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16981945 No.16981945 [Reply] [Original]

My boss just texted me implying that I will be fire if I go on vacation for 4 days, even though I gave 2 months advance notice. My family already purchased the tickets and everything. Is there anything I can do?

I do like the job and the money is good, and i'm one of the top performers. But its a tiny company and the boss is very adament about no extended time off for anyone. Should I just cancel it? My family will be pissed

>> No.16981955

4 days isn't extended time off. you're boss is just being a dick. how valuable are you to the people who are higher up than your boss?

>> No.16981956

i usually give notice and then wait for confirmation first. dont you guys need a confirmation from your boss / HR / whoever?

>> No.16981958

I asked my manager, he just said OK send me an email. So I did

>> No.16981963

At my work once the documentation is signed off on it’s a done deal

>> No.16981968

Yeah I'd tell him to fuck off. How hard would it be for you to get another job?

>> No.16981969

what is it you do exactly? what kind of work environment are we talking about here? burger flipper, or working professional?

>> No.16981970

He wants you to suck his dick, he shouldn't have to ask you

>> No.16981972
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Stick up for yourself. Call him and tell him over the phone, or even face to face that you already planned this vacation and that he was well aware of it. If he fires you that job wasn't worth staying at anyway.

>> No.16981989

Bro that’s not somewhere you want to work your essentially a slave. Get back to work now. Look for freedom.

>> No.16982001

also, that you're even asking about this makes it pretty clear how much of a pushover you are at work. your boss is pushing you over because he knows you're too timid to speak directly to him.
you gave 2 months notice, bought tickets, have plans with your family. of course you're going to go. you're boss feeling like he can tell you no is a problem with you more than it is with him imo.

>> No.16982045

Do an epic "fuck you" job walk off and film it for youtube. Think of something clever.

>> No.16982054

I work for a mortgage company. I could get another job but I like my job and coworkers and the money is really good.

>> No.16982059

wagecuck , lol

>> No.16982068

why does your boss feel like he can tell you no, after you already cleared it with him 2 months ago, bought tickets, and made plans?

>> No.16982083

you need to switch your mindset. you don't ask for time off, you tell your employer when you will be taking time off. it's your time.

>> No.16982085

he didnt outright say no, but he just sent an email to everyone saying we're "highly replaceable" for not performing well, and then texted me today saying "why are you going out for a week"

>> No.16982096

is he on drugs or something? are you highly replaceable? hiring is expensive to him.

>> No.16982098

I took 1 day and got axed.

>> No.16982103

you need to fuck this place up on tge way out. places like that with assholes like your boss need to die.

>> No.16982105

fuck your boss sounds based as fuck haha he got you by your tiny balls you little pussy

>> No.16982123

desu, sounds like your company probably has money problems and your boss is having a meltdown cause the ship is about to sink. whether or not he fires you for taking your vacation, you need to start looking for another job.

>> No.16982135

I had a man who literary died at my job. He got hit by a truck 2 weeks ago. He was 67 he worked for the company for 8 years. Model employee. Fuck your boss. We didn't have a day to grieve. We didn't stop to think about him. We just kept going. If your boss is willing to fire you over 4 days take a fucking week.

>> No.16982137


If you gave 2 months in advance he can fuck himself. You are replaceable, enjoy life with your family instead of doing work for some asshat and not even for yourself.

>> No.16982152

Sue that faggot.

>> No.16982155


Good, that means he doesn't need a transitional period where you train someone new

>> No.16982157

Were technically independent contractors, were responsible for our own clients files.

>> No.16982187

Kek, I would reply with my resignation letter.

>> No.16982199


Check your contract for clauses which state that you will be prosecuted if you steal your boss' clients. If you don't, take a long holiday, get 'fired', then contact all of the clients you're on good terms with after and tell them you are sorry but you won't be dealing with them anymore as you're going on your own etc... Leave then a contact number and tell them to get in touch with future business. You'll be surprised.

>> No.16982214

I would get a lawyer seems like a boss, who can’t be reasoned with.

>> No.16982274

Op you might not totally realize it, but this is a pivotal moment for you. Think about what your family is going to think of you if you submit to him like this. What will you think of yourself come next week when you are sitting at your desk with the canceled vacation on your mind? You clearly are struggling with self worth for even considering canceling your trip. You did everything right, gave notice, got confirmation from a manager, he has no right to even send you a text like that. And you should let him know that, but you probably won't. I work for a mortgage company myself, they are thriving all over the right now. You can find another job and I suggest you start looking for one anyway.

>> No.16982329

You have a high paying job. You are being outright told you will lose it if you go for this vacation. The vacation gives you what, 4 days hanging out with your family? Do the costs-benefits analysis. The people telling you to take the vacation are NEETs with a crabs in the bucket mentality. Taking the vacation will lose you a lot more than it gives you.
>but it's a shitty job if they can't let you take 4 days off
If you want to leave it do it on your own timetable, when you already have something else better lined up.

