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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 600x400, 1007_Wozniak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16985630 No.16985630 [Reply] [Original]

Are skills just for suckers? Look at Wozniak.

>Woz designed and built the apple computer
>Jobs didn't know anything about computers
>Woz got scammed by Jobs when he wrote code for Atari, and Jobs kept all the money for himself
>Woz cried like a bitch once he found out he got scammed by his personal friend
>Jobs made way more money than Woz even though he didn't code
>Everyone one knows and remembers Jobs, thinks he personally invented Apple computers, while nobody knows who Woz is unless they're neckbeard computer nerds who correctly see themselves in him

It seems like ruthlessly manipulating everyone around you like Jobs did is the real key to success and not "skills", which is just a form of nerd cope.

>> No.16985668

Knowing how to fuck over people without negative consequences is a skill

>> No.16985681

woz won out in the end. he didn't die of pancreatic cancer from a lifetime of sin like jobs did.

>> No.16985695

there is no such thing as no negative consequences, the trick is to accept the price. Look at jews, they are very good at accepting the price that they will hurt people by the tricks they pull and probably be reviled by them for it, but they are OK with it and just do their thing regardless. In a cucked society that is the way forward.

However, the small serving of justice for Jobs screwing over Woz is Gates screwing over Jobs by stealing his OS. Granted, it did not exaclty ruin him, but it make IBM PC compatibles a standard instead of Apple PC. The world might have looked quite differently today, if Jobs had kicked Gates to the kerb instead.

>> No.16985698

>Look at Wozniak.
yup. fucking look at him
Jobs was a grade A arsehole - but without his 'drive'*(1) and ambition*(2), Woz still be in that fucking garage
>*(1) bullying ability
>*(2) greed

>> No.16985706

And how many threads on 4chan do you see asking how to learn how to fuck over people? It's always losers telling other losers that they need to learn sperg stuff like coding, or if they're an extra special kind of stupid, trades.

>> No.16985717

Jobs was a ruthless businessman and a genius marketer. That was his 2 skills.

>> No.16985723

It's almost like people who develop skills are just offering themselves up to be used by those who understand that it's better to tell people with skills what to do and profit from that, rather than waste time working on that stuff themselves. Skillscucks are literally resources to be exploited.

>> No.16985784

You need to know at least the basics of a specific field to scam people.
I'm sure that jobs wasn't a completely ignorant tard.

>> No.16985799

Jobs is dead and Wozniak is alive. Karma got him.

>> No.16985807

He definitely couldn't code or do anything technical. He was just an ideas guy who found a sucker dumb enough to work for him.

>> No.16985820

People fucking over other people is such common behavior that asking to know more about it means you're retarded.

>> No.16985841
File: 786 KB, 1322x908, btc back in the day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it true Steve, when confronted by Woz, simply chewed on a fresh carrot and said. "Ehhh, Woz up Doc?" Then he disappeared in a plume of smoke and went on to invent the ACME iPhone known today as the Apple iPhone, allegedly?

>> No.16985849

If it's so common, what's stopping you then?

>> No.16985888

Cope. The whole world cared when Jobs died. No one will remember Woz except for some nerds.

>> No.16986074

What's stopping you? You're the one who wants to do it, not me.

>> No.16986093

People will remember though. You just remembered now.
>inb4 "but i mean in 500 years"
The internet will be archived exactly as it is probably which means they'll know. It's not like people will be trying to decipher some scroll that is faded or a rock that is broken into a hundred pieces

>> No.16986284

>he thinks that civilization and modern technology won't collapse due to demographic pressures

>> No.16986311

I guess it's fair to ask the question: what is your skill set? Jobs made more because he made business happen. He finessed people. if you're a coder who cannot or will not do this then prepare for a life of coding and not leading...

>> No.16986386

>genius marketer
You check out who did the ‘Think Different’ strategy and what was Jobs initial opinion of it. And we don’t even know who actually came up with ipod. Luck played a much larger role than you can imagine.

>> No.16986399

This, and it has always been this way: manufacturing side makes less $ than selling side.