugs you should skip the weed and go straight for the good stuff. People just accept it as normal because it's so easy to grow and distribute and the idiotic "dude it grows in the ground" logic. A lot of straight up poisons grow in the ground and have natural sources as well. It means nothing.

Coke is the most /biz/ drug. But there is no psychoactive you can take regularly without long-term consequences.