>> No.16982341

Take the vacation. In 30 years, will you really regret not working more? Family is everything anon.

>> No.16982357

Reply “vacation”

>> No.16982361

It’s not about the money, it’s about standing up for yourself and not being a welcome mat. OP went through the process and did everything he had to do to receive his time off, so he should be cleared.
The threatening email in conjunction with the text message should be an automatic red flag. You really gonna sit there and let your boss call you replaceable? I work retail and my boss doesn’t talk to me that way.

>> No.16982437

this is correct

>> No.16982562

don't be a doormat
reply with some detail. "I gave advance notice two months ago that I'd be taking a vacation during that period"

>> No.16982576

Boss here, OP is a pussy, I know he will fold over like the little cum slurping hoe that he is. I'm going to make him come in so I can go on vacation myself. Wagies just NEVER learn, do they?

>> No.16982584

>4 days
>extended time off

>> No.16982664

classic boomer mentality. bro do you like working there? quit and find somewhere where your boss isn't a sociopath ffs. he's abusing your good and a bit timid nature.

>> No.16982669

I got sacked for getting to work at work at 7:58am when I start at 8am.

He told me my last day was today. I rang the director and asked if that's how it is and he said 'if that's what he said then that's how it is'.

A week later the director rang me asking why I didn't ring him asking for my job back and would I like to come back.

Told him to fuck off. That felt good.

Now I earn more than triple what I ever would have earned there with 20+ years exp with less hours and better conditions.

Don't be a mug for anyone.

>> No.16983023
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Americans, I thought you had muh freedom. I have 40 paid days off a week on top of holidays and that’s not even an extraordinary amount. As long as I request longer periods off a week in advance my boss will make it work.

>> No.16983038

This, plus if the boss did that this time makes you wonder what he'll do next time. Huge red flag, leave op

>> No.16983050


>Feels the need to tell you you're highly replaceable

That's a pretty strong sign that you're not highly replaceable. Have you seen the unemployment rate these days? That job is highly replaceable. Employees at any level, right now, are not.

>> No.16983055

>even though I gave 2 months advance notice
Just fucking go. I would personally even quit my job over it.

>> No.16983081

>A week later the director rang me asking why I didn't ring him asking for my job back and would I like to come back.

I would have used that as an opportunity to negotiate a much higher salary, but your response was good too.

>> No.16983090

So much for all of your freedom, stupid amercians!!!
I have 5 paid weeks a year vacation leave
17 per cent super/ retirement on my wage

5 weeks sick leave a year that builds up

>> No.16983101

Its a small company thats only a hear old. Thats why theres no established benefits /pto

>> No.16983223

tell him if he fires you, you will wait in the bushes by his house and fucking kill him and his whole family

>> No.16983227

How do you have 40 days in a week?

>> No.16983331

Autocompleted days off with a week

>> No.16983430


You gave more than adequate notice. If your time off was documented and signed stating that it was okay, then go on vacation. If you come back and you don't have a job, then that job wasn't for you. Another mortgage company would snap you up quickly if you're as talented as you say you are. Jobs are replaceable, family is not. The time you spend with them is precious.

The "you're highly replaceable" tells me all I need to know about that place. It's more likely he's scared of losing a top performer and resorted to empty threats rather than rewards. It's a pit. Don't let yourself sink too deep into it.

>> No.16983444

this sounds like a public sector job

>> No.16983447

>tfw almost unfireable
feels good man

>> No.16983454

stop being a little bitch

he can fire you but just tell him u gave him 2 month notice and you dont wanna hear no more about it

yeah u can be fired but you also have other opportunities

>> No.16983457

>5 weeks of sick leave

is that all paid? i only get 2 weeks lmao

>> No.16983492


>tfw can be a smart ass to higher ups and take vacation leave whenever I want and they don't dare complain
They need me more than I need them

>> No.16983504

Shit on his desk. Big protein ones.

>> No.16983532

Bruh are you actually retarded. Use the HR sluts to your advantage. This is the exact bullshit sob story they love getting behind that fills their empty lives with purpose. Tell your boss this was already approved well in advance and let him know you are informing HR of his threats. Send this over to HR CC the appropriate higher ups and go on vacation.

>> No.16983543

Is the company succesful? Maybe you should start buying stock anonymously.

>> No.16983546
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>tfw I can do my vacation whenever I want

>> No.16983562


>> No.16983565

your senpai is unironically wealthier than your boss.

choose wisely

t. business owner that takes family on vaca

>> No.16983577

Literally this.

Also, it comes down to if you want to be a beta and get treated like shit, or if you want to be a man and stand up for yourself.

Your family means more then some random mortgage broker job. Tell him he was aware of it months in advance, and you will check your emails again when you get back.

Cc in HR/anyone higher.

Also, start looking for new work now.

>> No.16983624

Record everything, go on vacation, and sue if he fires you

>> No.16983639

The life of the wageslave, lmao

>> No.16983655

>self described as top performer
>email says people who don’t perform well are easily replaceable
The email doesn’t even pertain to you then, does it?
>”Why are you taking the week off”
>You gave management two months notice and got the OK
Stop being a pussy and just tell him. It’s not a threat if you’re not lying about your performance. You’re untouchable. Pussy.

>> No.16983696

You're caving, have some self respect man! I will share a story.

I had a job for nearly 2 years. The majority of the time my supervisor a pathetic woman with self esteem issues constantly used me. Long story short I intended to quit BUT not before I used up as much of my time off as possible. I lied so I could get as much time as possible. She kept turning it down even after I lied about it being a family emergency. She started accusing me of wanting to quit and that she needs me just like my family! Got pist off right there while I was faking a sad countenance. My hand was gripping my badge in my pocket while i sat ready to slam it down on the desk. However I was lying and wanted to screw them over by getting my pay. Needless to say I beat her on the bluff, had I not been bluffing I would've quit on the spot and said stuff that would've hurt her mentally long after I was gone. Her responses were utterly disrespectful especially later on where she told me that I HAVE TO tell her if I'm leaving early for an emergency. Oh yeah a real emergency happens, let me go tell my former supervisor before I go. Freaking bullshit!!! Especially when other office teams didn't get butthuet when an underling left due to an emergency with no notice. More disrespect over the next few weeks as I ran out as much paid time off before quitting at the end of the day during the busiest time of the year.

t. Unemployed dude working on a way to escape ever having to wagecuck again

>> No.16983740

dude have you seen the movie office space?
you should do that hahaha

>> No.16983851

Jesus Christ am I thankful to be a NEET.

>> No.16984528

100% op wont update status, so fuck you enjoy sucking your boss dick

>> No.16984643

Have fun being a doormat. You will always be the employee never the boss

>> No.16984692

>the literal state of americucks

Can't even imagine how it is to live without my 7 weeks of paid holidays per year + 12 days of paid bank holidays

>> No.16984724

Go to HR report it as harassment.
Then quit.
Then sue the fuck out of him for violating federal labor laws.

Fucking wage slave mentality none of you faggots even know the law and how easy it is to sue Boomer fucktards that run companies like this.

>> No.16984761

Sue him for what labor laws? Do you know what"at-will employment" means?

>> No.16984764

Most of them have heard mentality. Just a bunch of cattle going through the motions deluding themselves along the way.

>> No.16984783

This is why you join a union

>> No.16984792

how do you fuckers get so much paid annual leave?

>> No.16984825

American here, can confirm.
Honestly it has caused me to hate a lot of people constantly deluding themselves to keep working at a dead end job. It's like I'm completely unable to communicate with them.

>> No.16984842
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>having a job to begin with

>> No.16984849

Employers cannot engage in harassment and/or denial of contractually obligated benefits or threatening behavior. We live in a cucked HR loony toon world but you CAN USE THAT to your advantage and yes this is federal law.

You cannot send mass emails threatening employees it's fucking illegal the problem is people have such a wagie mentality very few people ever do shit about it except women and niggers. Smaller companies especially those started by retard boomers usually engage in shit like this because the owner thinks he can get away with it and the feds don't pay attention to small guys UNLESS someone sues or reports.

Op could totally ass fuck that place to death on the way out if he documents it all.

At will does not mean federal laws don't exist.
Exactly. Fucking wagies dude. You niggers realize if everyone re unionized how fucked these kikes would be?
>but muh automation
The self driving trucks crash the automated burger machines broke down and couldn't be repaired so far every attempt at automating to avoid unions has failed.
Not even a union fag just using this as an example. You stop being slave the day you stop accept being a slave.

>> No.16984897

Europeans are the same way. They are just cucked to the state. What happens when you criticize your immigration policy?

>> No.16985006

Say "I'm going on vacation, just like I informed you 2 months ago. I'll be back in 4 days."
If he tries to be a bitch about it, just quit. Are you gonna be a man or a doormat, an alpha or a pussy? You have done literally nothing wrong, so don't think to hard. You deserve that vacation.

>> No.16985183

Alright faggot here's my cost benefit analysis
>spend my few precious days off with the people I love and cherish
>make sure I'm a super good employee so Mr. Shekelburg gives me that 1.5% raise next year!
Now post nose

>> No.16985312

Aren't you unionised? If you're not unionised then you can be fired for anything at any time no matter how much advanced notice you give. And you can't do anything about it because lawyers are super expensive.

Your boss' job is to make sure you work as much as possible for as little pay as possible. It is not his responsibility to ensure that you can have vacation or a nice wage or whatever. You have to strongarm and force the company to give you paid vacations or whatever you want. But you can't do that without unionising though.

>> No.16985363


>firing an top performing employee with individual customers

lmao is your boss high? When you ask for vacation he should be answering "how long"

>> No.16985364

The only reasonable response. HR departments exists for a reason, make use of it.

>> No.16985374

>crabs in the bucket mentality
also known as normies and wagies

>> No.16985432

If you really want to be nonconfrontational, ask him if he is willing to reimburse the plane tickets.

Puts the ball back in his field and gives you even more ammo for him being unreasonable.

>> No.16985468

Id check your contract and seek legal assistance
This is a good option, this Id do. Fuck your boss

>> No.16985473

you are the kind of person who gets cucked in life

>> No.16985597

Imagine signing documents to go on a holiday. Amerifats are something else.

>> No.16985618

Just Europe and a pretty flat hierarchy in a small-medium company.

>> No.16985623

HR exists to protect the company from litigation. Not to help or protect the employee.

>> No.16985925

1.5% raise next year?
what are you talking about, what 0.5% raise?
did anyone hear? he wants 0.001% raise next year!
help, police! i'll sue you, we'll see about that 1.5% you owe me! you hear me!?

>> No.16986048

>he just sent an email to everyone saying we're "highly replaceable" for not performing well
If I was you, I'd put in my 2 weeks notice at the spot, and leave.
That is, by mass replying to the email, and if you could, add everyone in CCO, so they see what you reply, but he isn't aware at the beginning lmao.

"Hi, Boss-anon, as the company seems to be going to shit, and your work-ethics are utterly ridiculous and straight-up insulting, I hereby enclose my 2-weeks notice, formally ending my contract with the company on the Somethingth of February.

Best of luck with the rest of the bullshit, and with your shit-tier management skills. Chao"

>> No.16986057

>Were technically independent contractors, were responsible for our own clients files.
And that's when you don't work for a 3rd party, if you are, by all means, an independent employee.

I know it's hard out there, but the fault is on you for depending on a 3rd party for a job which is 104% on you, with 0 external aid.

I suspect you are basically in a piramidal scheme, and it's ridiculous - Change jobs man, even McDonelds is better.

>> No.16986079

>You have a high paying job.
He never said this, you mongoloid, and by everything OP is replying, it seems like it's a mid-tier job, which isn't really worth it.

Also, we don't know if OP's "family" means wife and children, or mother, father and siblings.

For all purposes, unless OP is earning at least 85%-115% of the average income, I'd say they should flip their boss off, and take a well-deserved vacations.

Here in my country, for my age (20-25), a 18-21k job is the standard, and approaching luxury standard.

I dropped out of a 24k job, which many would seethe to get, only to study a stupid degree, and after 1 year and a half I dropped the degree at half-complection because I got a 30k job, which is 12k above the normal salary the 70% of people earn in my country.

So yeah, don't kill yourself over a shitty pay, just drop it. There are more jobs out there (if OP really is good at his job)

>> No.16986082

>The threatening email in conjunction with the text message should be an automatic red flag.
The threatening email should be an absolute BioHazard city-wide alert by itself.
What kind of fucking manager outright tells his employees that they are garbage and can be replaced?
Unless we are only getting one side of the story, and OP and his colleages really are garbage.

>> No.16986155


Tell him you’ll murder him if he ever takes that tone again.

Make sure you mean it.

>> No.16986235

Never threaten people. Just murder him if he is out of line.

>> No.16986282

And this, my friends, is how you play the job market and hiring managers at their own game. Well done, lad

>> No.16986307

>how do you fuckers get so much paid annual leave?

By having extremely unproductive economies. Americans could do with more paid time off across the board, but euros go too far in the opposite direction.

>> No.16986308



>> No.16986313

Can't you sue for shit like that?q

>> No.16986585

Don't be a slave. Go on the vacation and if you're fired then it was for the best was it not? Now you can work under someone not as tyrannical. That's been my mindset anyway.

>> No.16986686

>I got sacked for getting to work at work at 7:58am when I start at 8am.
nice larp, i dont believe a company can be that retarded.

>> No.16987496

If a job start at 8 am but the job requires 15 minute preparation time (eg. driving job where you need to pre-trip inspect your vehicle), then coming at 7:58 am is completely unacceptable

>> No.16987605

OP I wouldn’t even reply if I was you and would just take the vacation.
Silence is very powerful and most of the time people are just testing you to see what they can get away with. They don’t want smoke

>> No.16987677

If you’re paid starting at 8:00 then pre-trip inspection starts at 8:00. Can’t believe you retarded Americans.

If preparation is not part of my job and I’m not paid for it I obviously don’t have to do it.

>> No.16987686

It's a wrongful termination if you're using the time allotted to you to vacation.